In order to thank Daqin for his help, his Majesty named each other as the prime minister!

In other words, Xie Linlang is now not only a member of the Qin State, but also a member of the Ze State. For some reason, the people feel safe in the presence of such a talented country.

On the day Xie Linlang left, he was too lazy to change his face, so he wore half a silver mask, a azure Confucian shirt and a silver crown. He looked really elegant and graceful.

Xie Linlang, who would appear in front of everyone, was very confident, not because of her face, but because Qin Jue brought her inner heights.

Seven centimeters taller by one pad, she is not short when standing among a group of men, and her self-confidence immediately doubled!

Seeing so many people coming to see her off, she waved to everyone with a gentle smile.

This laugh was quite lethal, even if her face was covered, many girls from Zeguo screamed, making Xie Linlang a star addiction!

Sure enough, handsome still depends on her!

In addition to the common people, there are still many slaves around, but at this time they are no longer slaves. After Chang Qiyu abolished the slave law, it took a process to create citizenship for them one by one.

So many slaves can't be settled in a short time, but this is something Chang Qiyu needs to worry about, and she is already leaving.

Before boarding the ship, Chang Qiyu brought the courtiers to see him off in person.

Obviously, he had decided not to think about it, not to think about it, but seeing that Xie Linlang was about to leave, Chang Qi Yu's hand hidden under his sleeve couldn't help clenching into a fist.

Facing Qin Jue, he stiffly finished the official farewell words to him and gave some practical gifts to show the friendship between the two countries.

Qin Jue was also indifferent to him. In order not to make the atmosphere very stiff under the full view of the crowd, Qin Jue turned around and boarded the boat after speaking with him.

Chang Qi Yu didn't care, he turned around and stood in front of Xie Linlang.

With so many people, he naturally wouldn't say anything outrageous or do anything outrageous, and what he wanted to say had already been said the day before.

I saw him beckoning, took a small box from Sui Hu, and handed it to Xie Linlang.

At the same time, he looked at her and whispered.

"Farewell today, I don't know when we can meet, Xie Linlang, thank you, thank you for your help to me and Ze Guo, I will never forget this kindness."

Xie Linlang reached out and took it, with some emotion.

"During this time, thanks to your care."

She was also a little embarrassed to think that Chang Qi Yu Tiantian was so angry that she had jumped her feet before. She obviously said that she was very well-behaved...

It seems that because of her words, remembering what happened to her before living in the Prince Yu's Mansion, Chang Qi Yu's eyes flickered, and the memories he had hidden in those scenes were unstoppable!

He desperately wants to catch the person in front of him, but at this time, he can't!

Many tastes came to his mind, and he finally smiled palely.

"Obviously you take care of me more, but it doesn't matter, it's all... passed."

He said, looking at Xie Linlang's dark golden eyes, as if to remember her appearance at this time.

"Moreover, I said that you are troublesome and annoying, but I actually lied to you...Xie Linlang, you are very good, better than everyone else.

I also closed Prince Yu's Mansion and sealed Linshui Garden forever... The mountains and rivers remain unchanged. If you have a wish, I will be here and wait for your return. "

Xie Linlang was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that he didn't expect that a person who was so restrained by Chang Qi Yu would say such things.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a cracking sound in the cabin behind him, and a terrifying pressure spread, causing Xie Linlang to tighten his skin and say with a strong desire to survive.

"Your Majesty's kindness, the minister can only accept it with heart. If your Majesty has any questions, just write to inform.

Lin Lang said goodbye, I hope your Majesty will take care of your body, don't hurt you, don't read it, we will have a period later! "

After Xie Linlang finished speaking, Chao Chang Qi Yu gave a Ze Guoli, and then stepped back.

Seeing her leaving, Chang Qiyu didn't realize it took a step forward, but in the end, he stopped.

At his feet, it was his country, and behind him were his people. He pretended that Qin Jue couldn't ignore Qin Jue. Perhaps only such a crazy person could get the same crazy her.

The ship set sail soon, Xie Linlang saw that Qi Yu had been standing at the dock and did not leave, so he couldn't help sighing and waved at him.

Although she will reject other people's feelings, she will also be grateful for others' likes.

Because they could have disliked you.

Xie Linlang smiled and opened the box, only to see seven or eight bottles of jade snow paste inside.

Chang Qiyu, did she search for all the Yuxue Ointment that Baiquanguo paid this year?

He still remembered that he said before that she ate an extra bowl of rice and brought her an extra bottle back the next day. Later she forgot. Unexpectedly, he still remembered...

When Xie Linlang was lost, Bai Heng couldn't help but cough.

Xie Linlang turned his head to look and saw Bai Heng gestured to the cabin and winked at her.

Only then did Xie Linlang remember the sounds he had heard and the murderous feeling he felt...Chang Qiyu's words, Qin Jue should have heard him, would he...wouldn't he be jealous?

Xie Linlang was inexplicably guilty.

She carried the box and sneaked into the cabin. Qin Jue didn't lock the door either, but the room was a bit cold. As soon as she entered, she couldn't help but shiver.

At this time, Qin Jue was facing her back and seemed to be bandaging the wound on his hand.

The fragments of the teacup on the ground were also uncleaned. It is estimated that the cup was crushed by Qin Jue.

Xie Linlang swallowed. This was the first time she felt Qin Jue's anger in these two years. The last time he was so angry, it was Yu Ranxiang, so she was really jealous...

She felt that she should be honest, so she moved step by step, put the box on the table, and said very weakly.

"That... Chang Qi Yu said before that he likes me..."

Qin Jue paused with her back to her gauze-wrapped hand, and then continued to wrap it.

Xie Linlang hurriedly said again, "But I refused, and there is no heartbeat at all!"

Qin Jue turned sideways slightly and glanced back at her. The deserted pupils were not ruthless, but they made people shudder. He only heard what he said without ups and downs.

"Chang Qiyu is Zeguo's best prince, and he is handsome and has a strong martial arts."

As he said, he turned around, picked up her chin with the unwrapped hand that was injured, looked at her eyes, and asked unclearly.

"...He likes you, are you really, not tempted at all?"

He narrowed his eyes when he spoke, and his voice was softer.

"...In just over half a month, he has changed a lot for you. Lin Lang's ability to steal hearts is better than before..."

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