The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 369: Who hasn't passed yet

Upon hearing this, Xie Linlang was embarrassed of being caught.

She has indeed figured out how to deal with it, but she guessed that Qi Yin must have figured it out afterwards, then she is not cheating...

Just when she was embarrassed, Chang Qiyin lowered his eyes and smiled, and put the chess pieces on one by one.

Seeing that he was so proficient, he had apparently resumed the game at home, Xie Linlang didn't lose heart immediately and took Baizi.

She dropped the first child, and then said deliberately.

"Even though you have been tossing so hard this time, Chang Qiyu finally decided not to kill you. He said... He will find a condemned prisoner to replace you. Do you have any special places you want to go?"

Xie Linlang was also surprised at this. Logically speaking, with so many people dead in the capital, Chang Qiyu should have killed Chang Qiyin in public to quell public grievances, but he did not.

Maybe because too many brothers died, right? Chang Qiyu now only has a younger brother like Chang Qiyin besides Chang Qi Luoshu.

Moreover, after Zeguo's hidden dangers were resolved, he didn't worry about what Chang Qiyin would do in the future, so he wanted to think about brotherhood and let him make a living. It was also natural.

When Chang Qiyin heard this, there was a sunspot. He was not happy or accidental, but it didn't matter, as if it was someone else's business.

When Xie Linlang had another son, he suddenly said something unrelated to it.

"When I was young, I was very strong, because my mother was not strong. Only by becoming the best prince can I be valued by the old emperor.

So I compare everything with Chang Qiyu. After comparing it, I will be very happy. However, I will work ten times in the dark until I beat him. "

As he said, he seemed to recall the past, and the speed of chess was also much slower.

"...One year of autumn hunting, the old emperor was unwell, so he had to choose one of the princes with the best riding skills to replace him in shooting the flag on the autumn hunting day.

To be fair, Guozixue held a competition, and the one with the best riding skills was able to win this honor.

This is my strong point. I thought I could win it. In the end, I lost to Chang Qiyu by half a horse.

I am very unwilling, not only because I lost the opportunity, but also because I shouldn't lose!

So even if the quota has been fixed, I still go to the racecourse whenever I have time, and strive to win it back next time. "

"As a result, the day before the autumn hunt, when I went to ride a horse, I saw the horse that Chang Qiyu was going to ride the next day.

I was unwilling, so I took advantage of the fact that the people on the racecourse did not pay attention and rode that horse for a ride. The white horse is indeed a BMW. I don’t know how fast it is. There is still a kind of smell on my body, totally different from other horses. same.

But unexpectedly, it suddenly went crazy after two quarters of an hour. I was thrown off and broke my leg. "

"In the final analysis, I was young and energetic, and I took the blame, but when many people came to see me, I smelled the same scent on the horse from the staff beside the emperor. It was very shallow, and everyone else smelled it. No more."

"I told the old emperor and concubine about this, but they all felt that I smelled the wrong thing. After all, there was no problem in the final inspection of the horse, and they did not smell any scent on the horse.

Coupled with the fact that the big emperor was in power at that time, I was another prince who was determined to have a broken leg. What the old emperor would do with this matter, you can think about it. "

When Chang Qiyin talked about this, there was not much emotional ups and downs, instead he looked a bit sarcasm. He played another chess and said with his eyes down.

"The big emperor wanted to be an emperor, but he was only a dozen years younger than the old emperor. In order to live a hundred years, he found many alchemists at home in an attempt to practice elixir and extend his life.

He also feared all the outstanding younger brothers, and the most fearful of them was Chang Qiyu, because Chang Qiyu was not only outstanding, but also a powerful mother. "

"I was like this as a shelter for Chang Qi Yu, so... Later, all my brothers and brothers humiliated me more or less and ran on me. Only he did not. If he let Chang Qi Luoshu be okay, they would come to play with me. , Just kicked out by me."

"In the past few years, Chang Qiyu has taken care of me. Although we don't have much friendship, he probably knows that I don't want to see him, but I have something, even if I don't want it, I will have it."

"And this time, he obviously should have killed me, but he said to find a death row prisoner to replace me, let me make a living, presumably, still remember that year."

Xie Linlang did not expect that there was such a deep reason in this. It is no wonder that when she said that Chang Qiyin was suspicious, Chang Qiyu gave him a reason in every way. When she said that she wanted to kill Chang Qiyin, Chang Qiyu also showed his desire. The expression stopped.

He may think that there is no Chang Qiyin, and he is sitting in a wheelchair now...

After a moment, Chang Qiyin continued.

"When I was young and ignorant, what I hated the most was Chang Qiyu, and he became a useless person, and couldn't do anything. I had to confuse people in the mansion and toss myself with loud noises.

At that time, I should be very scary, so the mother concubine thought that I was possessed by a demon, so she asked the Bodhisattva to come and suppress me, and spent all nights in the palace to copy Buddhist scriptures for me.

She wrote one after another, and kept sending it over, but those not only didn't make me'return to normal', but made me even crazier... Then it didn't take long for her to become worried and die. "

"After she died, my uncle was found to be greedy for military payments. At that time, many people, including him, were going to die. Chang Qiyu came forward to save them, but even if she didn’t die, my mother clan had fallen , The whole family moved to Beiye."

When Xie Linlang listened, she felt a little heavy.

People are strange creatures. They know what they should not do, but they still do it.

The rise or fall of a family is often between these people's thoughts. If they make a mistake, their entire family will disappear forever in the long river of history, and even a splash of water will not appear.

Xie Linlang has seen too many such ups and downs, so she especially hopes that she can leave something.

Time is ruthless. The more you know, the more you will realize your own insignificance.

But she also thinks that she is special. She doesn't want her special to leave nothing behind. She hopes that even after death, many people will remember her, know her, and it is worthwhile for her to live so seriously.

At this time, most of the chess has been played, and the two are evenly matched, but Xie Linlang feels that when the game is over, she should be able to win one and a half.

At this time, Chang Qiyin's conversation turned.

"Well, it's all old things, and there's nothing to say. Besides telling me Chang Qi Yu's decision, you also want to know who my ally is, right?"

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