Xie Linlang held the scroll and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You are right. Since the city lord came into office, there have been countless temptations, and you are indeed the most exciting one."

Having a sea fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and building a paradise isolated from the rest of the world, just think about it, I feel beautiful.

Chang Qi Luoshu heard the words and smiled and took out a deed. "City Lord Xie feels that his heart is moved. As long as the city lord Xie signs a contract on this deed, our transaction can be concluded. There is no need to worry. This king has turned his back, and the credibility of the Ze royal family is known to the world!"

He didn't lie. Originally, before Zeguo accepted the Central Plains culture, it was commonplace to go back and forth. Later, after contacting the Central Plains culture, they not only changed their language, but also began to move closer to the Central Plains in all aspects.

And the royal family set an example, not only learned the essence of these cultures, but also resolutely carried forward!

It's just that the royal family of Zeguo is credible, and the people below have not been able to change it. It is as if Xie Linlang's merchant ship had signed a contract with Zeguo City Shipping Department before, and they still raised taxes if they wanted to increase taxes.

Seeing him hand over the Qi Shu, Xie Linlang reached out and blocked it.

"Lord, wait a minute. Although the lord of the city is heartbeat, I forgive me for not agreeing to this transaction."

She changed her name and emphasized that this decision only represents an individual, which makes Chang Qi Luoshu very confused.

"Why? Xie City Lord feels that this king's sincerity is not enough? Then this king can add more!"

Xie Linlang shook his head, "Because I have already decided to do something. I will not make a decision that contradicts it until I finish it."

Chang Qi Luoshu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Even if this decision can bring you more benefits, you will not waver? In Zhongyuan's words, wouldn't you be stubborn and pedantic?"

Hearing what he said, Xie Linlang couldn't help but smile, she was already stunning, suddenly showing her face, Chang Qi Luoshu was stunned, and suddenly she forgot where she was talking.

Xie Linlang's eyes were clear and straight, and she said every word.

"This is not stubbornness and pedantic, but a talk of experience. When a person commits an event wholeheartedly, as long as the direction is right, he will gain from working hard.

But if she was shaken in the process and half-hearted, the result would definitely not be good. "

Chang Qi Luoshu paused before continuing, "Not necessarily? For a better choice, how could there be no better future?"

"But the question is, what is the better choice?" Xie Linlang asked back, looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

"People are very greedy and want everything. Once they have a choice, they will fall into hesitation. Opportunities are always fleeting. The consequence of hesitation is that both sides fail to get well.

There are very few people who can make decisive choices, so it is better for most people to have no choice than no choice. The choice itself is a trap given by fate. "

Chang Qi Luoshu didn't expect Xie Linlang to say such a thing, he asked a little strangely.

"But most of these people don't include City Lord Xie? After all, City Lord Xie is so decisive."

Just like the secret pile reported, he just refused his deal extremely decisively.

Xie Linlang smiled bitterly when she heard the words, and said in a very soft voice.

"I was not like this before."

Her words seemed to have deep meaning. Just as Chang Qi Luoshu wanted to ask again, Xie Linlang suddenly changed her aura and became a little sharp.

"In short, the lord's kindness has been accepted by the lord, but the lord of the lord still said that, do not accept, and will not waver."

As soon as she said this, the distance between the two instantly widened. Chang Qi Luoshu narrowed his dark golden eyes, and his gentle voice quietly became dangerous.

"As the saying goes, first salute and then soldiers, this king cannot bear the life of Xiangcheng, so he ventured to visit the city lord. If the city lord does this, he will not be afraid that one day the blood will flow in a river, but it will be too late to regret?"

Xie Linlang raised an eyebrow and smiled.

She bowed her hand to him, and then turned around resolutely.

In the thick night, she waved her back to him on the path full of moonlight, and at the same time, the somewhat ostentatious voice followed.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to fight, you can fight, I Xie Linlang is in the Red River Valley, welcome you!"

Her voice reverberated among the hills, and it didn't sound fearful, only self-confidence and freedom.

Chang Qi Luoshu stood in the pavilion and looked at her back. For some reason, he thought of Xie Linlang's evaluation of Xie Linlang.

——Courageous and strategic, love and righteousness, wise and courageous, amazing talent.

When he saw it at the time, he was still a little surprised, thinking that his subordinates were exaggerating, because it is impossible for Da Qin to have such a talent.

When he was studying the culture of the Central Plains, he was not only fascinated by the celebrities depicted in the book.

But after getting in touch with the people of Qin, he was left with regret.

The essence of those cultures has been abandoned by themselves, and what is left is ambitious, pedantic and conservative. The culturally splendid era depicted in the book has long since disappeared, and the rest is dross.

But after a brief exchange with Xie Linlang, he felt that he was narrow-minded. Xie Linlang had a long-distance temperament that was hard to find in time, which he had never seen before.

And her conversation, her manners, all show him what is the real personality of a celebrity.

It turns out that Daqin still has celebrities, and perhaps only a country with a solid foundation like Daqin can raise such celebrities...

At this moment, he not only didn't feel that his subordinates exaggerated, he even wanted to add four words after "Awesome Talent"-"Feng Hua Wu Shuang"

That's right, Xie Linlang is not only amazingly talented, but also looks good. These subordinates did not know what happened, and even missed such important information, which made him think that Xie Linlang was very ordinary...

Seeing Xie Linlang walking away, the hidden guard appeared silently, kneeling on one knee beside Chang Qi Luoshu and said.

"Master, do you need to stop him?"

Chang Qiluoshu chuckled softly when he heard the words, "He didn't use martial arts the first time he saw this king because he was surrounded by villages, but that doesn't mean that he is under the control of others. Why should you force him to die? What?"

The dark guards stopped talking, and if the information was true, they were indeed not opponents.

"Well, see you directly on the battlefield. Although this Xie Linlang is excellent, after all, he is still young and has limited experience. This king really doesn't believe that if Xiangcheng has him, there will be variables. The emperor is still too cautious."

When he said this, he paused and said, "But be careful when you go back, and be careful not to ambush Xie Linlang."

"Yes, Lord!"

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