Even if the emperor's brother found the dead soldier in Xiadao, and asked him to see the father and persuade him, his whole heart was beating wildly!

Even if the birthday banquet was on the spot, his martial arts were so clumsy that he was almost exposed.

Even if he was framed, sent to death row, paraded in the streets, whipped and hung on the top of the city, he did not let go, did not show his timidity, and did not lose a trace of the emperor's face!

All the things he felt he couldn't do, he could do it by forcing him to do it.

It's like now.

Since the emperor is not there, he will act as the emperor to save the person who should be saved!

He won't be afraid, because he grew up with Qi Luoshu, and he can also be on his own and stand upright-man!


At this time, the soldiers and horses stationed outside the city of Burj Khalifa finally came over, and they went straight to the upper block as soon as they arrived, giving priority to protecting the nobles.

Then diverted to help relieve the siege of the palace and prevent the palace from being captured.

The regular army is well equipped, and although the slaves are crowded, most of them are full of blood and flesh and blood.

No one took the lead, so under the army's offensive, it gradually showed fatigue.

At this time, Chang Qiyin finally appeared. He was sitting in a wheelchair and surrounded by slaves. No one knew what he was thinking. He only had to maintain his pitying expression.

There is still a small number of available slaves around him. Under their command, the slaves gradually gathered and began a purposeful counterattack!

Seeing that the army quickly blocked the front of the palace, Chang Qiyin was not in a hurry, but after gathering some slaves, he took out a medicine in public.

The people around him explained that this kind of medicine is special. After taking it, it will make people feel no pain for a short time and increase their strength.

Under the action of the medicine's power, even if you are stabbed in a dead spot, you can resist for a while, so this medicine is prepared for the cannon fodder who rushes forward!

After all, slaves without armor can find a way to turn themselves into armor!

The efficacy of this medicine is terrifying, but at this time, who will be afraid?

A slave in his fifties in the crowd came out first and said.

"I am willing to eat! I am willing to die at the forefront! I only hope that my clan can live, and our clan can continue to have blood!"

Soon, many people came out.

"I'm willing to eat too! But my sister don't want to eat it, I'm an older brother, I should stand in front of her!"

"I am willing too!"

"I want to eat too!"

At this moment, although Chang Qiyin was using them, and in order to achieve his goal, he did not take their lives in his eyes at all, and used hatred to let them die willingly.

But anyway, if he succeeds today, no matter what the slave's final outcome is, they will at least take revenge tonight...

Those blood of the same clan, naturally, can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy.

Those tragic lives, only killing can bring them to rest!

Chang Qiyin is very satisfied, maybe hate is the most powerful force in this world?

With the support of hatred, these slaves are omnipotent. Even if they were afraid of their employers to death yesterday, they only promised, they only asked for a full meal and one less meal.

But as long as their hatred is aroused, they dare to work hard!

That's why he said that the chess game in the capital was dead long ago. Once decades of hatred broke out, everyone would die and there would be no way to survive.

And he would stand on top of the corpses of both sides and easily win the crown of the emperor.


At this time, the people who left the capital to hunt for treasure in Xunwu Mountain were blocked by the gate, and some were still halfway up the mountain.

When they looked back and saw the fire in the city, the first feeling in their hearts was anxiety, their home was still inside!

But as the distance approached, they heard the desperate screams coming from the city, and they were deterred and frightened. This is no longer a home, but a battlefield for reaping lives!

Everyone who enters will die in it!


Soon, more than 3,000 people took the medicine brought by Chang Qiyin.

In these years, he has actually done nothing. The only thing he has done is to try his best to stimulate and ignite the hatred in the slave's heart.

He knew very well that as long as all this was detonated, his prince who was willing to stand up for the slaves, with the support of some slaves, would soon be accepted by most of the slaves, and then regarded them as his own use.

For this purpose, he assembled a slave society to propagate that advice, and in various ways, he planted a seed in the hearts of all slaves.

Now this seed finally germinated, he was very happy!

He really wanted to see what the resentment of decades would look like once it broke out!

Many people will definitely die, but he will always live as a hero.

The cheeks of the people who took the medicine were gradually burning red, and under the guidance of the lead slave, they rushed toward the wall that blocked the front of the palace without a trace!

The soldiers might be able to take advantage of their sudden increase in strength, and the first line of defense was broken by them!

Fortunately, they had many people and weapons. After half an hour of hard resistance, they finally blocked the first wave of slavery.

Just looking at this situation, if the other party has enough medicine, they may not need a day, and they will be broken by these desperate slaves!

But in one day, even if the emperor let soldiers from other places fly, he couldn't fly!

If this is the case, the Imperial Palace of Naze will definitely fall, and their 150,000 soldiers will lose both sides together with the other 300,000 slaves, and die on the spot!

I have to say that everyone's guess is very correct. Chang Qiyin originally planned to use the human sea tactics to consume the opponent's military wall, and then kill all the nobles and royal families, so that Ze Guo will finally be purified and become his own words.

At this time, the great aristocrats who were trapped in the palace and couldn't escape, were racking their brains to find a way.

Once the slaves rushed in, they would surely die without a place to bury them!

The whole main hall is in chaos, and the foreign envoy is going crazy!

What's all this! Zeguo caught the slaves and hadn't had any trouble for so many years. Why did they catch up as soon as they came? !

Soon, the slaves at the gate of the palace regrouped, and it is estimated that they will attack for the second time soon.

At this time, the soldiers had long given up on the streets and all guarded in front of the palace. They seemed fearless, but in fact they were pressured by taxis who were not afraid of death!

Because they are afraid, they don't know how long they will survive!

The most important thing right now is to delay time. Wait for the latest reinforcements to come, otherwise the dead will be like snowballs and cannot be stopped!

At this moment, on the city wall at the entrance of the main palace, a figure wearing a silver mask suddenly appeared.

She struck the city wall twice with the spear in her hand, and transmitted the sound internally.

"Truce! Please see Qi Yin, the fifth prince!"

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