The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 347: I'm here to kill you

It seems that he must take Ah Yan away for a while!

At this time the girl pulled his sleeve.

"A Liang, who was that person just now? Is there really a taels of silver in it?"

She has never seen so much money when she grows up so much. With this money, my mother will definitely agree to her marrying A Liang!

The boy who asked Aliang to open it for a look, then hid quickly, and couldn't help but happily picked up the girl, and turned around in place!

"Ayan Ayan! I will marry you tomorrow!"

A riot was suppressed in time. At this time, the people in the prosperous area of ​​the capital didn't know what was going on, so they should still eat and drink.

At this time, Qin Jue's dark guard Bai Heng found Xie Linlang and brought back Qin Jue's news.

"Master Xie, your majesty ordered his subordinates to tell you that he found the general altar of the underground organization, and through them, he interrogated Chang Qiyin in the thirteen secret parts of the capital!

At present, those Anbu chiefs have been killed, and the rest, he has been transferred to the third prince Zeguo.

His Majesty also said that although the interrogation has yielded results, it will definitely take time to root out the remaining forces, so he hopes that you will not go out in the last two days because the city is very insecure. "

Xie Linlang was a little impressed by Qin Jue's efficiency.

In just one day, he took the secret guards and found the 13 strongholds that Chang Qiyin hid deeply, and killed the people who gave orders, making the Lianyugang chaos impossible.

Once all those strongholds are eradicated, even Chang Qiyin will have a headache.

But Xie Linlang asked with some doubts what he thought of.

"Where is your majesty?"

Bai Heng said, "Your Majesty has already gone back to Ze State Palace."

He paused, worried that Xie Linlang might misunderstand, so he added another sentence quickly.

"But your Majesty is still very worried about you. After he settled the matter in his hands, he knew that the third prince had arrived with troops, so he returned to the palace."

Xie Linlang was a little strange, even if Qin Jue knew that Chang Qiyu had brought the soldiers over, he would not be so anxious to go back.

So she raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Is your majesty injured?"

"No!" Bai Heng shook his head quickly!

Xie Linlang knew that Chang Qiyin had deployed the thirteen dark divisions that were only established for many years, and the general altar must be like a cloud. Even if Qin Jue has masters around him, it is still too reluctant.

He estimated that he was also afraid that they would not be able to stop them, and that she would not be able to suppress the riots, so she was able to make a quick decision like this. She clearly said, don’t be so reluctant...

Xie Linlang was a little helpless, but he let Bai Heng go and let him go back to life.

She continued to the Yinwang Mansion. On this road, because of the bustling streets, she could feel the colorful nightlife of Zeguo Capital from close range...

Whether it was the fireworks before or Chang Qiyu led the troops to rush through the city, it didn't affect the people here.

On the neatly repaired Qingshicheng Road, there are still children chasing and playing, with toys in their hands.

The shops on both sides were also open. The gorgeously dressed women walked in groups, and from time to time they would gather together to whisper, and then slammed their lips and chuckled.

The cries on both sides, the voices of pedestrians, and the brightly lit streets make this area like a city that never sleeps.

There are also casinos and brothels in front. When Xie Linlang walks downstairs and passes by, there will be a woman waving her red sleeves from the second floor, sweetly calling her up...

Xie Linlang, who was in a heavy mood at first, had already settled down when she walked through the bustling main road to the King of Music Palace.

At this time, the Yinwang Mansion was surrounded by people sent by Chang Qi Yu, and it looked like it was tightly confined, and it looked different from the street.

With Chang Qiyu's personal token, Xie Linlang walked in unimpeded.


Tonight, there is a custom to worship the Sea God. Originally, Chang Qiyin, like other brothers, should join the emperor in Zeguo Palace and follow the custom to worship the Sea God.

But Chang Qiyu suspected that even though the emperor said he didn't believe it, he thought he was still playing drums, so he didn't call Chang Qiyin into the palace, but sent someone to bring some cold food to comfort him.

After Xie Linlang entered, he saw the Prince Yin Mansion quietly, because Chang Qiyin's character was violent and weird. Without his summons, people would not dare to make a sound.

This will see Xie Linlang being ordered to come in, and the subordinates are a little worried. Couldn't their Highness have committed something? It looks like house arrest in no way!

Xie Linlang came to the door of Chang Qiyin's room under the guidance of her servants.

Then he stepped forward and knocked on the door, very disturbed.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Yu has sent someone here."

After he finished speaking, he held his breath, because their highness has a worse temper than usual these days! Perhaps it was the reason why he couldn't go to the slave farm to torture and kill the slaves. His mood was not only uncertain, but also very violent.

Unexpectedly, Chang Qiyin seemed to be in a good mood tonight, only to hear him lazily respond, and then said.

"Let him in."


After the servant opened the door, when Xie Linlang entered, he quickly closed the door and then retreated far away.

After Xie Linlang entered, the first thing he saw was the dense Buddha statues and scriptures in the room.

However, the Buddha statue was swayed, and the scriptures were scattered on the ground, and a lot of ink was artificially splashed.

Xie Linlang paused, walked inside, and saw Chang Qiyin leaning on the wheelchair to play chess under the warm candlelight.

He was already small, and when he was so serious, he looked really harmless, and he was holding a chess piece as if he had encountered a problem, and he didn't make a move.

Just looking at it, who would have thought that he was the culprit who almost caused the riot in Lianyu Harbor?

Xie Linlang took his breath and walked over step by step. When she was close, Chang Qiyin looked up at her.

Seeing it was a face he hadn't seen at all, Chang Qiyin didn't show any expression, just let her sit on the opposite side of the chessboard.

"Can you play chess?"

He didn't look like he was under house arrest, and he didn't ask Xie Linlang for the reason, and directly pushed the chess box with the white pieces in front of her.

Xie Linlang said, "I'm here to kill you."

Chang Qiyin was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a face of uncontrollable laughter, "Then we have to wait until the game is over."

Xie Linlang said, "Is it necessary? The Lianyugang Rebellion did not succeed. It has been suppressed. Your subordinates are located in the 13 strongholds in the capital, and most of them have been damaged. The rest, these two The day will be completely cleared.

As for the dead soldiers you hide in the sea, some people are chasing them. If you find their hiding place, you will lose another trump card. "

Xie Linlang's words made the smile on Chang Qiyin's face disappear a little bit.

It's not easy to accumulate power and cultivate people who are loyal to you. It's really a bit embarrassing to get caught up in this way.

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