The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 218: Whether true or false, he loves her

Qin Jue turned around, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly took a deep look at the cave.

Everything about last night must have a secret, Lin Lang's topic changed too fast, there must be something to hide from him.

And that dream, that overly real dream, is it really a dream?

It's just that it's not the best time to find out. When everything is over, he will have time to uncover her layer by layer.

...After the buffer just now, he is no longer so anxious.

Anyway, no matter what she concealed, whether it was a man or a woman, true or false, he loved her.

Love her very much.

Thinking of this, Qin Jue stood outside the cave and suddenly slapped a palm at the stone wall!

This was the first time he used the newly acquired internal power. That power was pure and majestic, and instantly blasted a feldspar slab, causing the entrance to the cave to completely collapse, preventing outsiders from getting in.

After doing all this, he rushed to Xichuan Forest while contacting the subordinates he had brought before.

At this time, the Xichuan Forest is full of enemies. Seeing that the situation changes, the Numa Kingdom may act in advance at any time. In other words, every next step he needs to race against!

The various forces are quietly operating, and Xie Linlang is also rushing back at the fastest speed.

As a god-level war five scum who can't easily use force, even if Xie Linlang goes back, it seems that he can't bring any hindrance to the plan of Marsh Kingdom.

But in troubled times, the best thing to use is not only the fist but also the brain, which Xie Linlang knew, and the enemy knew it.

So in the middle of the night a few days later, on an official road surrounded by many villages, Xie Linlang's horse was suddenly stopped by a group of people.

There were not many people in this group, but they were well-trained. At first glance, they were all Lianjiazi. Xie Linlang raised his head and raised an eyebrow slightly.

"You are on that road, do you know who I am? Just stop my way!"

The headed masked man spoke in Mandarin with a slight accent.

"City Lord Xie, my master has requested, and I would like to thank the city lord to show his face, the master said, there is a good gift to send."

When Xie Linlang heard the other party’s accent, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. The people of Ze and Qin spoke a kind of Mandarin, but Zeguo changed it later. They didn’t speak this language before. It was only a few decades ago. Popularize from top to bottom.

So the nobles in Zeguo generally don't have an accent, but the people below have not changed thoroughly.

She thought to herself, and then jumped off the horse.

"Since someone made a special trip to find, there is no reason for this city lord, let's lead the way!"

She spoke frankly, because she was prepared.

When Nishikawa Hou is dead, Marsh Country will definitely act. If Ze Country is its ally, it is impossible not to show up.

But she didn't expect the other party to be so gentle. She thought that the other party would face each other with swords...

Xie Linlang thought while following the guards.

It was quiet in the middle of the night, with only a bright moon hanging high. At the end of the rugged mountain road, there was a small pavilion hidden in the night. Four lights were lit in the small pavilion to illuminate a person. It seemed that he seemed Pour and drink.

Xie Linlang squinted her eyes and walked over generously.

After entering the pavilion, the guards in the dark all retreated. Xie Linlang did not sit either, but stood in front of the opponent and looked at him up and down.

The visitor was obviously a nobleman from Ze State. He was wearing a dark golden robe with long hair without a crown. He only wore a golden hairpin at random, looking very romantic.

Equal to his temperament are his gentle and affectionate eyes and the corners of his naturally smiling lips.

He is very good-looking and has the potential to be a popular lover. Based on his appearance and relaxed temperament, Xie Linlang believes that he should be very popular in Zeguo.

Just listen to him speak first and watch her praise.

"This king thought that the Snake Spirit Saintess of Marsh Country, and the leader of Zeguo's show, was already God's most perfect masterpiece, but he didn't want to think that the truly beautiful beauty was hidden in Daqin, and he was still a man."

The corner of Xie Linlang's mouth twitched, but she knew very well how the people of Ze Guo speak, so she replied insincerely.

"You are also very good-looking, so let's just say it, what is your intention in coming to this city lord? What kind of gift do you want to give this city lord?"

Now that the situation is so tense, she doesn't have any time to waste, and the person in front of her is not a good person. While he said to give himself gifts, he was also harassing the waters along the border of Xiangcheng. These were all Xiaoxi Flying Pigeons before. The book told her.

She was so incomprehensible and made the man very sorry. He stood up, his brocade robe flowing with a dark golden luster, just like his eyeballs, in fact, there are also hidden gold.

"For an official introduction, this king is the sixth son of the contemporary monarch of Ze Kingdom, Chang Qi Luoshu, and Xie Chengzhu. This king came from a long distance, naturally with sincerity."

Xie Linlang let out an "Oh" and watched him not move.

The actions of the person in front of him, as well as the look in the eyes of people, seemed to have a somewhat seductive taste, but it was a pity that Xie Linlang had not experienced anything? No matter how beautiful a person is, it is impossible to influence her judgment.

Seeing her unmoved appearance, Chang Qi Luoshu couldn't help but smile slightly, her gorgeous peach eyes narrowed, and she was a little more charming for no reason.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a scroll from the dark golden sleeves, and took a few steps forward, personally handed the scroll to Xie Linlang's hand, and motioned her to open it.

Xie Linlang was a little curious. She opened it and saw that there was a map drawn on it. The location marked on the map was one of the islands under the jurisdiction of Ze State. The area was huge, equivalent to the size of seven or eight Xiangcheng.

Seeing her raising her eyebrows, Chang Qi Luoshu said straightforwardly.

"What City Lord Xie sees now is the largest of the islands under the border of Ze State.

It is rich in resources, self-sufficient, and there are sea cliffs in all directions. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Before it is conquered, it is known as a paradise where gods live. "

Seeing that Xie Linlang didn't answer, Chang Qi Luoshu continued to use his soft voice and said with a smile.

"In order to win it, Zeguo didn't know how many navy forces were lost, and it is not far from here. If you take a boat, you can reach it in three days."

Xie Linlang knows that place, the most amazing thing about that island is its high altitude. It is surrounded by black sea cliffs about ten feet high on all sides. If a city wall can be built on the sea cliff, then military defense can be deployed. , Others want to conquer from the bottom up, it is very difficult.

At that time, the indigenous people on the small island took advantage of this natural danger to fight against the navy of Heze country for nearly half a year.

Chang Qi Luoshu walked slowly around Xie Linlang and said softly.

"As long as the island belongs to City Lord Xie, then City Lord Xie will never have to participate in the right and wrong on the land. He can build a country on the island and be self-sufficient.

Presumably thanks to the ability of the city lord, this island will be built as a solid foundation, making it a real paradise...

To get it, City Lord Xie only needs to do one thing, and that is to ignore the next situation in the Central Plains. "

"The mediocre people in Daqin Chaotang drove you here with despicable means. Why should you care about them? It's better to live in a corner, stay away from the world, and be a happy and happy fairy...

How about, City Lord Xie, is the sincerity of this king more sincere than everyone you meet? "

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