So Chang Qiyu began to clear the escape route, set up refuges, and strengthened martial law in the capital.

Time was running out, and he got up in the third watch, but Xie Linlang arrived before he had arranged much.

Xie Linlang didn't talk nonsense, as soon as he rushed over, he said straightforwardly.

"The people of Chang Qiyin plan to wash Lianyu Harbor in blood, just this evening!"

Chang Qi Yu was startled, "Lianyu Port? That place is far from the power center of the capital. Why would the enemy attack there?"

Xie Linlang frowned and said, "The emperor is about to hold a birthday banquet right now. If it is in the center of the capital, so many foreigners will watch, if a riot occurs, the emperor will suppress it for the sake of face.

But not at Lianyu Port. Maybe it's in the emperor's arms. You know, the emperor wants to forcibly empty the slaves in the capital and sell them to other countries. "

Chang Qiyu got a headache. He asked, "Do you know how many people there are in the enemy?"

Xie Linlang shook his head, "I don't know, I got into a slave club before, but only after I got in did I know that this slave club was just a stronghold under Chang Qiyin, and his influence on slaves was more profound than we thought."

Chang Qi Yu's expression became solemn, and he handed a soldier amulet to Xie Linlang and said solemnly.

"With this soldier talisman, you can mobilize three thousand private troops under my command. I will give it to you. In addition, I will enter the palace and find my father to transfer soldiers!"

If there is a riot, then how can the big Lianyu Harbor be suppressed only by his 3,000 people?

So he must find his father to transfer troops!

Whether he believes that Chang Qiyin is behind the scenes, and whether he attaches great importance to the hidden danger of Chang Qiyin, Lianyu Port cannot be chaotic anyway. Once Lianyu Port is in chaos, the deterioration of the situation cannot be undone!

Xie Linlang took the weapon, discussed with him, and acted alone.

Because he was worried that the transfer of soldiers would start to stun the snake and cause the opponent to start early, after Xie Linlang assembled the private soldiers, he asked them to disguise and rush to Lianyu Port in batches.

Fortunately, there is a custom of worshipping the pier today, even if there are many strangers who have never seen it before, it will not arouse others' alarm.

When Xie Linlang rushed to Lianyu Harbor with the first group of people, it was already dawn, and many hawkers around started doing business, selling easy-to-carry and easy-to-eat cooking cakes.

Xie Linlang looked at the thin water vapor on the dock thoughtfully.

Although Qin Jue was helping her and Chang Qiyu was relocating soldiers, she had to consider the worst result, and the worst result was, if she had only these three thousand people, how could she stop the coming riot?

If she was simply killing bad guys, she hadn't bothered so much, but now, the slaves who caused the riots were also victims.

The ultimate goal of the master behind the scenes is to kill enough people, whether it's the enemy or your own, or else they won't be given stimulating medicine.

The more people who die, the more intense the hatred and contradiction. This is what the master wants most behind the scenes.

Therefore, instead of trying to suppress the riots, what she should do more is to make Lianyu Port undisturbed.


The entire Lianyu Port is in the shape of a "ten", with the dock on the east, the market in the middle, the main import and export on the north and west, and the South Lane where the people of Lianyu Port live before Xie Linlang to the south.

The Yuzui Alley where the slaves would be garrisoned was there, and it was the only exit from Nan Alley to the south.

Xie Linlang sent five hundred private soldiers to ambush, five hundred to one thousand people. Not to mention that they will win, but at least they can delay the time and help the people escape.

As for the two large exits in the northwest, Xie Linlang ambushed 1,000 people each.

There were five hundred people left, and she scattered them in the market, because the enemy was likely to get into the crowd and riots started from within.

In addition, tonight everyone will sacrifice to the Sea God, and people will be crowded at the dock. Once there is chaos, it will easily cause trampling, so she must find a way to prevent everyone from gathering together tonight.

If the crowd can be separated and the remaining five hundred people will be allowed to patrol, they will be able to respond in a timely manner in a crisis.

Xie Linlang thought, and got an idea.

She spent money to invite several theater troupes over in the capital city, and then cleared out several empty spots in the Lianyugang market for them to perform on stage.

Let the remaining five hundred private soldiers pretend to be a martial artist to protect the theater troupe, saying to the outside that this is a great benevolent person paying money and wanting to worship the sea god, by the way, it is lively.

As for the entrance of the dock, Xie Linlang also set up a stage for people to perform.

In principle, violent slaves are also slaves, and they should not have ships to attack by water.

But Xie Linlang remembered the slave meeting last night, and remembered the commander who said that when the blood covered the sea, there would be soldiers who were born from the ashes stepped on the blood and brought them to freedom.

This may seem like brainwashing, but it may also be true, so she must consider, if the enemy's main force really comes from the dock, how will she respond?

At present, three thousand people have been completely separated and used to intercept three exits. It is impossible for her to have enough energy to guard the dock.

However, her main consideration is to prevent the riot from becoming chaotic. Is there any way to get more people to watch this corner, or let the emperor have to control it?

Xie Linlang thought hard, and finally she thought of something, her eyes suddenly shone slightly!

She summoned the four secret guards around her, leaving only Xunfeng, and the remaining three, let them do one thing.

After they left, Xie Linlang asked people to buy enough fireworks.

For today's plan, the main thing is to drag the word tactics. Once Qin Jue kills the people who presided over the riot, those mobs are unorganized, and it is very likely that they will not be chaotic.

Once Chang Qiyu moved the rescuer, the opponent could suppress it no matter how many people there were.

Besides, there should be no more enemies than her. After all, if there are tens of thousands of slaves in the capital who can move freely, how can the old emperor sleep?

Therefore, the enemy wanted to wash Lianyu Harbor with a "surprise." Once the people at Lianyu Harbor recovered and she took them to fight back, the enemy would have no advantage at all.

All aspects were considered properly. Only the dock was a bit dangerous. Xie Linlang decided to guard it personally. If it was really dangerous, she could also respond in time.

A little bit of time passed, and by the time the people closed their stalls in the afternoon, five stages had been set up. They were located in the southeast, northwest and northeast of Lianyu Harbor, which would most likely disperse the crowd.

These troupes were all found by Chang Qi Luoshu. In addition to singing operas, they also performed tricks and juggling.

This makes the people of Lianyu Harbor very happy! Most of them don't have the money to go to the theater, and when they first encounter the opportunity to listen to the theater for free, they will naturally not let it go.

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