Soi Ying replied, "Yes, many slaves took the opportunity to flee, and followed the city people up to the Wushan Mountain to look for mines, and they ran away tens of thousands."

After all, if slaves have money in their hands, they can escape to live elsewhere, and there is no need to fight hard for the next deadly battle.

Chang Qiyin asked, tilting his head and muttering to himself.

"This is Chang Qiyu's counterattack? They want to use this method to shake the slaves' will and disperse their strength?"

Thinking about this, he shook his head.

"Then they may be disappointed. They underestimated the hatred in the slave's heart. This deadly battle cannot be avoided unless... the last person falls."

The old emperor finally negotiated with the lord and the courtiers. In fifty-three quarters the next day, the slave owner would first give medicine to the slaves' food, then summon them, and cut Qi Yu in front of them!

Then block the whole city and start arresting people!

As for the people in the city who have already left, let them wait outside for a day. This is also for their safety.

His plan was perfect, and the soldiers took time to rest, because the next day must be very busy.

Unexpectedly, they couldn't wait for noon, because during the darkest time before dawn, there was a place in the city that suddenly lit up.

A few screams cut through the night, just like a signal, the huge city suddenly burst into flames, little by little, and gradually became a trend.

A small group of people in the city who had not left the city screamed when they saw a fire in the city!

But when he yelled, a group of people wearing filial piety appeared soon. Without saying anything, they chopped to death the yelling person with a kitchen knife. The rest of them saw it and quickly covered their mouths and hid in the shadows. Seeing those who killed people gather together, talking in words they don't understand.

As the footsteps became denser and denser, more people emerged from the alleys, each of them wearing filial piety, their faces gloomy and murderous.

The ordinary people hiding in the dark corner trembled with fright, but did not dare to make a sound. Then they watched them and lit the nearby house.

Another residence caught fire.

As the number of fires increased, the rest of the city woke up. They were yelling, but they were killed by the slaves who heard the wind soon.

The rest of the people didn't dare to scream, they all hid and watched the slaves set fire to kill people!

What's the matter, in addition to work, slaves usually wear shackles, and the place where they live is also supervised by slave owners. Why did the slave owners not tie them and let so many slaves escape without wearing them? shackles!

As for the reason, it is actually very simple, because the people who supervised the slaves have been attacked and killed by the slaves, and the slave owners and their families were also killed.

The first flame that ignited started from the house of the slave owner!


Chang Qiyu was badly injured. His hands were tied and he was hung at the gate of the palace. Suddenly he heard something. When he opened his eyes, he saw the city on the other side of the long bridge. I don't know when there was fire everywhere. !

He wanted to call someone, and wanted the people guarding the palace gate to pay attention, but his voice could no longer yell out. This time was also when the guards on guard were most drowsy. They stood there holding their spears, almost Almost falling asleep.

At this time, a shop selling fireworks in the city burned up, and for a while, the crackling sound continued!

The place where the explosion had originally exploded was still a little away from the gate of the palace, but the night was too quiet and the sound was very clear.

When the roof of that shop was burned down, countless fireworks rose from the fire, and then exploded densely in that piece of sky!

The guards guarding the palace gate suddenly became sober, they turned their heads to look, and they saw that there had been a lot of dark shadows on the long bridge!

Suddenly, the souls of the guards were frightened, and the sharp shouts spread throughout the court!

"Not good! The slave rebelled!!"

This sound pierced the night sky and awakened countless people who were still sleeping!

At the same time, this sound also awakened the entire capital!

Those slaves with knives no longer sneered, they wantonly hacked their employers and slave owners, and burned their houses on fire.

After being free, they opened the locks and rushed out to gather with other slaves.

They emerged from the alleys, from the streets, from the docks, from the cargo ports... from countless shadowy corners, from small to gathering, from gathering to crowds, and finally merged into rivers and seas, and instantly swallowed the entire city!

The emperor didn't even wear shoes, so he rushed out and stood on a high place to look outside the palace gate.

He really didn't expect that this group of slaves would dare to rebel even when no one was organized!

Even more unexpectedly, he **** their backbone and killed so many disobedient slaves in public. They could still ignore it like this. Wouldn't they care about Chang Qi Yu's life and death? !

What about the good morale and the weakening of the army? How does he feel that this group of slaves is much more determined than at first? !

He was indeed trying hard to suppress the slave's military spirit, but he suppressed it, completely caught by Chang Qiyin's trap!

At the beginning, with the mentality of destroying the city, he told every inferior slave who was imprisoned in the Royal Slave Farm, the admonition that evolved from the "Wang Hai Jing".

And tell them that on the day when the God of God was bound, that is, on the day when Chang Qiyu, the God of War, was bound, they could stop, no longer work, and pray for themselves and their dead companions!

So the slave strike was said to be for the sake of Qi Yu, but in fact, it was a memorial service for oneself, for one's own people, and for the dead relatives.

They have been suppressed for a long time, but they don't actually have the courage to resist, but what if they are beaten just for a day of sacrifice for their loved ones? What about hungry?

Moreover, if they did this, they might be able to trick the emperor into killing Chang Qiyu, so their relatives would be able to look down!

As expected, the emperor not only arrested Chang Qiyu, but also arrested him to go parade.

Looking at Chang Qiyu who was kept in a cage, all slaves would have an illusion.

That was Chang Qiyu, the lofty God of War of the Ze Kingdom, and because of their lies, he was about to be beaten to death. The nobles of Ze Kingdom didn't seem to be smart and could be easily manipulated by them.

Moreover, the emperor was eager to kill Chang Qi Yu, which also proved from the side that the emperor was afraid of the unification of slaves!

The more the emperor is afraid of something, the more they will do!

Since even the emperor is afraid of them, why don't they resist? !

Under the guidance of a small group of slaves, more and more slaves were cheered up and excited!

Part of the slave who couldn't hold on and was about to give in, after seeing Chang Qi Yu being beaten in public, also gritted his teeth and persevered!

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