The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 229: Prince returns to Beijing

On the other side, the emperor also received a letter from Xie Linlang.

At the time when the capital was separated, there was already a quarrel between them. The name of master and apprentice existed in name only. He avoided suspicion for various reasons and could no longer control her. She also became the lord of the city and completely got rid of his control.

So when he received Xie Linlang's letter at once, the emperor was still stunned for a long time, and finally sneered and opened the envelope.

Familiar handwriting leaped into his eyes, and he paused for a moment before continuing to look down.

The letter is not long, but a few words, every word.

After the emperor finished reading it, his heart was mixed, and the corner of his mouth finally twitched, and he even laughed low.

It was already snowing in the capital at this time, he did not close the window, and the snowflakes floated in from outside and landed on the letter paper in his hand.

He brushed it away, and the smile on his face gradually became complicated.

His Linlang... No matter how stiff his Linlang is with him, no matter how much harm he does to her, she has no grudges.

Every time she wanted to find reinforcements, she would still think of him and treat him as her own.

She always thought of his love, he had never thought about it before, or he just knew that she was reading his love, so he dared to step on her bottom line again and again.

He always felt that she was too kind to Qin Jue, and she was a friendship for many years, but she was able to leave him behind and follow Qin Jue.

But I never thought that she was actually better to him, she indulged him many times...he just realized it now!

The housekeeper, who dared not make any sound while lowering his head, quietly glanced at the Emperor, but saw him leaning on the table and standing by the window, his expression extremely complicated.

After the events of a year ago, Master Di Shi has become less and less happy, and the only one who can make him so emotional is that he wants to come.

In this matter, the emperor was actually neutral.

Although his reputation is very prominent, he wants to become a world leader, which means that he can't have too much military power, otherwise he will become the next Xia family if he has both reputation and military power.

The absence of soldiers means that he cannot help the emperor in war, so he is neutral.

However, he did encourage some family leaders to fight, and he was also willing to contribute money to help.

It's a pity that this time the war was all-round. The originally obedient families also chose to back down because they were afraid of death. The main battle group immediately became weak, and the emperor finally made a decision, and the voice of the main battle disappeared completely.

The emperor had also thought about what Lin Lang would do in this situation. Should he block the city gate and hold on to a corner, or move back to the capital like other abandoned families?

He thought a lot, but found that he still underestimated her courage and determination. At this time, she really dared to think about changing the dynasty.

Just when the steward thought that Master Di Shi would not reply to the letter today, the Di Shi suddenly moved. He turned to face the table, then spread out the letter paper, and only wrote a paragraph.

——All your plans are coordinated for your teacher. If you succeed, your teacher has only one requirement for you, that is, you are not allowed to return to Beijing within two years.

After the emperor finished writing, he read it again, then packed the letter and handed it to the steward on the side.

Since it is impossible for him and Lin Lang, then Qin Jue would never want to have it!

And once her plan is successful, Qin Jue will become the emperor. A Qin Jue is already very difficult to deal with. If Lin Lang helps him, it will be a terrible blow to the family, so they will not want to participate.

So Lin Lang couldn't enter Beijing. Since he chose the power and gave up the love of this life, then he absolutely can't lose the power anymore, because he has nothing except this.

Let him be willful again, he wants to be pampered by Lin Lang again.

While Xie Linlang was making arrangements, Zeguo also moved.

Originally, Zeguo saw that the army of Marsh had been unable to attack, so he wanted to wait and see.

But I didn't expect that the imperial court issued an order to retreat so quickly, so when they are not attacking at this time, when will they wait?

As long as they attacked at this time, half of Da Qin's country could be allowed to occupy them!

Therefore, Ze Jun, who was originally prepared to wait and see, took the initiative to attack under Da Qin's retreat. This was beyond Xie Linlang's expectation, and it was reasonable.

Even if Ze Guo was more cautious, he could see a piece of fat left unguarded in front of him, and there were too few people who could bear not taking a bite.

At the same time that the army launched its offensive, the navy began to attack, but the navy was just a small fight. After all, it is obvious that the army has the advantage and is closer to the capital. Nazeguo will naturally value the army more.

The flames of war were on the verge of breaking out. Except for the surrounding cities of the capital that were protected by the garrison, the other cities were not protected, and three were quickly captured!

Because he knew that the navy had not formally attacked, Qin Jue was not worried about Xiangcheng. After meeting with his subordinates, he walked the east side of the city all the way to the capital day and night. The purpose was that if he encountered Zebing, he could still kill him all the way. Stop some disasters for the people.

He was very fast, and the cities and villages that he passed by were all hit by disasters without exception.

That was the first time he saw the land after the war raged...

There were corpses and crying everywhere, and there were ruined walls everywhere. Every time he glanced at the hatred in his heart, he added a point. The impulse to bloodbath the hall never stopped!

Along the way, he saw all men from the village gather to protect their families, and some soldiers who refused to retreat, preferring to be deserters to garrison the original city.

All seemingly insignificant people have their own persistence and choices. Even if they die, they will die upright and proud!

Qin Jue felt their faith and the despair of the people, not only him, but all the soldiers behind him felt it!

So along the way, no matter how desperately Qin Jue asked, they didn't complain, because they knew that there were more people waiting for them to save!

Ze Jun's 200,000 army did not fight against the garrison who had retreated to Bianjing. They wanted to occupy the territory of Qin where there was no garrison as if entering no man's land.

Qin Jue rushed and chased all the way, finally, he arrived at the Bianjing Garrison!

At this time, Bianjing was stationed with 200,000 troops, but their momentum was sluggish and bleak. Such defenses could be broken in less than a day, and only those in the court would feel that people are puppets with no emotions. , As long as they retreat, they can hold where they want.

Seeing Qin Jue coming with 10,000 elite soldiers, the Bianjing garrison thought it was the Ze State army coming!

They hurriedly picked up their bows and arrows and set them up on the city wall.

But Qin Jue stopped at the gate of the city. As soon as he raised his hand, all the soldiers and horses behind him also stopped. He was riding on a horse and shouted internally.

"Please see Xiao Chengjun out of the city!"

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