Because Xie Linlang had defeated the water bandits before and deterred the pirates, later, when Xie Linlang went for maritime trade, he easily reached a deal with them.

As long as they don't rob or offend Xiangcheng's goods, then she will not trouble them, and if they are willing to contribute to the shipping, then she can still give them a share.

Under the deterrence of force and the lure of interest, the water bandits surrendered one after another, and the two sides temporarily reached a friendly relationship.

In order to deepen the bond, Xie Linlang also sent their children to Xiangcheng for education.

The water bandit pirates agreed without much hesitation. After all, they weren't forced. Who would be willing to be a water bandit? And even though Xie Linlang was ferocious, they still believed in her character and believed that she would not attack innocent people.

With this level of connection, the relationship between the water bandits and Xiangcheng has become closer and closer. Of course, on the surface, they still do not offend the river, but once they have any news, they will tell Xie Linlang the first time, such as this Times.

Before Ze State’s navy forces harassed Xiangcheng this time, Xie Linlang received a reminder from the water bandits that Ze State wanted to buy them so that they would not get in the way, and let the waterway open so that Ze State’s navy could pass through without obstruction Xiangcheng.

It is precisely because of their whistleblowing that the sudden harassment by Ze Guo did not bring much loss to Xiang Cheng, and Xie Linlang could gain insight into the situation in advance and make predictions.

This time Huang Lao came over to tell Xie Linlang the movement of the Zeguo naval forces reported by the water bandits.

After he finished talking to her about the situation on the water, he talked about the situation in the Red River Valley.

"At the moment, the Red River Valley has been rebuilt according to the proposal of the Lord Lord. If the Zeguo naval forces really launch a water war, then the Red River Valley will become Xiangcheng's first line of defense."

Xie Linlang shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

"It's not if, it's for sure. This time, the Marsh State obviously wants to start a war with Daqin. The Marsh State has always been cautious and cautious. This time it suddenly became stronger. In addition to its cautious layout, there must be strong allies.

And the ally who can bring them such confidence, except Ze Guo, does not do what he wants. "

Xie Linlang said, looking at a map of countries hanging on the wall, her voice gradually became heavy.

"But Daqin relied on natural dangers and water bandits on the water, and did not set up naval defenses in the southern waters. This is simply an open door for Ze Guo.

As long as Zeguo’s shipbuilding craftsmanship can be improved and can cope with the complicated water environment, as long as they can spend a lot of money on the water bandits to dredge the relationship, and have the promise of Marsh Country, they have no reason to refuse to send troops and come to share a share. . "

With Xie Linlang's affirmative words, the expressions of everyone in the room became heavy.

Before that, they actually had illusions, thinking that the next thing was the collision between Niaoguo and Daqin, and Zeguo was only here to test the harassment...If this is the case, even if they fight, Xiangcheng will not be affected.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a battle involving the entire Central Plains!

After Huang Lao stepped back with a heavy face, Mr. Liu brought several master craftsmen forward and said.

"My Lord, the defensive weapon you designed before has been successfully completed after months of debugging. When would you go to the Machine Workshop to take a look and test its performance?"

The Weapon Workshop was a newly built workshop in Xiangcheng. If you want to defend the city, how can you not have weapons?

Especially Xie Linlang realized the importance of Xiangcheng a few years ago and realized the danger of Zeguo. In this regard, it is impossible not to take precautions.

Xie Linlang nodded, indicating that she knew.

This is good news. One more weapon means more safety.

Next, there were others who reported the situation in the city one by one and the latest news received.

Everything was going on steadily under tension and tight control. Seeing Xie Linlang sitting here calmly, the people who were a little flustered slowly calmed down.

Anyway, no matter what happens, they Xiangcheng, and the city owner!

And outside Xiangcheng, the Niaoguo had announced a break with Daqin.

Because Daqin has been unable to surrender the real culprit who killed their prince, the Numa State was angry and said that he would tear up the previous peace treaty and launch a mutiny!

This made the situation in the court very serious, but the overall national strength of Marsh State was not as good as Qin State. Even if they seized the opportunity and sent troops first, Da Qin reacted and was not afraid to fight them!

Therefore, in the court, most of them are the main combatants and agree to go to war.

Since Marsh Kingdom is going to fight, it's done, just to let them know how powerful they are, and they don't dare to covet it anymore.

But there is still a part of the main and peaceful faction, they think it is Da Qin wrong first, should actively compensate and eliminate the anger of the marsh country, instead of rushing to war rashly, causing charcoal.

However, such voices are only a small part, and most of them are active in the main battle. They also selected suitable leaders and generals, and assembled an army of 200,000 to deal with this war.

On the other side, the battle of Xichuan Forest has also reached a fever pitch!

Qin Jue killed a lot of enemies in a very short period of time with the method of "please enter the urn," and in the process, he also killed a lieutenant and obtained a second token.

However, this plan could not have been rigorous all the time. After Qin Jue got the second token, the last lieutenant noticed the conspiracy and was very angry. He even gave up on continuing to search for the general and must gather all his forces. Let's get rid of the hidden danger of Qin Jue first!

During this process, he didn't even know who the people who had been against them were, only the people around Xie Linlang and a group of powerful subordinates.

Soon, more than 10,000 elite soldiers assembled and forced them towards Qin Jue.

The location selected by Qin Jue as a trap was a forest surrounded by water on three sides. This forest area helped Qin Jue Keng kill many enemies. At this time, the enemy army was forced to come. This location is also a place that cannot be retreated. Dead end.

At this moment, all Qin Jue's subordinates had gathered together, knowing that the enemy was heavily attacked, but there were only a few thousand of them, and the **** battles they all experienced could not be the enemy's opponent.

Under this circumstance, Qin Jue was not in chaos either. The melee went on for a few days, and he believed that as long as the master did not die, he must have seized the opportunity to escape.

Even if he did not escape, Qin Jue still had the last move to make, which was to kill everyone in the fire pit.

If possible, Qin Jue didn't want to kill too many people, because most of them were from the garrison in the west, the citizens of Da Qin, and even those who fought for Da Qin on the battlefield.

But if he really got to the last step, he would have to do it, because the battle cry of Numa country has been sounded. If he can't stabilize the garrison camp, let Numa country break through the border defenses and drive in for a long time, it will be More people die.

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