The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 366: decisive battle! Break through the beacon of dawn

When the nobles heard that the palace was surrounded by slaves, their first thought was to pack up and escape!

And even if the number of slaves he sent out was small, they could quickly play a decisive role at this time and organize slaves from several surrounding cities to come and assist.

After all... he would also worry that only 300,000 slaves were not enough to die, so he made arrangements in advance.

When Chang Qiyin said so, the slave was greatly encouraged!

Yes, they are not fighting alone, they have the entire Ze Guo compatriots as backup!

No one is more united than them. They will be free after all as long as they capture the palace!

There was no hope before. Now that there is hope, everyone will cheer up and fight for hope!

Chang Qiyin told the Black Hawk to finish, and then backed away. He would not give Xie Linlang another chance to delay.

Morale is a thing that smashes into force, then declines, and exhausts. He must use the fastest speed to conquer the imperial city!

Seeing that Qi Yin didn't say anything, the second wave of shock began. Xie Linlang squinted his eyes and knocked **** the spear to calm the soldiers in front of the palace gate and quickly ordered.

"Prepare! The shield soldiers move forward, the spearmen assist, and the archers retreat and line up!"

The soldiers who were originally chaotic and could not hear the order, as if they were scattered in the sand, immediately refreshed when they heard this voice!

Before the drugged slave rushed over, the soldier holding the shield went forward, and the soldier holding the spear followed him to help out, and pierced the spear through the gap between the shield and the shield. The two formed a temporary wall. !

This kind of military wall was originally not very useful, because the opponent is alive, he can not take the initiative to stab your spear.

But this time the situation is different. The slaves who took the medicine to open the way are really likely to hit the gun directly!

The archers hurriedly backed up and divided them into three rows. One row was launched immediately, the other was ready to launch, and the other was drawn and wounded.

Such a combination can keep the arrows from stopping and not give the opponent a chance to breathe!

Following Xie Linlang's order, ten thousand arrows were sent out, and the first batch of slaves used for the attack also rushed over!

When the two armies were handed over, Changqiao Square suddenly fell into a melee!

Countless slaves died, and there are more desperate slaves behind them!

Many soldiers also died, but they knew that the palace couldn't be broken, and Zeguo would be gone if it was broken!

Relying on the combat methods and weapon superiority, Xie Linlang temporarily gained the upper hand.

Upon seeing this, Chang Qiyin asked the slaves to drive all the horses in the nearby royal carriage and light the tail of the leading horse, letting it take the horses and attack the wall.

Xie Linlang heard the sound of horse hooves and knew that those horses were tamed horses in the city.

She reacted immediately and asked the soldiers from the army to gather on the side of the palace gate and issue a "call" command to attract the horses.

On the one hand, one of the guards with the best riding skills jumped onto the horse's back with a light effort, forcing it to change the direction of the impact with the horses.

The entire Changqiao Square was in chaos. The horses that had rushed forward at last forced a turn at the gate of the palace and ran to the west!

As the horses ran past, there was a gap in the Changqiao Square for a moment.

The sun broke through the dawn at this moment and shone on the earth.

The smell was filled, the first thing everyone saw was the corpses all over the floor, the mess, and the red eyes on both sides!

Without waiting for the slaves to start the next wave of shock, only the sound of the battle horn sounded, a team of naval forces came from the east and rushed into the battlefield neatly!

They are like a rainbow, and they are equally well equipped. When the slaves saw it, they couldn't help but retreat. Their reinforcements haven't arrived yet, but the opponent's reinforcements have arrived!

Standing on the city gate, Xie Linlang could see the dock on the east side. I don't know when the ship was already crowded. She breathed a sigh of relief, her hand holding the spear was covered with cold sweat.

The secret guards who had been protecting her around her were relieved when they saw it. If the battle conditions continue to be bad, they must take Master Xie away.

Chang Qiyin in the slave camp stunned when he heard the sound of the navy coming, especially the slaves around him were retreating. Obviously, his morale had been severely hit!

At this time, only one eagle croak was heard, and a snow eagle hovered down from the sky and landed accurately on Chang Qiyin's shoulder among the many slaves.

Chang Qiyin opened the letter paper and chuckled slightly.

"Pass the order and continue the attack! Our reinforcements are here too, more in number than them! In this battle, no matter how many people die, victory must belong to us!"

After his words were spread out, all the slaves were shocked!

Reinforcements are coming!

It just so happened that from behind them, that is, from the south, there were countless hooting sounds.

When they turned their heads, they saw the sky rendered by the morning glow, and several plumes of wolf smoke rose into the sky, gradually converging in one direction.

That's reinforcement! It's their reinforcements!

At this time, some of the slaves took the lead, raised the wooden stick in his hand and shouted.

"Fight! Fight for freedom! Fight for death!!"

His tragic oath aroused the resonance of all the slaves. They once again rushed forward desperately, and Xie Linlang heard such a sound, his heart seemed to be grabbed by a hand!

She stood tall, so she could see the south side, there were three teams of people coming from different directions, holding unextinguished torches, lighting the beacon, and converging towards the capital!

At that moment, the world seemed to have become a huge chess field. The criss-cross roads were lines, and the three lines of men and horses from far to near were the last killer moves of the enemy!

Chang Qiyin raised his head and looked at Xie Linlang's figure, showing the winner's smile.

What if the navy helps out? He is still inferior in number.

Moreover, the imperial palace's instructions cannot be passed out at the moment, even if they can go out, others know that the imperial palace is surrounded by slaves, it is impossible to come back to rescue.

Only slaves, only slaves will continue to break free from the shackles after hearing this news, and come to help.

This is the power of hope, this is the power of hatred!

So he won this game of chess!

But when the slaves and soldiers were about to start the third battle, Qin Jue's people came with four high lords **** and pushed them one by one on the wall.

Before Qin Jue suddenly took Chang Qiyu's people and took control of the main hall, the foreign envoys were all on Qin Jue's side, considering the pros and cons.

Their people were also temporarily lent to Qin Jue for use, so Qin Jue quickly took control of the main hall and locked the emperor's courtiers and others here.

The old emperor originally wanted to resist, he even felt that everything today might be Qin's conspiracy to annex Ze country!

If he really wants to resist, he can do it. After all, how can Chang Qiyu's manpower in the palace compare to the emperor? He still has a hole card to fight the water.

But Qin Jue told him that he was just helping him.

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