The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 227: The meaning of fighting

After the discussion, Qin Jue immediately sent someone to start the action.

Once the fire is already burning in the Xichuan Forest, it will not be easy to extinguish it after it has spread.

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became, and they even felt that they could also take advantage of the enemy's return to the main camp to fight the fire and take the initiative to attack!

Of course, the other party may only send some people back to fight the fire, and some people will continue to fight the enemy, but that's okay, at least this precarious border line is temporarily saved.

Soon, a great fire started to start and spread.

Hearing about the Xichuan forest fire, the general of the Numa country deliberately ran to the high ground to take a look, and then said with a smile to the people around him.

"The winter is dry and there are many dead leaves, so it is normal to burn! Let's burn it, the more vigorous the burning, the better, once the Xichuan forest is burned out, it will be easier for us to enter the central plains!"

But his triumphant smile didn't last long, and when he waited until the afternoon, he realized that the fire was not right.

The fire is indeed getting more and more prosperous, but it is coming towards Marsh Country!

Once the border forest in Marshland catches fire, their main camp in the forest will never survive!

Now the people of Xiazuma are anxious, they have to put out the fire!

It's a pity that they reacted too slowly. When the fire from Xichuan Forest spread to Marsh Country, there was almost a prairie fire!

The line of fire is so long that they can't just cut down a few trees to contain it!

Fortunately, they have a large army at the border, and all the soldiers are transferred to fight the fire. They should be able to contain the fire in time!

The General Maru, who originally wanted to launch a general attack, was so angry that he almost wanted to jump!

But he couldn't help it no matter how angry. The wind is fast today, and he hesitates any longer. Not only will their main camp and grain and grass be affected, but even some cities that rely on the existence of forests are in danger!

So he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Everyone, immediately participate in the fire fighting! The fire must be contained within three days!"

Hearing this, the lieutenant next to him quickly said, "The general is wrong! Once everyone goes to fight the fire, the fire can be controlled, what should the enemy do if the enemy comes over?!"

The general was stunned, but if not all of them came to fight the fire, how could the fire be controlled in time if it was cold and dry and rainless for many days?

There was no way, he could only leave 50,000 people in the battlefield, and nearly 200,000 people left were sent to fight the fire, which made the people in the military camp in the western part of Daqin a little regretful.

If it is said that the 200,000 reinforcements have not been called back, this meeting should have arrived. Then they will be able to fight back and use this fire to directly counterattack and kill them by surprise!

It can only be said that the day did not fulfill the wishes of the people, such a good opportunity, because of the number of people, they just missed it in vain.

The soldiers will watch the fire from across the bank, and sigh secretly.

They were originally loyal to Daqin, and their resentment towards the court grew deeper.

Qin Jue saw that everything was as he expected, and fortunately, the wind was very strong today. It must be a short period of time that the fighting situation on the western side could be stabilized. Then, he must rush back as soon as possible.

So Qin Jue said to Xun Yi on the evening of the day when the country turned to fight the fire.

"Next, the battle in the west will depend on you. I will return to Beijing as soon as possible to let the reinforcements that should have come over, so don't worry."

When Xun Yi heard the words, he said with some worry, "Is your Highness going back like this? Right now the Western Front is not tight, so it's better for your Highness to take 10,000 soldiers back!"

When Qin Jue heard the words, his fingers touched his chest, where there was a letter written by Lin Lang to him.

How about he and Lin Lang are a natural pair?

Lin Lang not only knew what he was thinking, but also what he would do next.

She explained in the letter that she had already mobilized 10,000 of his troops stationed in Xiangcheng and sent them to the capital. He only had to join his subordinates.

As long as he can go back in time, withdraw the order, and stabilize the situation in the west, then Zeguo will most likely not act.

In this way, Xiang Cheng would not have to confront Ze Guo head-on.

So his task is very heavy, not only for the people, but for revenge, but also for the safety of those he loves.

Just listen to him laughing in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I have soldiers and horses. You only need to guard Xichuan. As long as Xichuan's border defense is not broken, everything will still have a chance."

Hearing this, Xun Yi knelt down on one knee and said solemnly.

"In the end, the general will not be insulting! I hope that everything goes well after your Highness returns to Beijing!"

Qin Jue helped him up, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a faint smile appeared.

"I will go well, because I am not alone."

This made Xun Yi a little curious. He looked at Qin Jue and saw that under the moonlight, his originally deserted eye pupils gradually became warm. The starlight flowing in it made his face as cold as an immortal, instantly Be angry and have feelings.

This made him ask, "The letter that His Royal Highness received yesterday was from an ally? Then he must be a very important person to you, right?"

When Qin Jue heard this, the smile at the corner of his mouth deepened. He was originally wearing silver armor and looked very cold. When he smiled, there was a gentleness of melting ice and snow.

Just listen to him whispering.

"Yes, he is very important, because he is not only my ally, but also the only love of my life."

This made Xun Yi a little stunned. His Highness's ally was actually a woman?

Without giving him a chance to learn more, Qin Jue asked Dong Qi to rectify and set off.

Before setting off, he did not forget to stabilize the army, telling everyone that he was going back to Beijing to let the court change orders and send reinforcements.

When everyone heard this, they were both happy and worried. They didn't forget that Qin Jue had been abolished. Wouldn't it be dangerous for him to go back like this? The people in the court won't let him go...

Qin Jue rode on the horse, looked at everyone's worried eyes, and laughed in a low voice.

His smile was a bit fierce and arrogant. After the warfare and precipitation, he was more dazzling and dazzling than before. Every word he said was as loud as a military order.

"Please rest assured, when I go to the capital, I will definitely send reinforcements to let you win the battle!"

"I will be fine, but my enemy may not be anymore!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his horse's head and left resolutely!

Behind him is Dong Qi and the others, closely behind.

The shady soon overwhelmed their shadows, but lightened the hearts of everyone in the western garrison camp.

If Qin Jue can send troops back to Beijing this time, it means that he will regain his identity and become the new backbone of the court!

With such people guiding them and supporting them in the rear, they can fight fearlessly. Only then can they dare to trust him and hand over their family to him. Even if one day they die on the battlefield, there is nothing to regret.

Because they know that this piece of land is worth protecting, and that there is still the hope of prosperity in the world of Daqin!

As long as the country is strong, their offspring can stay away from the flames of war and live better. This is the whole point of their fighting.

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