"Moreover, you only have less than a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, the master's boat will arrive."

Xie Linlang said that, in fact, he was also betting in his heart, there are people and enemies on three sides now, but he hasn't come over yet.

I don't know how many enemies there are, and how long she can resist more than 2,000 people, but as long as there is no chaos in the market, these people will not dare to advance.

It can be seen that Qin Jue has been completely dragged over there, so the riot has not happened yet.

The people who came from the sea in front of them should be the soldiers they called "rebirth from the ashes". They were unexpected.

But as long as the emperor's side or Chang Qiyu's side can bring people there in time, there is no problem.

The secret guard she sent out can bring the envoy's ship in time, and there is no problem.

Therefore, she either procrastinated or frightened. In short, even if the three parties caught fire and burned her eyebrows, she must not be messed up.

In the strong sea breeze, these killers on the dock were obviously hesitating!

At the moment they have two choices. One is to rush to the past regardless of recklessness. At that time, no matter who Xie Linlang or who sees Lianyu Harbor's chaos, they will not land here.

The people sent by the emperor to greet them will naturally not risk confusion.

But if all of their people really retreat, when someone stops and no one answers, can they really wash Lianyu Harbor in blood?

There is another option, and that is to retreat. Anyway, there is no loss today, and you can come back another day.

Just when they thought so, in the middle of the market behind Xie Linlang, beautiful fireworks suddenly began to be set off!

The fireworks skyrocketed, overshadowing the sound of opera, overwhelming cheers, and overwhelming the sound of fighting closer and closer.

It turned out that the west side was breached by violent slaves, so the private soldiers in the market set off fireworks.

This was Xie Linlang's last method of delaying. Once the mob broke through and some people found someone coming and started to panic, they would light fireworks to cover the panic sounds.

Anyway, the stage can block the sight of the people in black at the pier. They can only see the bazaar is very lively, but they don't know why it is "lively".

Hearing the sound of fireworks sounded, Xie Linlang's heart trembled, but she did not show any nervous gesture, because this grand fireworks scene would also bring psychological pressure to the enemy!

They came this time because they wanted to attack quickly, and psychologically they didn't want anyone to pay attention to it, but now they are envoys and fireworks, so that their fighting spirit is completely wiped out, and there is no motivation to move forward.

At exactly this time, on the dark sea, someone set off a green firework as a signal. After Xie Linlang saw it, she felt relieved, but she was still tensed, showing no emotion.

Just listen to her internally speaking.

"Go back, my host has already come, the night is beautiful tonight, the fireworks are gorgeous, why fight and kill?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, the middle-aged man in black hesitated for a while, finally let out a long sigh!

Regardless, the reality and the plan are so different, they don't need to force it.

He raised his hand, and the people behind him saw this and immediately began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Today's affairs are all at a loss for everyone. Why did the bloodbath that had been planned for a long time become like this?

The people behind him moved quickly to board the ship again. Seeing that the envoys of other countries were about to dock, since they didn't decide to fight, naturally they didn't want to meet them.

Only the middle-aged man didn't retreat, he looked at Xie Linlang, frowning and asked.

"You just said that your master is Xie Linlang? He is not doing well in Daqin, what does he come to Zeguo for?"

Xie Linlang stood up slowly, greeted the moonlight, and replied loudly.

"My master knows that the people of Zeguo are in trouble, so he comes to help."

The black-clothed man sneered and said mockingly, "You lied! But all the scholars of the country, all of them are calculating, their hands are stained with blood, and their feet are on the bones.

Therefore, they are named for power, for **** for benefit, but they can never serve the people! "

Xie Linlang heard the words and looked at him fixedly. The sea breeze blew her clothes and long hair. At this time, she could already hear the increasingly chaotic footsteps behind her, the howls covered by fireworks, and The sound of weapons colliding.

But she was still calm, as if she had never wavered.

I saw her arching her hand toward the sea and said, "This is not the case. My master has a word that the scholars of the state are rights, the scholars of the Chinese are the prestige, the scholars of the state are the people, and those who are superior are the world!

My host has a pure mind and great ambition! I wish to do my best for the world! "

She said this loudly and openly without hesitation.

The man in black listened to her composure, with a certainty, and was suddenly caught by her aura, bowed his head!

I don't know what kind of existence that Xie Guoshi is. Even the people around him can possess such awe-inspiring aura. Compared with the person in front of him, he actually feels ashamed!

So he stopped talking, and paid a very solemn salute to Xie Linlang, then quickly boarded the ship and left.

Seeing their boat drifting away in the dark, Xie Linlang's back loosened, only to realize that her back had long been moistened by cold sweat!

The actress did not know what had happened, but was still irritated with goose bumps all over his body by the feeling of being domineering.

They continued to play music, watching the envoy's ship slowly approaching not far away, and the feeling of anxiety in their hearts was suddenly eliminated.

Xie Linlang turned around, ready to see the situation behind the stage, when a green firework rose into the sky from the north, reinforcements came!

After Chang Qiyu arrived, he divided the soldiers and horses into three groups and sent them to different positions to suppress the violent slaves!

Originally, the violent slaves relied on their number advantages, and one of them had already rushed to the bazaar. As a result, the gods descended from heaven and caught them by surprise!

In addition, after waiting for so long, none of their leaders came. In the absence of an organization, even if they had a numerical advantage, they couldn't make use of them, and they were quickly suppressed.

This riot came fast and went fast, although many private soldiers were injured during the interception, and many civilians were chopped off at the west exit because the violent slaves broke through.

But because Chang Qiyu came in time, not a single citizen of Lianyu Port died!

Many ordinary people don't even know what happened before, because their eyes were attracted by the fireworks and sideshows. After recovering, everything has subsided, and they knew that the riots had happened before.

Chang Qiyu was panting violently. In order to arrive earlier, he could say that he tried his best!

But it was still to this time, when the envoy's ship was about to dock at the pier, he walked step by step in front of Xie Linlang, looking very guilty.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

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