Xie Linlang was struggling to write at this time, and when someone knocked on the door, he said without raising his head.

"Come in."

After Qin Jue entered, seeing Xie Linlang working so hard, he put down the food and walked towards her.

Unexpectedly, he was hugged by Xie Linlang just after he passed by!

Qin Jue was taken aback, and the person in his arms nudged him vigorously, looking shameless.

Anyway, the weather is now cold, and she is wearing thick clothes. Anyway, she is wrapped tightly and firmly. Anyway, she has decided to tell Qin Jue the truth when she returns to Beijing, and there is nothing to be discovered...

I believe that Qin Jue will not say she is a good prime minister because she is a woman!

Qin Jue was suddenly hugged, and he still didn't feel relieved.

Xie Linlang herself is a enthusiastic person, and because of being a modern person, she is more open-minded. Once the relationship is confirmed, what happened to her and her boyfriend? It is justified!

Although Qin Jue hadn't adapted to the change of his sweetheart, it didn't prevent him from subconsciously hugging him, and asked in a gentle voice.

"What happened to Lin Lang?"

Xie Linlang hugged him hard, then lifted the face that had been washed away, looked at him with bright eyes, and said in a very expectant tone.

"Your Majesty, the minister has a small idea and needs your approval~"

Qin Jue heard this and Qing Jue's eyes were full of smiles. Whenever Lin Lang claimed to be a minister, she definitely wanted something.

So he said very cooperatively, "I promise you."

"Huh?" Xie Linlang hugged his waist and blinked, "Don't you even listen to what is going on? If you agree so quickly, you won't regret it later!"

The tone of her speech was very cute, which made Qin Jue's arm tighten a little bit, looking at her eyes and said seriously.

"As long as you say, I can't refuse, why should I understand so clearly?"

When Xie Linlang heard the words, she only felt that her little heart had been hit! Although this is the first day of their formal relationship, what about it is so sweet? ! She didn't know Qin Jue was so sweet before!

So she looked up and said seriously.

"Your head is lowered, I didn't wear it up, I'm tired with my head up."

Qin Jue hurriedly lowered her head, and then Xie Linlang put a strong scent on his face. Before he could react, she pushed him away like a rabbit, jumping and leaping away.

Qin Jue touched his face, always feeling that everything today is as unreal as his dreams. His Linlang suddenly became active, not only facing their feelings squarely, but also actively offering kisses.

But when he saw the bow tie tied with gauze on his left hand, he slightly curled his lips and smiled, as if the stars flickered in his eyes.

Xie Linlang was also a little flustered after teasing. Although it is reasonable to be close to her boyfriend, why did she feel nervous when she just hugged and kissed?

She ate two mouthfuls of food to calm down, and after she calmed down, she pretended to be okay and let Qin Jue come over and eat together.

The candlelight swayed, illuminating the cabin warmly and warmly. There were obviously only two of them in the house. They had just embraced and kissed them, but they would sit together and have a meal. Both felt a little restrained.

After Qin Jue came over, Xie Linlang was pretending to pick up rice. Seeing that he looked gentle and calm, she thought she was the only one.

Unexpectedly, he observed for a while, but saw that Qin Jue had even eaten the Potatoes that he would never eat, and couldn't help but smile.

Hearing Xie Linlang's snicker, Qin Jue immediately put down his chopsticks and asked her what's wrong, her serious appearance was exactly the same as when she was a child pretending to be a little adult.

Xie Linlang held back his laugh, and gave him the pottery dish he didn't like. This pottery dish was actually an ancient version of pickled vegetables. She still liked it. Qin Jue had a light taste, and she wrinkled every time she ate it. Brow, and then eat it seriously.

Qin Jue didn't pay attention to what kind of food she put for herself, because all his attention was telling him that Lin Lang was watching him.

Thinking of this, his handsome face was even more calm, and he ate the kosmograss held by Xie Linlang without frowning.

This made Xie Linlang couldn't help laughing. He definitely didn't know what he had eaten!

This is too cute!

Xie Linlang laughed for the second time, which made Qin Jue feel a little uneasy, his ears were slightly red, and then he frowned and said helplessly.

"Lin Lang, eat well."

Where is Xie Linlang good? She put her hands on her cheeks and stared at Qin Jue unblinkingly.

At this time she had washed away her disguise, it was the time when she was stinking, so she said.

"If you want me to eat, just praise me! I often praise Ajue for looking good, but Ajue never said that I look good..."

As she said, she got closer, and asked with some annoyance, "Am I not looking like Ajue?"

Qin Jue pursed his lips and turned his eyes to look at her. Naturally, his lines were perfect everywhere, and could not be better, but it was difficult for him to say these words straightforwardly.

Seeing him thin-skinned, that makes it even more interesting!

Xie Linlang moved herself closer and continued to "force".

"Speaking of acridine, it means that my family has beautiful eyes and pictures, Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon and shameful flowers... What other words do you want to talk about? I remember your grades in literary class!"

Qin Jue was forced by her to make her ears redder.

He continued to insist on moving Xie Linlang's bowl in front of her, and finally said softly.

"If you want to hear it, I'll tell you after you have used it."

Wouldn't he calm down after eating? No, no, just keep pushing him when he is nervous, at this time his performance is the cutest!

So Xie Linlang made persistent efforts and directly shamed her.

"If you don't praise me, I will be very sad, and when I feel sad, I don't want to eat! If you don't eat, you may feel hungry in the middle of the night...It's so pitiful, I wonder if anyone will feel bad?"

Helpless, Qin Jue finally sighed, and then hesitated.

"My family's Linlang... is stunning, beautiful, immortal, and overwhelming, so that people...make people...well, let's eat."

He finally said it, but he met a master who was climbing along the pole.

Xie Linlang looked excited, and continued to ask, "What is it? Why are you so hesitant to speak? Is it possible that these are not your true words? And why don't you look into my eyes and say? My eyes, don't they look good? ?"

Qin Jue finally couldn't bear it!

He put the chopsticks down, and then hugged the little fairy who was sitting next to him directly into his arms!

Originally, when Lin Lang took the initiative, Qin Jue would be very nervous, but Lin Lang overtook it, and the effect was counterproductive!

Xie Linlang was shocked, and Qin Jue held him down just as he wanted to struggle!

Just listen to him whispering, "Don't move, since you refuse to eat by yourself, then I will feed you."

How can this work? Wasn't this counterattack?

Xie Linlang covered her mouth with a face of rejection, and finally listened to Qin Jue's squinting, dangerous way.

"What you can choose is I feed you with chopsticks or feed you with your mouth, Lin Lang, how do you want to choose?"

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