The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 217: I can lose everything except you

Qin Jue didn't react much when he heard the words, because he was full of thoughts, still occupied by that dream.

How many of the dreams are true and how many are false?

He...when can he wake up and try it once?

Seeing Qin Jue meditating, Xie Linlang was a little nervous, and her tone suddenly became serious.

"Well, now that you and I are all fine, then this matter is over. You were unconscious last night, and I don't blame you for anything, anyway, there is no next time!"

"In addition, if your injury is not a major problem, then there is a business that needs you to do."

Qin Jue gradually gathered his divergent thinking when he heard the words. He moved his shoulder lightly and found that it did not hurt much. The instillation of a lot of internal force not only doubled his strength, but also made him reborn.

It's just that next, he must spend almost a year to "digest" and turn the foreign into his own, but no matter what, this is a shortcut that others can't imagine.

No wonder, it's no wonder Xiao Xi hasn't told him this, how many secrets are there in Lin Lang that he doesn't know?

Xie Linlang didn't know Qin Jue's thoughts. The token she snatched from He Shao was handed over to him.

"At the moment, Xichuanhou's body must have been found. He is an important chess piece deployed by the Niao State. Once he dies, the Niao State will definitely abandon the subsequent deployment and start early.

So you must rush to the Xichuan Forest as soon as possible, find the main general, and help him regain sovereignty, kill the mutineers, and stabilize the garrison. Otherwise, the 80,000 garrison may not even be able to catch the first wave of the Marsh country. "

When Xie Linlang said this, the whole person had calmed down. She held Qin Jue's hand and token with an extremely solemn expression.

"I know this is dangerous, but I believe that you can do it, right?"

Qin Jue did not hesitate naturally, but he was very worried about Lin Lang.

"Are you going back to Xiangcheng?"

Xie Linlang nodded, "I will help you guard the rear."

Qin Jue pressed his lips and didn't speak. Although Lin Lang didn't explain it thoroughly, he could guess her worries based on some details.

This time, Marsh State is coming so aggressively, as if it is sure of victory. Apart from its steady deployment, what else does it have to rely on? There are nothing more than two, a domestic traitor and a foreign aid.

Not to mention the traitors, since the Numa Kingdom can infiltrate the city of Xichuan, it must have infiltrated part of the imperial court.

As for foreign aid, now the North has just become a nation, and there are still a lot of things to deal with. It is impossible to spare a hand to jointly attack Daqin. Then there is only one foreign aid that can bring strong self-confidence to the country, and that is Ze Guo!

There are heavy troops on the border between Daqin and Zeguo. If Zeguo launches an offensive by land, it will lose its unexpected effect.

So they are very likely to choose the waterway. If they come by waterway, the first city they encounter is Xiangcheng!

However, these are just his guesses. It is very likely that the Swamp State did not invite foreign aid, or it did not invite foreign aid that borders Daqin.

If this is the case, Lin Lang will be very safe in Xiangcheng. No matter how to fight in the interior, the Qilian Mountains will be a barrier, and it will not affect her.

But if his guess is true, then Lin Lang will not be under less pressure than him. In this case, how could he feel relieved?

Seeing his silence, Xie Linlang knew he was thinking of going with him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about me at all, are you? Even if we guessed correctly, and Zeguo really joined forces with Numaguo, then I wouldn't be in danger.

Xiangcheng is a place with a very special geographical location. The water barrier you repaired on the water can be my first line of defense. If it is broken, I will still have the city gate as the second line of defense. If the city is broken, I still have black Shuihe's oil is the third line of defense, which is really impossible. I let everyone retreat to the Qilian Mountains and I have the fourth line of defense.

And beside me, there are people left by you, as well as the citizens of Xiangcheng.

So no matter what, I will have nothing to do, but you, before you find the master, you may have to fight alone.

In order to avoid being scared, you can't bring too many people around, which will make you more dangerous.

Even if you find the main general before the enemy and stabilize the garrison, then you have to face the anger from the marsh country.

The marsh country has been arranged for so long, and it is obviously a difficult opponent. When it completely reveals its minions, you can only rely on yourself.

Whether you can surrender the garrison, whether you can lead your troops to resist the first assault of Marsh Country, and whether you can break a **** path in the chaos, this is your chance and mine. "

When Xie Linlang said this, he paused, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at Qin Jue's eyes. The winter sun shone on her through the cracks in the stones, making her smile extremely warm and pure.

"Just as you are worried about me, I am also worried about you."

"But we will be the final winner, right?"

Her soothing tone calmed Qin Jue's worries a little bit.

Also, his Linlang is so powerful, she even saw Xiangcheng special a few years ago, so she has been deploying.

How can she be so good? On the contrary, he had to work harder to catch up with her.

After thinking about this, Qin Jue suddenly reached out and hugged Xie Linlang, and hugged her tightly.

In the cave, he murmured against her neck.

"I will seize every opportunity to win! I won't let you down!

You must also protect yourself, I can lose everything, but I must not lose you. "

Qin Jue's words caused Xie Linlang's heart to jump twice. At that moment, Qin Jue, who was still a little young, seemed to grow up suddenly and became a man who was stalwart and calm and let people lean on.

Xie Linlang smiled at this thought.

It was she... who made him a man.

After that, Xie Linlang did not delay, and after discussing the details with Qin Jue, he left first.

Qin Jue watched her leave with a solemn expression. After seeing her suddenly turn around and give him a "cheering" action, all the deserted faces turned into a smile that was gentler than Dongyang.

He really likes Lin Lang... He wants her, wants to possess her, wants her to have only herself in the world, and wants to make the fragments in his mind become reality every night.

And the prerequisite for all this is that this time, he can only win, not lose.

He must live, seize this opportunity to take revenge, and put an end to everything.

He can only love her wholeheartedly if he no longer bears hatred.

He doesn't want to pass, but he wants the future, wants her future.

With this thought, countless migratory birds flew up in the forest on the horizon, and a great battle was coming, this time, it was also his battlefield.

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