The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 368: I don't want to lose to you

The slaves had completely calmed down at this time. Although Chang Qiyu was also the object of their hatred, he swore an oath in front of the envoys of the three countries to abolish the slave law.

He is also completely different from the old emperor before him, willing to stop expansion and sign a hundred-year peace agreement.

One hundred years of peace... Doesn't that mean that their next generations will live freely in a peaceful land?

After all, peace is everyone's wish, which is even higher than freedom.

Therefore, more and more slaves put down their weapons and knelt down in front of Chang Qi Yu.

Behind Chang Qi Yu, the soldiers who had stood by the dawn also knelt down.

A century of peace is not only the wish of slaves, but also the wish of their soldiers.

They were willing to defend the country and the country, but they were more willing to rust their swords, and no war happened.

If Chang Qiyu can really compose one hundred years of peace with Da Qin and the three maritime nations.

Then, he will become the most sacred monarch in the history of Ze State!

Xie Linlang's back finally slackened. When she realized that Chang Qiyin's death was unbreakable, when she saw the sorrow and suffering of Zeguo slaves, she kept wondering, what is the perfect situation?

It turned out later that there is no perfect ending.

Decades of **** feuds cannot be released without bloodbath.

Those inherent class ideas cannot be broken without bloodbath.

The only thing she can think about is how to reduce casualties, and how to make the angry and red-eyed people calm down and trust the new leader.

Finally she thought of "peace."

Freedom is more valuable than hope, and peace is more valuable than freedom.

If Chang Qiyin took advantage of the slave's hatred, let them die for life.

Then she will calm them down with peace and awaken their desire for life.

At the same time, it has always been her dream to establish a world business.

I believe that in the future, more countries will be willing to join the contract of this century of peace.

Of course, the premise is that Da Qin, an advocate, must be the strongest country. For this, she will always work hard!

After that, Xie Linlang didn't care about it.

After Chang Qiyu returned to the palace, he directly forced the old emperor to abdicate, and added his yellow robe on the same day.

Then he immediately promulgated the decree to abolish the slave law. No one opposed him this time, because the great aristocracy of Ze State had many casualties, and the four great lords also died. Before the noble class was restored, Ze State became the voice of Chang Qiyu .

The people who had left the capital before returned to the capital and actively participated in the fire fighting together with the slaves.

So many people died in Changqiao Square. Even if the people were dissatisfied, there was only fear in this meeting.

Some people hiding in the refuge also came out to help rebuild the city.

Chang Qi Luoshu played a very important role in this chaos. He led people into the hands of angry slaves, saving many people and saving them from death.

The slaves in his mansion before also helped him save people. When all the slaves were crazy, they should be the only ones who stayed awake.

Because Keya told them that they would go to Daqin Xiangcheng with her and Xie Linlang.

What a wonderful place Xiangcheng was in the hearts of slaves! Even if there are people who don't know, listening to Keya's words, they are still yearning.

They are the only people who have hope in the war.

As soon as Zeguo's crisis was lifted, the envoys left in no hurry.

They said on the surface that they would stay and attend the enthronement ceremony after Chang Qiyu, but they were actually very interested in the century-old peace treaty signed between Chang Qiyu and Ze Guo!

Those with larger territories are driven by interests. After all, behind a hundred years of peace, there is a treaty of trade.

But small countries have gone for a hundred years of peace. Small countries like theirs are precarious, and maybe one day they will be annexed by a big country.

Therefore, if they can join the treaty, then they will become the country's greatest hero!

For this purpose, even if Zeguo is still very turbulent and insecure, they must stay, and they will have to get a place in the fight!

As the initiator of the contract, Qin Guo was also a supervisor, so Qin Jue couldn't get rid of it naturally.

Only then did he know what Lin Lang did with his letter seal...

She used this war and Qin's majesty to force Ze Guo and Rosser to shake hands and make peace.

And while the envoys of many countries were present, they proposed a hundred-year peace alliance treaty. The additional treaty is trade.

I have to say... She is slow a lot of the time, but when she really wants to do something, she is really fast!

She said she wanted to let the wealth of the world be collected in Daqin, which was never empty talk!

When everyone was busy in the gloomy dungeon, Xie Linlang came to the prison and met Chang Qiyin.

Chang Qiyu did not immediately execute him, nor did he torture him severely.

Maybe he wants to hate Chang Qiyin for igniting internal grievances in advance and breaking out a war, but in some ways, he has to be grateful for him.

Without Chang Qiyin’s layout, Zeguo is still thinking about expansion. The people will only get more and more bitter, and the slaves will hate more and more. This country will collapse one day. At that time, it will be true. Hopeless.

But because of the long Qi Yin, the root knots accumulated by Zeguo for decades were exposed in advance and dug out by the roots. This is regarded as eradicating Zeguo's biggest cancer!

Even if a lot of people died, but they did not break or stand, as long as he made a good follow-up decision, Zeguo would soon usher in a new life.

For this reason, Chang Qiyu did not kill him.

However, because of him, many people died in the capital, so he still had to die in the end to quell popular grievances.

But Xie Linlang came this time with Chang Qiyu's secret order.

At this time, Chang Qiyin was sitting in a wheelchair, quietly looking at the cell with only two slap-sized windows, not knowing what he was thinking.

The black eagle around him had disappeared in the chaos and was not caught, and there was no other person around him to serve. After all the slaves chose to turn to their side, he was completely alone.

Seeing this, Xie Linlang knocked on the stakes of the cell.

"His Royal Highness, if you are free, would you like to play chess with me?"

Chang Qiyin looked back and looked over.

His very small baby face was as immature as he was when he first saw it. Looking at those eyes, there was no calculation, some were just a little bit of malicious innocence.

Seeing that the jailer really let Xie Linlang in, and also brought a table, chair and chess board.

Chang Qiyin sneered and stared at her.

"I won't play with you. The last game of chess. After you go back, you must study carefully and come up with a solution. If I play, won't I lose to you?"

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