The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 220: Going the way of others leaves him nowhere

On the other side, Qin Jue cut off a person's head with a sword and stood among the corpses.

Although he only brought four people over, secretly, he ordered a small group of people to follow, but these people will arrive a few days later than him. At this time, they gathered together and all came to Xichuan Forest with him.

It was freezing cold, and most of the living creatures in the forest had disappeared.

It's just that the virgin forest vegetation is lush, it is very difficult to act, and from time to time you can encounter the enemy hunting team, wanting to find the master in this situation is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

At this time, the subordinates dressed in tight and strong clothes came back and said.

"Master, after inspection, there are no other enemies in Fangyuansanli, do you want to camp?"

Qin Jue looked at the moon rising high, nodded, "Set up camp."

The subordinate took the order and went quickly, and Qin Jue was thinking while wiping the sword in his hand.

According to the information obtained from the interrogation, the enemy had discovered the trail of the main general the day before yesterday, but he was protected by cronies around him, and the main general escaped once again. The guards around him have dropped sharply and the situation has become more dangerous.

As soon as Nishikawa Hou died, Marsh Nation would probably go to war without making follow-up deployments. If he could not get Tiger Talisman and rectify the garrison before Marsh Nation started the war, the garrison in the scattered sand would not even be able to withstand the first wave of attacks. , At that time, the blood will flow into a river!

Time is so tight that there is not much time left for him. He can't focus all of his attention on the leader. He must have other countermeasures.

Qin Jue sat on the stone, leaning on the copper sword, closed his eyes and thought deeply.

At this time, his black outfit had been stained with blood, and the blood stains were slightly solidified under the action of the cold wind, making him smell of cold iron blood from the hair to the corner of his robe.

He is really different. It is not only the powerful aura brought by the multiplication of skill, but also the transformation of him.

If you could still see the youthful spirit in him before, but now, he has been polished, calm and restrained, and become an absolutely trustworthy powerhouse.

The surrounding subordinates have completed their camp, and are healing their wounds and preparing food. At this time, Qin Jue suddenly had an idea.

Lin Lang said that you can't admit the truth when you look at a problem. When a road fails, you have to go from another angle. When your own path fails, you can still go the other side's path.

When Qin Jue thought of this, his condensed eyebrows suddenly opened up, and the corners of his tight lips curled up slightly, and finally turned into a doting smile.

His Alang is still waiting for him.

Seeing him suddenly getting up, the surrounding subordinates all looked over, and the headed guard said.

"Master, what's your order?"

Qin Jue raised the sword in a cold voice.

"Next change our strategy. Our main purpose is not to find the main general, but to hunt down all enemies who enter this forest."

Everyone was a little puzzled. According to the news, the three lieutenants all defected, and each of them had a token in his hand, and a token could dispatch 10,000 troops.

Among the three lieutenants at present, one He Shao is dead and two are left. In other words, there are still 20,000 people in the hands of the opponent.

Because Marsh Kingdom was about to start a war, the two lieutenants were more anxious than them, and fearing that there would be a change, they personally took most of their troops into the forest.

How easy is it to kill all these people? This plan is obviously more difficult than simply finding the Lord General!

They can think of Qin Jue naturally, but he has 10,000 people to call besides his subordinates.

Fortunately, the western garrison denied the order so that he could implement the next plan. He walked to the side of the map opened by his subordinates, squatted down, and said in a deep voice.

"Xichuan Forest is not a whole. It is divided into many areas by the Gumi River. Look at this piece of forest. It is completely separated by the Gumi River and surrounded by water on three sides. It is just for our use!"

Everyone listened quietly, they were all elites among the dark guards, so they could naturally follow Qin Jue's thoughts, just listen to him continue.

"I have asked Bai Heng to take the token to lead the soldiers. He sees my signal and will directly follow the signal to find me.

In addition, in the previous strangulation, we obtained a large number of signal fireworks belonging to the enemy. After that, we only need to rush to this position first and continuously release fireworks and wolf smoke. The enemy in the forest sees the signal and thinks we have found the main general. Will come and check. "

"At that time, we will use some people to pretend to be the chief generals, lure the incoming enemies into traps one by one, kill them in batches, and then set the rest on the periphery, not letting any fish slip through the net.

If they assemble and arrive together, then lure them into a trap and set fire to this area directly. With the Gumi River isolated, the fire can be controlled no matter how strong it is. "

Qin Jue did not have to kill everyone in this arrangement. In his plan, the two lieutenants would definitely come over to check when they heard the movement. At that time, he would have the opportunity to **** the token and end the rest. Of killing.

Another point is that the louder he is, the more firepower he attracts.

The Lord General hiding in the Xichuan Forest found this opportunity, and he might have taken advantage of the chaos to escape to the barracks and protect himself with tiger charms. By then, he would have achieved his goal indirectly.

After listening, everyone took their orders. They didn't set up camp anymore, but rushed to the area overnight.


The darkness on the side of the day gradually faded, and when the Venus in the sky became brighter, a series of fireworks suddenly sounded in the silent forest.

Bunches of colorful fireworks bloomed one after another, alarming a group of migratory birds. For a while, everyone in the forest opened their eyes and looked in this direction...

Everything that follows can be regarded as Scarlet Dawn, and an action called the Great Knife is being staged.

On the eve of the war, it is impossible to be calm, some are just cruel.

After Xie Linlang arrived in Xiangcheng, he found that the atmosphere in Xiangcheng was also very solemn.

Because the Zeguo naval forces had been harassing their water transportation, the people in the city had already sensed the danger and knew they were about to fight.

This is a very bad thing, but under the pressure of the general environment, it is not something they can avoid if they want to avoid it.

After Xie Linlang returned to the city lord's mansion, before he could take a breath, countless people came to reply.

She walked into the study and took the tea from Xiaoxi, flipped through the urgent letters on the table, and listened to their reports.

Seeing that she was the only one coming back, Old Huang couldn't help asking.

"My Lord, why didn't you see your Highness?"

Xie Linlang replied without raising her head, "He has more important things to do, and there is no shortage of manpower on his side for the time being, everyone on your side will call for me next.

Her words are as effective as Qin Jue's words. Huang Lao nodded, and told her one by one the water situation during this time...

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