The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 375: The temptation that the world will encounter

Xie Linlang was wronged! She grew up innocent and clean. Although she has been among thousands of flowers, she really doesn't touch her body!

But remembering that the people around Qin Jue were men, Xie Linlang was silent.

Seeing her silence, Qin Jue's eyes darkened. In order to avoid saying something he shouldn't say in anger, he took a step back, turned his back, and whispered while continuing to wrap his palm with gauze.

"You go out and let me calm down."

Xie Linlang will definitely not go out this time!

After hesitating for a while, she walked to Qin Jue, but saw Qin Jue avoiding her sight and refused to look at her, she couldn't help but sigh.

She looked down at his hand, and saw that his injured hand was bleeding because of the gauze wrapped too hard...

Xie Linlang carefully took Qin Jue's hand, and saw that he had not refused, so he untied the gauze, planning to help him treat the wound again.

In the process, she didn't speak, but moved softly and worked hard.

Qin Jue pursed his lips and stirred her eyelashes. Seeing her look serious, he inadvertently closed his hand and said indifferently.

"I will do it myself."

"Don't move." Xie Linlang grabbed his hand and didn't let him move. When the gauze was completely untied, she found that Qin Jue's palm still had fragments that had not been taken out, so he planned to wrap it up. Yet? !

Thinking about this, she glared at Qin Jue. Qin Jue, who was still mad, couldn't move when she stared at him. Then she was pulled to the table and sat down, letting her bring the medicine box and give him Take the fragments of palm.

During this process, she moved very carefully, she did not sit down, but bent over to get the small porcelain bottle.

Because she was so close, her soft breath blew into Qin Jue's palm.

Qin Jue's palm is itchy, and the look in her eyes is a little complicated.

Obviously he was so angry before, and even wanted to do something bad to her, but being treated so cautiously by her, he lost his anger, he just wanted to rub her hard to let her know that she was wrong!

Just when Qin Jue was pursing his lips, furious and helpless, Xie Linlang said while applying medicine to him.

"A person will encounter many temptations in his lifetime."

She lowered her eyes and leaned over to take the medicine seriously, with a very serious tone.

"These temptations include power, status, money, and people."

"People can change. For many people, each age group may like completely different people. If he happens to meet the right person when he is about to move around, then it is normal to change his mind. …"

Qin Jue frowned, wanting to say that he would not be like this, and Xie Linlang had wrapped his hands in gauze and tied a cute bow.

After finishing, she looked at Qin Jue and smiled helplessly.

"...Like me, since I was little, I have also received a lot of temptations in terms of'people', such as Shen Junqing, Xiao Ze, Du Zhiyan, Chang Qiyu, etc. The only temptation I will encounter in the future is There will be more."

"But do you believe it? So far...I have only been tempted by you."

She raised Qin Jue's face as she spoke, and asked in an annoyed tone.

"Originally, I was determined to do a big cause, and I didn't care about my children's personal affection, but why can I refuse them firmly, but I can't refuse you?"

She frowned inexplicably, and finally smiled again.

"If you can't refuse, you can't refuse... Qin Jue, I like you, and I promise that I will only be tempted by you in the future, and you promise to love me only forever?"

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and cherished a kiss on his lips.

The moment the lips touched, Qin Jue's pupils stretched to the maximum!

He still couldn't recover from Xie Linlang's words, and his brain was blanked by her sweet kiss!

She said that so far, she has only been seduced by him.

She said that she couldn't refuse him.

She said...she likes him.

Qin Jue was stunned by the successive shocks. This was the first time Lin Lang said that he liked him!

She also said that she would only be seduced by him in the future.

Is this a dream?

Qin Jue's heartbeat was like a drum, but he dared not move, for fear of disturbing the "dream" in front of him.

And Xie Linlang's heart was beating very fast... Although her words and kisses were very offensive, she, like Qin Jue, was nothing but Xiaobai.

Now this kiss confirmed their relationship. After the kiss, she felt that the atmosphere between them had become different...

That lingering, sweet and restless breath, should this be love?

She endured the palpitations and said softly to Qin Jue.

"Now, I said I like you just now, do you want to say you like me?"

"I..." As soon as Qin Jue said his voice, he found that he was too dumb. He had said things like this many times, but this time, under Xie Linlang's slightly bright eyes, he couldn't say anything. .

No need to look, he also knows how embarrassed he is now. He pressed his heart to make it behave, but he just refused to obey.

The surrounding air also seemed to be pumped away, hot and suffocating.

Qin Jue got up suddenly, held Xie Linlang's face with red ears and kissed hard, then turned around and left in embarrassment.

In the end, it is the first taste of love, and I am at a loss for many situations.

When Xie Linlang saw this, although her face was flushed, she was inexplicably proud!

Look, what about Daqin's fairy son? Is it too much to be teased by her?

When Xie Linlang got out of the cabin, Bai Heng was still a little confused.

Just now, your Majesty went to the deck on the top of the ship with a straight face. He looked very angry, but he didn't feel the same thing, and his face seemed a little red...

Looking at Xie Linlang's triumphant appearance in the spring breeze, Bai Hengshun logically filled up strange things in his mind, then shook his head vigorously and asked Xie Linlang.

"Master Xie, Your Majesty... Are you still angry?"

Xie Linlang squinted her eyes, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"I should have been very angry before, but, who am I? There is no such thing as a bad partner in this world! So don't worry, he is no longer angry."

is it?

Bai Heng didn't believe it, but he was not easy to ask.

Qin Jue got off the top of the boat until the evening.

Although he didn't have any expression on his face, and he was dressed in white, and looked very cold, but all the guards saw him inexplicably because they could receive a message like "Your Majesty is in a good mood."

Seeing that Bai Heng brought food over, it was going to the cabin where Xie Linlang was.

Qin Jue took it smoothly, and told them to step back a bit, so there was no need to wait.

The guard retired, Qin Jue also reached out and knocked on Xie Linlang's door.

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