The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 348: Let's make a bet

For a long time, he sneered and looked at Xie Linlang and said, "You really deserve to be an outstanding talent of Da Qin. How long you have been here, you have caused me to lose my troops and lose a lot."

Xie Linlang was a little surprised, "Oh? Do you know who I am?"

"Of course." Chang Qiyin said while emptying the chessboard.

"Only an arrogant person like the old emperor would think that Emperor Qin was giving him face, so he came to the country of Ze."

Even if it’s for the Voodoo King’s Poison Classics, Qin Jue doesn’t need to go there in person. After all, Da Qin is now busy with his business. At this time, he can come over ten days in advance to "go to the banquet". People or things that are more attractive to him.

Recalling the sentence Qin Jue said before, "She is worthy of the whole world", it is self-evident who is worthy of his coming.

After all, he is for that person, not even half of Zeguo, as long as he is poisoned.

Xie Linlang asked again, "Then how do you know that he is here for me?"

Chang Qiyin didn't guess first, but dropped a black stone directly on the blank chessboard.

"Come, you play chess with me, and I'll tell you."

Xie Linlang thought for a while, she twisted a white piece after she hadn't played chess for a long time and placed it on the chessboard.

She played chess in her previous life, often because her grandpa liked it.

Playing chess in this life is often to calm oneself down.

She suddenly came to a strange and dangerous world with such a small and fragile body. She was very scared many times.

Playing chess can make her focus, make her think about things seriously, and get out of a lot of situations to find her own way of life.

Composure, calm, long-term, forbearance.

She is more and more discovering that the chess field is like life. Only by doing this can she survive better, but she can't feel the fun at first, so she usually doesn't like chess and can play backgammon.

When Chang Qiyin saw her fall, he also began to fall.

And said while laying down.

"Do you know? I am a handicapped person. I have nothing to do. The only special thing is that my nose is very sensitive."

He looked at Xie Linlang dressed in men's clothing, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's like now, I know that the man in front of me is the handmaid who conspired against me last time!"

Xie Linlang was inexplicably embarrassed, and Chang Qiyin continued.

"The appearance of your maidservant at the beginning allows me to be sure that you are a woman. A woman not only pretends to be a maidservant walking around in the royal slavery, but also leaves from Changqi Yu Mansion and appears in front of me as a man. She is obviously not an ordinary person.

After all, your actions in the Royal Slave Farm were obviously under investigation. Afterwards, Chang Qiyu let you pretend to be a woman and come out to do business, obviously also trusting your ability.

And the time you appeared as a maidservant was just after Chang Qiyu rescued the "First Beauty in the World".

As a result, the beauty died, Chang Qifeng's body was found, and Chang Qiye was also abolished. Chang Qiyu somehow fought a beautiful turnaround and became the final winner.

The emperor went to investigate afterwards and found no trace of Chang Qiyu's murder and framed up. This shows that it was probably not he who framed Chang Qiye with his head at the beginning. Everything that happened on the day Chang Qiye's son reached his age was The woman did it alone. "

"But she died. Chang Qiye found an unrecognizable corpse and some jewelry from the ruins. At the same time, Yin Changji, my assistant to him, disappeared.

After that, you appeared, so can I think that the beautiful woman is also you? "

Xie Linlang put down a chess piece and said with some surprise.

"Chang Qi Yu Mansion is strict, but she is just a maid. Is it worth your effort to investigate her?"

Chang Qiyin shook his head, "Before I, like other men, didn't look down on women. After all, women are as weak as a dodder and can only be raised in a boudoir.

But later, when I started to use slaves for revenge, I discovered that some women are more useful than men, and because they are not taken seriously, they are often better off. "

"And... Of all the women, you are the most hated one I have ever seen! How could a narrow-minded person like me let you go? Naturally, I have to look into it thoroughly."

He finished speaking, put down his son, and squinted.

"As a result, I found out so many identities for you, which is really amazing!

In addition, Chang Qiyu is extremely indulgent to you. People like him who don't see women in their eyes will trust a woman like this and let her investigate, which in itself is a very suspicious thing.

Unless that not an ordinary person. "

"Think of the secrets Su Di told me and the abnormal movements of Emperor Qin. I will guess that you are also normal, are you right? Xie Linlang."

When he uttered the three words Xie Linlang, the space seemed to become cramped for an instant.

Xie Linlang looked at him and nodded, "Wonderful! But the more you know, the faster you die. After this game, do you think I will kill you?"

Chang Qiyin laughed, "Don't say it too early, it's not always certain who wins and loses in this game."

Xie Linlang dropped a son, meaning something, "Looking at the current situation, you are already behind bars."

Hearing the words, Chang Qiyin rubbed the chess pieces and looked up at her.

"Well... let's make a bet."

"What are you betting on?"

Chang Qiyin said, "Just bet on this game. If I win, you let me go. If I lose, I judge myself here. How about?"

Xie Linlang considered the situation outside and nodded, "Okay!"

After she finished speaking, she began to concentrate on playing chess with Chang Qiyin. Chang Qiyin was really good at chess, and Xie Linlang gradually became serious.

Logically speaking...a person who can calm down and polish chess skills shouldn't be so tyrannical, so Xie Linlang asked.

"Did you kill slaves out of purpose or by nature?"

Chang Qiyin smiled gloomily when he heard the words, and there were faint smile lines on his mouth.

"Of course it is by nature! Do you know... When I fell from the horseback, I clearly heard the sound of my bone breaking, which made me deeply obsessed with the sound of bone fracture.

It's a pity that I can't walk around, so I can only kill the subordinates, and the old emperor sends me to the slave farm. This is really an accident.

But I like this accident, where I can vent to my heart's content and release myself, and later, I also found interesting games there that can play with many people in the palm of my hand. "

Xie Linlang dropped a child and continued to ask.

"The people in the slave farm said you stayed there for five years. When did you start playing the game?"

Chang Qiyin nodded his forehead with the chess piece and thought for a while.

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