After Chang Qiyu said this, he drank the wine Xie Linlang brought him in one sip, and then took the initiative to get on the prison wagon.

He has always been overlooking the capital from a high place. He wants to know what kind of world he would see if he was crushed into the dust?

The prison car slowly walked out of the palace gate, crossed the Guangqiao, and entered the main road.

The people who were still in the city didn't know, so they all came out and stood on the street to watch. They didn't throw stones or anything, mainly because they were a bit inexplicable.

Whether it was a slave who went on strike for Chang Qi Yu, or Chang Qi Yu's birthday feast on the spot, or killing his own brother, it was not like what the first God of War would do.

In the past, when Chang Qiyu appeared on the street, the people would cheer enthusiastically, and there would be many women secretly giving off.

But his bright life trajectory seemed to be completely distorted after that battle. Although he tried his best to save it later, he was eventually sent to a prison wagon.

At the same time, many slave owners on both sides were also staring at Chang Qi Yu. In their view, the slaves were disobedient because of Chang Qi Yu, so they were both angry and somewhat afraid of Chang Qi Yu.

When the generals of Bocheng brought some generals back to the palace, they passed by the **** team.

At first, the lieutenant saw so many people around, and it was a bit strange who it was. When he took a closer look, he found that it was Chang Qi Yu. He quickly reported the matter to the general.

The general frowned, but he didn't care. The army and Qi Yu, the commander of them, had never met each other. They only obeyed the emperor and the lord, so they passed it.

When Chang Qiyu's prison car passed through the prosperous area, it came to the capital wharf, the Shibo station, and the middle and lower neighborhoods.

The slaves who had been on strike moved one after another. They came to both sides of the road and looked at Chang Qiyu's **** team with neither hatred nor sadness.

The slave owner originally raised his whip to stop them from running around, but saw that they were only here to watch the prison wagon, and they were all locked and cuffed and couldn't escape, so they didn't stop.

It is true that these slaves should be allowed to take a good look. It is not that they have what they want. They even dared to threaten to strike. Then let's see how Chang Qiyu, whom they "revere", was killed by them!

The guards who escorted Chang Qi Yu were ordered by the emperor, and when they saw the slaves gathered, they shouted fiercely.

"All the slaves are listening! Because you are on strike, Your Majesty has decreed that Chang Qiyu should be demoted to a commoner!

The harder you are, the faster he will die!

Those who are acquainted will start to work immediately, otherwise, after your Majesty has cleaned up Chang Qiyu, it will be your turn next! "

They shouted fiercely, but few people paid attention to him.

All the slaves stared at Chang Qi Yu faintly, not knowing what they were thinking.

Gradually, there were more and more slaves onlookers. They were all ragged and skinny, including adults, old people, and children.

They huddled together like a mime, watching Chang Qi Yu come and watch him leave in custody.


The sky became a little gloomy, and Chang Qiyu was tied to the gate of the palace after he finished swimming the street.

Countless slaves were brought to watch by the slave owners. The emperor was very satisfied with this situation, so in front of them, he severely beat Chang Qi Yu!

He also killed a group of the most violent slaves in public, killing the chicken and the monkey!

In the evening, at the twenty-first hour of the slave strike, there was a loud noise outside the city.

When the common people walked out of their homes, they saw the towering Xunwu Mountain peak outside the West City Gate, and it seemed to be ablaze!

There is something golden, like fireworks, gushing from the inside out, but it's too far away to see clearly.

Half an hour later, the people who went up the mountain to hunt for treasure during the day came back with Jinsha at night!

They shouted excitedly all the way.

"Gold is coming out of the ground! There is a gold mine on the top of Xunwu Mountain. The ground has moved before, and it is all exposed!"

Everyone shouted so, how could other people sit still?

However, there are still some people wondering, since there is gold, why they came back after only a little bit of it.

Those who hold gold have a unified view.

"Because the cracks in the hole are very small, only children can get in, but the inside is full of treasures. This is a fortune!"

With their remarks, coupled with the earth-stained golden stones in their hands, everyone was moved, and they left the city with their own children.

Zeguo’s curfew has been very late, and he can still leave the city at this meeting, but he may not be able to come back after the meeting.

They ran out in such a swarm, and soon alarmed the emperor and the lord minister.

Their first reaction was to let people come back and not to pick them up, because the gold mine found in Zeguo must belong to Zeguo. How can ordinary people move?

At this time, a general stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, this may be a good thing!"

"Oh? What do you say?"

The emperor originally didn't believe in the general in front of him because he had a good relationship with Chang Qiyu, but he was supported by a high lord behind him, so he had to show his face and listen to his words.

Said the general.

"Gold mines are generally barely exposed. Even if all the people go, they can only pick up some gold, stone and sand at most, which is not a big advantage.

But once most of the people leave the city, the capital will be vacated, so tomorrow it will be easier for us to capture slaves.

Some slaves in the province hurriedly jumped over the wall and took the citizens of Ze State as hostages. Your Majesty, are you right? "

When the emperor heard it, it made sense! If most of the people in the capital are no longer there, it would be better to capture slaves!

It was not that he was afraid of slaves resisting and hurting people, but he felt that this operation would make arrests faster and without risk.

So the emperor smiled and asked with relief, "Then, what do you think should be done with this situation now?"

The general suggested that "more people should be encouraged to go out of the city to provide more convenience for tomorrow's actions."

The emperor pondered for a moment, and then agreed, "Okay, leave this to you, go!"

"Yes." The general led the order and went out quickly. When he went out, he could still hear the people behind him discussing how to catch slaves, how to feed them, and how to send them away.

He sighed inwardly.

Lord, these are the only things your subordinates can help you with. Your Majesty, they are already crazy. It's all up to you to see the capital tomorrow!

Soon, more people ran to the capital, saying that they had found the sands.

Looking at the genuine gold, most of the people couldn't sit still anymore. Even those who didn't lack money in Shangjie District sent people out to go up the mountain to pan for gold. For a while, the city was quite empty.


When Chang Qiyin heard such news, he sneered, and he asked the shadow behind him.

"Are any slaves also going to Xunwu Mountain?"

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