The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 365: decisive battle! Wailing of the Dead

Chang Qiyin randomly found a rich man's residence in Shangjie District at this time, and commanded the battle in it. He heard someone call and said that someone asked him to come and see him.

Who is meeting him at this time? Chang Qi Yu, or Xie Linlang?

Out of a strong interest in the latter, he pushed his wheelchair and came to Changqiao Square.

The Long Bridge Square between the Imperial Palace and Shangjie District is divided into two halves, with a moat in the middle. There are nine long bridges on the river, hence the name.

At this time, this place seemed to be a battlefield, and the nine long bridges were all occupied by slaves. Chang Qiyin pushed the wheelchair to the middle bridge.

The sky was still dark, but at this meeting, many slaves had already raised their torches, and the slaves retreated to accumulate energy for the next breakthrough, so Xie Linlang saw Chang Qiyin at a glance.

He just appeared, and he was not afraid of being shot by the soldiers. The main reason might be that he knew that he was not the true leader of this group of slaves. If he were shot, it would make the situation more uncontrollable. the benefits of.

If his previous dark part had not been removed, the current situation would be much better for him.

But it doesn't matter if there is no, the big deal is death. Will there be fewer people who die tonight?

When the soldiers saw Chang Qiyin, they became nervous. They thought it was just a slave riot, but they didn't expect the prince to participate.

However, Xie Linlang did not give an order, and they did not dare to move. At this time, they thought that Xie Linlang was a general sent by the emperor to command them. Although they had not seen her, they subconsciously listened to her to give orders.

As for their original general, when they entered the palace to report, they were knocked out by Xie Linlang.

The soldiers sent by the emperor to help out were also brought down by Xie Linlang, and she snatched his spear.

There was no accident in the palace at this time, and Qin Jue had already controlled it.

Ever since Chang Qiyu decided to solve the problem in his own way, he planned to force the palace.

After all, for so many years, it is impossible for him to have no power in the palace. After all, after all the glory for so long, there are countless people who take the initiative to take refuge.

Then he gave all his men and horses in the palace to Xie Linlang, and Xie Linlang gave them all to Qin Jue. He sat in the middle palace inside, and she delayed the battlefield outside.

After Chang Qiyin came out, Xie Linlang raised a voice.

"We haven't finished the previous game, but today, with this battlefield, I think we can finish it!"

Chang Qiyin was stunned for a moment, the situation in front of him was really like their unfinished game before.

His great dragon is already in place, and he is engulfing and encircling, but Xie Linlang has suddenly emerged, trying to resist and break through.

Interesting, this is really interesting!

Chang Qiyin squinted, "What a battlefield is like a chess board, and soldiers are like pawns! Black Hawk, tell her, I agree."

The black shadow next to Chang Qiyin showed up for the first time and transmitted the sound internally. Acting Chang Qiyin answered.

Xie Linlang looked at the two armies facing each other below, and countless corpses lying on the ground with no one to clean up, calming down.

Her goal is to delay time and end the war, but how to stop the war when Zeguo's accumulated internal grievances broke out for decades, really, she was also a little nervous.

Under the mask, she smiled and said.

"Before you said I lost, because your layout has been completed, just like the situation in front of you, at this moment, do you think you have already won?"

if not?

Chang Qiyin tilted his head, his 300,000 people attacked 150,000 soldiers and horses at any cost. It was only a matter of time before the imperial city was swallowed. No matter how many people would die on his side, at least he would win. There is no doubt.

Xie Linlang laughed, holding the spear and continued.

"If I have only 150,000 people here, I might also think that I will lose, but after so many days, I know what you are going to do, I will not find reinforcements?"


Chang Qiyin seems to be alone, but in fact he is not fighting alone, he still has allies.

And his allies can tell him with certainty that during this period of time, Ze Guo's forces in various positions have not moved.

Except for the soldiers and horses of Perak, which is very close to the imperial city, the soldiers and horses of other places have no time to be transferred back.

Could it be...? !

Chang Qiyin suddenly remembered the "Chang Qi Luoshu" who had been sent for refuge. Could it be him? !

He asked the shadow to reply.

"Could it be that you asked Chang Qi Luoshu to adjust the navy stationed on the island?

It's useless, the first navy only obeys the emperor. Without the emperor's will, they cannot come back! "

Xie Linlang curled her lips and smiled, "It is true that the first navy division only obeys the emperor's orders, but don't forget who established the first navy division! Besides, who said that the book I gave away must be Chang Qiluo?

Chang Qiyin was really a little surprised now, he suddenly sat upright, and the dark tide surged in his eyes.

So he was cheated? The two brothers Chang Qiyu and Chang Qi Luoshu exchanged identities, and Chang Qiyu transferred troops, and Chang Qi Luoshu was trapped in the palace for the state banquet instead of him...

As the founder of the first navy division, Chang Qiyu's words may be more useful than the emperor!

If he wanted to rebel, the army would definitely not listen to him, but the navy would definitely listen to him.

In addition to the friendship of fighting side by side, there is also the deep inside of the navy, I'm afraid they don't want to expedition.

Now that the former Lord will lead them to rebel against the emperor’s will, how could they be unwilling...

Chang Qi Yin thought about this and couldn't help laughing.

"Smart, really smart! Interesting, this is really interesting!"

At this time, the sky gradually brightened, and the faint light of dawn shrouded Xie Linlang's body. Chang Qiyin looked at her from a distance, only then realized that he was in Xie Linlang's plan!

She was delaying time and told the soldiers and horses guarding the city that there were reinforcements to boost their morale. At the same time, she was also using this method to suppress the morale of the slaves, making them panic and calming them down.

What a cunning opponent!

Chang Qiyin asked the Black Hawk to tell Xie Linlang.

"This is your secret plan? The navy is your trump card?

This is also very good, at least it can give me a sense of accomplishment. "

His words made the soldiers on the side of the imperial city nervous.

Originally, they heard Xie Linlang say that reinforcements were coming, and they were all encouraged, but they heard the five princes on the opposite side say so...Does the slaves also have reinforcements?

This is what the slaves want to know. They also have reinforcements? Where are their reinforcements?

"...The total number of naval forces stationed on the island is 200,000. Even if they all come back, you will only have 350,000 soldiers and horses, and behind me, there are the slaves of the entire Ze country!

They will continue to come from all parts of Zeguo. The first batch of 200,000 people, it is estimated that they will arrive soon! "

As long as the slaves in the capital of Ze Kingdom rebelled, it would be too simple to instigate slaves in several neighboring cities.

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