The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 370: Murderous tenderness

Xie Linlang nodded, "That person hides too deep, I feel uneasy if I don't get a clue."

It is indeed uneasy. Although Chang Qiyin is powerful and uses people's minds well, he has no power after all, and his allies are indispensable for being able to stir up such a big storm in the end.

Hearing the words, Chang Qi Yin pondered for a moment, and said to Xie Linlang.

"Give me your hand."

Xie Linlang was a little strange, but still put down the chess piece and stretched out his hand.

Across the chessboard, Chang Qiyin held her hand. His hand was very cold and might not have been hot.

Just when Xie Linlang didn't know why, Chang Qiyin suddenly leaned forward and took a bite in her palm!

He bit it deeply and immediately saw blood. Xie Linlang was startled and quickly withdrew his hand, only to see Qi Yin's successful smile and licked all the blood on his lips!

"What are you doing?!" Xie Linlang suddenly got up and ran to him, trying to make him spit out the blood, but he had swallowed it!

Chang Qiyin raised his head and squinted.

"Suicide, you are pregnant with Kuva. It is said that your blood is also highly toxic. I don't want to tell some secrets. I don't have any other tools in my hand. I can only use your blood."

Xie Linlang opened her mouth, "...why? Chang Qi Yuming said that he would let you go!"

"Yeah, he let me go, but what he owed me was already paid off as early as the day he saved my mother clan. If I continue to live, wouldn't it become my debt to him?"

Chang Qiyin said with a sneer, "I don't want to owe him!"

Without waiting for Xie Linlang to say anything, he grabbed Xie Linlang's sleeve again, frowned, and said extremely annoyed.

"...Actually, I wanted to kill you in the Royal Slave Farm that day. Why didn't I kill you? I couldn't kill you now..."

"...But it doesn't matter, as long as I don't tell you who is behind the scenes, you will definitely be killed by him if you have no clue, so you can come down and accompany me..."

He said that he was holding his heart and frowned with some uncomfortable brows, but what he didn't know was that Xie Linlang's blood was indeed poisonous.

Unless she deliberately stimulates Kuva, the highest levels of toxins in her blood will poison some small animals and not humans.

Chang Qiyin obviously also discovered this problem. If it is Kuva, why hasn't he died?

It's just that his heart hurts so much, he is so painful that he is almost out of breath!

At this time, he heard Xie Linlangdao standing in front of him.

"So you want to die in my hands, right?"

Chang Qiyin clutched his heart and didn't respond, he saw Xie Linlang handing the bitten hand to him again, and whispered.

"You bite again."

Obviously he was doing a murder, but when Xie Linlang stretched out his hand and told him to bite again, Chang Qiyin's eyes became uncontrollably sore for some reason.

But it is impossible for him to cry. He took Xie Linlang's hand, looked up at her, and smiled with red eyes.

"You are really the cruelest and most interesting person I have ever seen. I obviously hate others to sympathize with me so much. Why can't I refuse you?"

"Never mind... I'll just tell you, there are women like you in Marsh Country. You have to be careful not to die too badly."

"It's a shame... I didn't even know your true appearance before I died, so when you go to hell, how can I find you?"

With such embarrassment and regret, he brought Xie Linlang's hand to his lips, and took a very light bite at the place where he had bitten.

This should be regarded as the first time Xie Linlang has seen him be so gentle to people since he met Chang Qiyin, and he faded away from the sharp, looking really harmless like a wounded animal.

Even though he killed so many people, but inexplicably made her hate it.

Xie Linlang stood in front of Chang Qiyin, letting his head rest on her, her breath quickly broke.

He didn't want to inherit Qi Yu's love, and he was proud of him, and he didn't want to be killed in full view.

He wants to die in the hands of his opponent, then she will fulfill him, but it's a pity...

Xie Linlang set his sights on the chess game beside him.

It's a pity that she still couldn't finish playing a game of chess until the end, which is probably going to be remembered by her for a lifetime.

Xie Linlang told Chang Qiyin about Chang Qiyin.

In the end, he didn't tell the news of his ally, but only revealed another clue to her. This person is really a bad character, even if he died, he would not make others feel better.

After Chang Qiyu knew about it, he didn't say anything. He probably understood Chang Qiyin's choice and respected his last choice.

Seeing that Qi Yu was depressed, Xie Linlang patted him on the shoulder and said old-fashioned.

"You don't have to think too much, Chang Qiyin said, since the day you saved his mother clan, you won't owe him, and he doesn't want to owe you, so he chose this way.

And it can be seen that he is a proud man. It is estimated that he is not willing to let him live in a wheelchair for a lifetime, so let's do it!

Look at the open point, and rectify the domestic affairs. Now the chaos outside is very chaotic. It is estimated that you will be busy for a long, long time... I will sympathize with you! "

Xie Linlang's last words made Chang Qiyu's original heavy heart suddenly shift.

Thinking of the current situation in China, thinking of the city where most of it was burned, thinking of the tens of thousands of corpses, Chang Qiyu gave Xie Linlang a fierce look, and he really loved and hated her!

"It's very busy, isn't this a gift from someone?"

Originally, Chang Qiyu's idea was to directly usurp the throne. Before Chang Qiyin launched a riot, he would suppress the capital city with heavy troops, and then slowly solve the problem of Zeguo.

Although doing so will be said to be killing brothers and fathers, and there are those great nobles, and there will be confrontations, but at least so many people will not die.

But this proposal was rejected by Xie Linlang at the time.

She is a cruel person and a decisive person. She thinks that since it is rotten, she should expose it and cut it away.

Slow treatment will not only prolong the pain, but also the risk of infection.

Chang Qiyu was persuaded by her, and she was able to condone the outbreak of this civil war. Although the final result was full of people, after the resentment was vented, most of Zeguo's hidden dangers were eliminated.

The strong class before was completely disrupted, and no one would object to what he was going to do now.

The people trusted him because he stopped the war.

The slaves also hope that he can bring them real freedom.

Although the whole Renzeguo was chaotic, it was full of vitality.

Although Chang Qiyu knew it, she couldn't help but stab Xie Linlang. Because only Zeguo had more than 100,000 people killed or injured in her hands directly and indirectly, this person was afraid that she was not a national scholar, but a disaster star, right?

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