At this time, she and Qin Jue were drinking behind the pillars, because other people also gathered together in twos and threes to drink, or went to a darker corner with the volunteer female slaves, and the light was very dark, so no one paid attention to them.

Seeing Xie Linlang meditating, Qin Jue considered it.

"Lin Lang, the leader will go to his master to report the situation later, I will go over to see if I can find their main altar.

We are divided into two groups, you leave with everyone, go to Chang Qi Yu, let him deploy troops and deploy in advance. "

After listening, Xie Linlang shook his head decisively.

"No, most of the forces in the capital are in the hands of the emperor and the nobles. Chang Qiyu can mobilize only 3,000 people, but the enemy tomorrow does not know how many.

Lianyu Port is in the most unattended corner of the capital. Once a riot occurs, the emperor who intended to deepen the conflict between the people and the slaves is likely to follow his will, and send troops to suppress it after they are killed. "

It is estimated that this is also the reason why Chang Qiyin and his accomplices dared to do it recklessly, because they knew that the emperor who had that kind of idea knew that they were going to cause turmoil, maybe they would open one eye and close another, so much The people of Hong Kong are dead!


Xie Linlang looked at Qin Jue with concern.

"And how can you take the risk alone? That big guy looks very wrong to me!

We don't know what they have in the general altar, we don't know the details, and the poor are not chasing them. You should understand this truth. "

Qin Jue laughed and said earnestly, "Lin Lang rest assured, I am not alone. I brought five of the best guards. At this time, they were on standby outside, each with one enemy and one hundred.

I also carried enough poison to save my life, so I had no problem getting out. "

"So you can do what you are supposed to do, and just leave it to Chang Qi Yu, and if my side goes well, this riot may not get messed up."

Xie Linlang understood what Qin Jue meant and asked her to make two-handed preparations. One was to use the people in Chang Qiyu's hands to deploy in advance and ask him to move rescue soldiers.

The second is to wait for his news.

If he can go straight to the opponent's general arena, then no matter how many slaves the opponent has willing to help them, no one will take the lead at the critical moment, and it will not be a climate.

The plan is feasible, but if there is an accident, isn't Qin Jue very dangerous?

But before she refused, Qin Jue held her hand. In the dimness, Xie Linlang couldn't see his face, but could feel the concentration of his eyes.

"Lin Lang, I am not eight or fourteen years old. The man who would die without your protection, he has grown up."

"He also wants to protect you, and he knows poison, has a helper, and has a strong internal strength. If he is not sure, he will not take risks. He is a prudent person. Don't you believe him?"

As he said, he got closer, rubbed Xie Linlang's forehead affectionately, and asked gently.

"We have overcome many problems together, and we will continue to work together for the rest of our lives, right?"

Xie Linlang opened her mouth. At this time, Qin Jue held her hand slightly and firmly, and beside her ear was his invitation to join hands... This made her originally uneasy heart seem to be wrapped in warm water, a little bit. Soothed.

The chattering, shouting, spitting, and crying around her constituted a hellish scene, but she gradually laughed, and held his hand instead, saying with a firm tone.

"Okay! Let's act separately, but don't force yourself. Whether you can go straight to the general forum and stop the riots, I will be fine, so safety first, okay?"

Qin Jue endured the urge to kiss her and said helplessly.

"This sentence should be me talking about you, and you are the one who always forces himself and makes people worry.

What is the final outcome of Zeguo? If the slave ends, I don’t care. I am very selfish and only care about you. So, no matter what happens, don’t force yourself, safety first, okay? "

As Xie Linlang listened, her cheeks couldn't stop getting hot.

Obviously she just pretended to drink alcohol and didn't drink it. Why did she feel a little drunk at this time?

But Qin Jue kept staring at her, so she couldn't avoid it, so she nodded and gave a soft "um".

"I promise you."

After half an hour, someone started to drive them away.

Before that, Qin Jue had stunned a guard, swapped clothes with him, and got into the guard team.

And Xie Linlang helped the stunned person, pretending to be her drunk companion, and prepared to take him away.

At this time, the burly leader had stood up and planned to leave.

In the crowd, Qin Jue nodded to Xie Linlang, and then followed the other guards behind the commander.

Xie Linlang glanced at his back, and helped the person out from the ground along the crowd.

After going out, she first found Qin Jue's secret guard, told them Qin Jue's whereabouts, and asked them to stand by at any time, and then she went to Prince Yu's Mansion without stopping.

It was not dawn yet, but Chang Qiyu had already got up.

Even if Xie Linlang helped him, he still had to consider how to protect the people in the capital once the situation got out of control.

Before, in the name of safeguarding the safety of the birthday feast, he cleverly set up a name and arrested several slaves and their masters whom Keya confessed.

Naturally, someone was impeached on this matter, and the emperor also approached him for questioning.

He didn't hide it, and directly told his father Xie Linlang's guess.

Said that Chang Qiyin deliberately used the slave's hatred against the nobles to secretly plot big things! He also said that the death of Brother Dahuang couldn't be separated from him.

But because the female slave photographed by the prince had already committed suicide in fear of crime, there was no evidence to her death.

Without conclusive evidence, he could see that his father did not believe him.

The emperor father even thought he had ulterior motives and beat him a lot.

In the eyes of the father, Chang Qiyin may be just a disabled prince who has no power, no influence, and can't live without the emperor's favor. How could it be conspiring?

Later, he fought hard and brought out Keya's testimony, and his father turned a blind eye to his arrest and house arrest of Chang Qi Yin.

But he obviously didn't care, because all his thoughts were on how to convince Emperor Qin and how to buy and sell slaves.

As for someone who wants to use slaves to overthrow his rule? Haha, this is a joke!

Seeing that the emperor was completely unreliable, Chang Qiyu had no choice but to save himself. He could see that his father didn't care about slave riots, and he also heard the news that he wanted to buy and sell slaves.

I have to say that selling all the slaves to other countries can indeed solve the problem of Ze State, but the enemy will not let him succeed so easily. His greed and arrogance will one day destroy this country!

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