Although the people didn't know why the slave wanted to speak for Chang Qi Yu, they just let him go. Chang Qi Yu didn't kill their son.

The more the people begged, the less likely the emperor would let them go. Even at noon, he went to the dungeon again and asked Chang Qiyu to be arrested and beaten personally!

This may be the first time that Chang Qiyu has been lashed. He said nothing during the whole process. He refused to admit that he had colluded with the slave or that he was involved in Chang Qiye's death.

Soon, the sun began to sink.

The slaves remained motionless, which had seriously affected the interests of many great nobles. They were inseparable from slaves in all aspects of the daily in and out of goods, transportation and delivery of goods.

If they strike like this for a day, how much will they lose? Those are all white flowers!

They beat them too. If the slaves don't work, they can't do anything about it. Slaves are also their important property. They can't kill people, right? Playing too hard will also delay work and cost money for medical treatment. How can this be good?

Therefore, more and more slave owners are asking the emperor to release people, so the loopholes in the killing methods are framed at first sight. What else can be investigated?

It was indeed a very superficial method. At this time, the emperor also received news that the palace man who had taken care of the long Qi Yu's giant sword had committed suicide. It was obviously instigated.

But will the emperor believe it? All the slaves in the city are begging for Chang Qi Yu. Fortunately, he thought that Chang Qi Yu had the worst relationship with the slaves, so there were always slaves to assassinate him. Now it seems that they are all fake!

What else is true?

The next day, the slaves still went on strike.

It was no longer the slave owners who couldn't sit still, and the nobles couldn't sit still, but this time, they and the emperor were united.

Although they love money, they pay more attention to rights. Now that a man with such a strong influence among slaves appears in the capital, where can they sit still?

So even if the slaves went on strike and brought them huge losses, they still focused on suppression and supported the emperor not to let go.

At this time, the soldiers and horses of Bocheng also arrived. After they came, they brought absolute confidence to the emperor, and he would not let anyone go!

Not only did he not let go of people, but he also felt that the situation before him might be a good thing.

The slaves were obviously loyal to Chang Qiyu, and they had long ago given birth to different intentions. If such slaves are kept, something bad will happen one day, so it is better to take this opportunity to kill them all at once and send them away to be at ease!

Just considering that there are 300,000 slaves in the capital after all, what if they do not want to leave?

Even if they don't have weapons and are no better than well-equipped soldiers, they still feel a little worried.

At this time, someone made suggestions in the ears of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, since the slave is pleading for Chang Qi Yu, how about this, you tie up Chang Qi Yu, parade in the streets, then hang at the gate of the palace and lash out in public.

At the same time, let the soldiers who rushed back to repair for one day, and when they decide to arrest the slave the next day, they will behead Chang Qiyu in public!

By then, the slaves will lose their morale and despair, and then you will send soldiers to arrest them, and forgive them that they will not resist. "

What a great idea!

What is the most important thing for marching? That's morale! Military spirit!

Suppress the opponent first from the morale, and then use force to suppress it, it will definitely be foolproof!

The emperor's decision was also agreed by the high lords. It can be seen that the slaves' strike was only a temporary breath, because today many slaves are willing to move, but most of them are still insisting.

Presumably, as long as they kill Chang Qiyu, their expectations will fall to nothing, and they will feel desperate and settle down again.

However, after this battle, the lords didn't want them anymore, so they were all sent away to save trouble.

Just when Chang Qiyu was **** to the prison wagon, some strange rumors gradually emerged in the capital.

Most people do not have slaves in their hands. They hire slaves to do some work at best, but if the slaves strike, they can do it themselves, but they will be a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, although they were concerned about the slave strike, they still watched more.

Someone told them at this time.

Someone discovered a gold mine on Xunwu Mountain, the nearest outside the capital!

Many people have scoured Jinsha in the sand, and many have already sneaked away, and most of them can find gold.

Although the people in the capital seem to be doing well, they are actually short of money, otherwise they would not join the army to avoid taxation.

For a time, many people secretly took Ximen out of the city, and then missed Chang Qiyu's parade.

Chang Qi Yu may never have thought that he would have such a day when he was about to be pushed out of the palace parade when Xie Linlang suddenly appeared.

Qin Jue persuaded the emperor to allow Xie Linlang to see Qi Yu. The emperor agreed without knowing what kind of mentality he had, but only let people monitor the whole process.

After Xie Linlang came, he did nothing else, but brought a small pot of wine and handed it to Chang Qiyu.

At this time, Chang Qi Yu's hand was only with a chain, and he had not been stuck in the prison car. He reached out to take the hip flask, and his exposed arm was full of whip marks.

Xie Linlang said, "I expected you to be beautiful for half your life, and you have never experienced the parade, so I will give you a pot of wine to make you bold."

Chang Qi Yu's expression was extremely complicated when he heard the words. His face was already covered with blood and black dust at this time. He couldn't see the original handsome appearance. Only the iconic dark golden eyes stared at Xie Linlang heavily.

"It's true that I haven't experienced this kind of battle... Well, in the eyes of the father, I have a hundred mouths and I can't explain it. Those lords also regard me as enemies. I guess they want to kill them soon.

You'd better leave early, don't, don't mess with me. "

Xie Linlang shook her head and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I will return to Daqin soon. I was suffocated in the palace these two days, so I read a lot of books about Zeguo.

By the way, have you ever heard of a fairy tale? "

"...What myth?"

"It is the story of the Sea God recorded at the beginning of the "Wang Hai Jing".

Legend has it that the Seagod was bound to the abyss. On the first day, his people cried and pleaded for the abyss to let the Seagod go. On the second day, his people shed blood and wanted to return to the Seagod. On the third day, his people gathered together, alternating between the sun and the moon. At that moment, he rushed into the abyss and rescued the sea god.

On that day, more than half of the people of Poseidon were killed and injured. "

"Wang Hai Jing" is a book that all sea countries in the whole sea will read. It has been widely spread, and Chang Qiyu has naturally read it.

After speaking briefly, Xie Linlang looked at Chang Qi Yu's eyes and asked half-jokingly.

"If one day, you become a **** of bondage, will you be afraid?"

Chang Qi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and finally said with a conceited chuckle.

"If there is such a day, I will be at a height, pitying the entire battlefield."

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