The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 228: The enemy can also use

Knowing that Qin Jue is going to the capital, Xie Linlang relaxes a lot. He will go to the capital, which shows that Xichuan has stabilized, and then it is up to the remaining chess pieces to play a role.

The weather is getting colder and colder. The troops stationed from all sides are dispatched. The abandoned civilians are panicked. The scholars in the capital are also sorrowful... The overall atmosphere gives people a feeling that the building will fall in love.

Inside the palace, Concubine Liu Hui changed her usual docility, blocked the emperor in the place where the next court must pass, and knelt down with a "puff".

"Your Majesty! I implore you not to retreat to Jiangnan, let them be stationed in Wangjiang County! Wangjiang County can produce 300,000 shi of rice every year, second only to Jiangnan Surin, so Wangjiang County cannot give up. !"

Concubine Liu Hui's mother family is in Wangjiang County, and Wangjiang County is their foundation. Once Wangjiang County misses, the Liu family will be completely finished, and there will be no chance of rising!

The emperor's face was extremely pale. He looked very thin and thin, with a thick bruise underneath him.

After hearing Concubine Liu Hui's words, he stopped and said, "If I can, I don't want to give up any piece of land."

After speaking, he tore away his clothes from Concubine Liu Hui's hands, ignoring her heartbreaking cry, and strode away.

The attendants at the back followed closely. Seeing the emperor's face looked ugly, Xu Hui quickly passed a bottle of ginseng pills after he entered the imperial study room.

However, the emperor waved his hand and did not accept it. Instead, he walked step by step toward the interior of the study, until he reached the innermost shelf where there was no book, only a wooden sculpture carved by Qin Jue himself.

The boy's face on the woodcarving is blurred, but the woman on the woodcarving is lifelike. That is his queen, Xia Junxian.

He stared at the woman for a long time. At this time, there was no one in the Imperial Study Room bothering him. Even Xu Hui was quiet, as if he did not exist.

In fact, there are many people outside, like ants in a hot pot, spinning around outside the palace gate, but they can't get in because he refused all interviews.

Just listening to the silent Imperial Study Room, the emperor suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Xu Hui, do you think I am the king of subjugation?"

Xu Hui opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Daqin is the strongest country in the Central Plains with vast land and resources and millions of soldiers. It was placed a few decades ago and the Quartet countries would have to pay tribute.

But because Daqin became richer and richer and hadn't fought for a long time, only 600,000 to 700,000 soldiers could actually fight.

In addition, these soldiers and horses have to be stationed in the four directions, and the four directions are far away. It is not that simple to send a lot of troops to one place in time.

Soldiers are very fast, and often the decision to win is not the number of soldiers, but to seize the opportunity.

It's like this time, when the west is invaded, he will transfer 200,000 soldiers from other places to the west, and it will take more than ten days at the earliest.

It is possible that reinforcements have arrived, and they have already entered.

In the same way, the Ze State Army invaded from the east, but the border between the two countries was so long, it would be difficult to withstand the impact of the 200,000 troops of the other side without concentrating the forces scattered on the border.

If you want to focus on one point, then it is equivalent to giving up other cities on the boundary line, equivalent to giving up half of the country...

There is also food.

Once the battle begins, food, grass, and weapons are very important supplies. If they do not retreat and allow the Niao and Ze countries to attack from three sides, the front line will be extremely long.

In this case, as long as one side is broken, it is too late for them to try to plug the hole, because the distance is too far, which is also a disadvantage of the big land.

So shrinking the battle circle and retreating troops to the periphery of the capital seems to be a way.

But is this really the only way?

The emperor's hand hidden under the dragon robe trembled slightly.

Every family has soldiers in their hands, ranging from three thousand to ten thousand.

If they can do their best and spare no effort to help him, what about fighting on three sides? What is he afraid of? !

But when those old foxes saw that the situation was not good, they all chose to protect themselves.

Anyway, the final result will not have much impact on them. If Da Qin is destroyed, although they will have to pay a certain price to please the new owner, it is better than losing all in the war.

Once they join the war, it is to save their lives. Even if they can win, they will definitely win tragically in this situation, and they will lose a lot.

Therefore, there is really no need for them to be tied to Da Qin, it is better to force the emperor to retreat.

With so many troops, retreating and narrowing the battle circle, the opponent will definitely not be able to get in, so that they can defend the most prosperous boundary of Daqin, which does not have much impact on their lives.

Most aristocratic families thought this way. Without their support, the emperor could not support a three-sided war even if he had six to seven hundred thousand soldiers in his hand.

So he felt guilty and frightened, so he retreated. In fact, he didn't think so, he just... just couldn't do it!

Xu Hui was silent for a long time before saying.

"Your Majesty, it's not your fault... Daqin has a vast land, and the four sides have to garrison troops. The troops you can deploy are limited, and you really can't support a three-sided battle. What's more, you dare not put all your troops on the battlefield. The newly established Tianyuan Kingdom in the north is eyeing..."

The emperor waved his hand when he heard the words, "Forget it, you don't have to solve this problem for me. If it is an ancestor, even if this is the situation, even if he died in battle, he would not choose to retreat, so what if he saves half of it? Shame! What a pity..."

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability, he doesn't dare to fight, he is afraid of losing, he is afraid that he won't be able to keep half of the loss, so he will have no face to see the ancestors...

On the other hand, Concubine Liu Hui saw that the emperor had made up his mind, and she was immediately frustrated. For this plan, the only thing their Liu family could do was to use private soldiers to protect the clan from entering Beijing like other abandoned families.

This is also to blame for their Liu family being severely damaged a year ago. If her grandfather was still in court, and if her brother had not died, how could their family be left to the point of being abandoned?

Thinking of this, Concubine Liu Hui hated Xie Linlang and Qin Jue extremely, and at this moment, the concubine Die, who was pregnant again, actually sent a letter from Xie Linlang to her!

Xie Linlang's letter?

When the mother took it, Concubine Liu was still in anger. When she heard that it was Xie Linlang, she gritted her teeth with hatred. Where would she read the letter?

Just listen to her sharp voice, and said viciously, "Take it and burn it! Does he still think that our Liu family is not miserable enough? Is he still falling into trouble?!"

The mother answered and took the letter and left.

But Concubine Liu Hui, who was leaning on her head and having a headache, she hesitated when she thought of the people who depended on herself and hoped to get good news.

"and many more!"

She sat up, gritted her teeth.

"Give me the letter!"

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