At this time, the people in the crowd who were planning to riot were violent slaves, but because they had not received the signal, they were anxious.

However, seeing that there were dozens of people on the side of Xie Linlang driving away those who wished at the dock, they felt strange and sent someone to investigate the situation.

Because they were not allowed to approach, the man walked a little farther, and then saw a group of people in black on the pier landed ashore, and hurriedly returned to pass on the news.

It turned out that the operation of Bloodbath Lianyu Harbor was not cancelled. The most elite fighters among them have returned from Xiadao!

The tyrants lurking in the crowd began to move around. They decided that as long as they did their hands on the dock, they would kill them from the back, kill all the dozens of martial arts guarding the dock, and let their companions come.

On the stage, Xie Linlang said with a smile when he saw him being silent.

"Although I don't know why you are here, except for you, other forces have retreated. In order to welcome my master, I deliberately removed all hidden dangers in Lianyu Harbor.

At the moment, the people here are all welcoming my host. Would you like to bring people back and come back another day? "

As soon as Xie Linlang said this, the middle-aged man's face changed.

Everyone retired? Why didn't anyone tell him?

Moreover, the man in front of him is so arrogant. He has more than 3,000 warriors here. She actually said that she wanted to meet the master and let them come another day. Did she think they were here for the fair?

Thinking about this, the middle-aged man suddenly drew his knife!

He drew his sword, everyone behind him drew their swords together, and the murderous aura suddenly overflowed, if it had any substance!

He just listened to him with a grinning smile, "What a big face! I want us to retreat, have you asked about our knife?"

He said, pointing at Xie Linlang with the tip of the knife, "If you know, take someone out of here immediately! We only kill the people of Ze country, don't force us to kill you together!"

He thought very clearly, anyway, Xie Linlang and the envoys of other countries have not come, as long as he starts to kill people and Lianyugang is in chaos, he does not believe that Xie Linlang will go here to land when he sees the chaos on the shore!

And he felt that the man in front of him was lying! Xie Linlang, as a state scholar of Daqin, how could such an expensive person go to Lianyu Port to land? She is afraid that if her feet step on it, she will feel dirty, right? !

Thinking about the joints, the middle-aged man warned and approached with his subordinates step by step!

At the same time, they also burned a bunch of blue fireworks. When the fireworks exploded in the night sky, all the people hiding in every corner who were originally anxious became excited!

The signal is coming!

Logically speaking, each of them has a leader. Now that the leader is not there, they dare not move, but they don't hesitate to see the signal from their companions!

They are all desperate fighters for freedom! How can it be possible to let your comrades take action and fight alone? !

Xie Linlang knew something was wrong when he saw the fireworks explode!

Sure enough, red fireworks exploded almost at the same time in three directions, northwest and southwest! It was the fireworks released by her people, which meant that the enemy had shot.

The people in the bazaar were a little inexplicable when they saw the continuous fireworks, and they were surrounded by fireworks from all directions, and they felt uneasy in their hearts...Even if they didn't know what happened, the opera was still going on.

Seeing the signal, the mob slaves in the crowd couldn't restrain themselves!

They gathered and rushed directly to the stage where Xie Linlang was, intending to take advantage of those martial arts not paying attention, kill them from behind, and then kill the people on the stage, and capture the thieves first!

As soon as Xie Linlang's ear moved, she heard people coming from four directions. She suddenly fell into anger and screamed!

"I see who dares to move!"

She said, facing the approaching enemy, instead of hiding, she sat down with her robe!

The white robe was hanging down, and her voice also contained deterrent power, spreading everywhere!

Many people have noticed here, but soon there will be private troops pretending to be a taker to maintain order and tell them not to pass.

And because of this loud shout, the people in black in front of him stopped, and the violent slaves behind him who were about to attack also stopped. Everything was as if the pause button was pressed. Everyone was taken by her aura. The courage he had gained was also instantly pierced.

The two actors behind Xie Linlang were so frightened that they couldn't move, but when Xie Linlang looked at them, they were very pleasant.

"The master is coming in less than a quarter of an hour, so continue to play the music."

"Yes Yes……"

They didn't dare not listen to Xie Linlang's words, and hurriedly flicked them intermittently and tremblingly.

This made the face of the middle-aged man on the opposite side extremely ugly, and he felt as if he had been mocked!

The person in front of me saw that her skill was not weak, but she was only one person. What was there to be afraid of? !

Thinking about this, he led the person to move forward, and Xie Linlang took the tea that the beauty had added, and after drinking it, he threw the cup out!

Just hearing a "bang", the springboard in front of the man in black was directly broken! Not only that, after the cup pierced through the board, it hit the pillar below, causing him to sway for a while, and quickly stepped back!

How is this terrifying internal strength, this terrifying strength possible? !

Xie Linlang suddenly made a move, so that the actor around her was also frightened. She retracted her hand from throwing the cup and reminded.

"carry on."

"Yes Yes!"

The actors continued to play the music, feeling the absolutely powerful force on Xie Linlang's body. They didn't seem to be so afraid. The pipa in their hands gradually played smooth music, which made Xie Linlang's slightly frowned brows relax a lot.

Hidden in the crowd, the tyrant who was scared by Xie Linlang, she was still sitting there, with a stiff back and no fear at all. The last courage in her heart was also suppressed by her aura.

Didn't you see more than 3,000 people on the dock, all blocked by her alone?

The middle-aged man was held back by the person behind him, and the person asked solemnly.

"Commander, what should I do now? This person looks so strong!"

Not only did they look strong, but the three boards in front of them were all turned upright because of Xie Linlang's blow, and they couldn't stand up. Such terrifying strength, really can a young man possess?

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth secretly, especially for so long after his signal was released. The bazaar over there should be lively, except for the previous three red fireworks, nothing else.

This made his heart beat a drum, wouldn't all their people really retreat, right? Why didn't you give him any news?

Xie Linlang was drinking another cup of tea, and seeing them hesitate, she used her inner strength to preach.

"If I were you, this meeting has already withdrawn. It's true that the soldiers and horses sent by Emperor Ze State are on the way. Even if you come here, you won't be able to make a difference."

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