The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 382: Lin Lang's past

It is estimated that Dong Qi had been here three or four times before, and he had come too frequently, so the medical immortal specially sent someone here to let the people come back and don't waste their efforts.

Qin Jue had gotten Dong Qi's letter before, and had been mentally prepared.

Just listen to him, "I am the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty. I went up the mountain specially to visit the doctor."

Qin Jue's words made the other party stunned for a moment. Across the wind and snow, the white-clothed boy took a serious look at Qin Jue. The man in front of him was full of vigor and temperament. He really didn't look like an ordinary counselor, could it be... it was really Qin. emperor?

He actually came in person? !

The white-clothed boy paused and finally said, "Please wait a moment, Your Majesty."

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared in the wind and snow.

Upon seeing this, Bai Heng stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty, did you say that the medical immortal stayed on the mountain for too long and didn't know anything, so he was always confused? Master Xie is such a good person, why should he stick to the rules and just refuse to heal?"

Qin Jue squinted his eyes and looked at the highest point of the cloud through the wind and snow.

"No matter what he refused to treat, I want him to change his mind."

After more than half an hour, the white-clothed boy came again. This time he came and finally brought good news, and he said with his hands.

"My Master, please see you!"

Qin Jue happily went to hear the words.

The white-clothed boy was very taciturn. Although he led the way, he said nothing.

Bai Heng originally wanted to ask something, but finally gave up the idea.

They went all the way up the mountain, and finally when they reached the top of the mountain, they came to a naturally formed cave.

After entering the cave, they walked for another half an hour, only to see that the tunnel became narrower and narrower, and finally only allowed one person to pass, but after passing through the tunnel, they suddenly opened up!

A faint fragrance hits, and there is a sea of ​​purple flowers in front of them!

The breeze blows, and the temperature here also makes people feel back to spring.

Qin Jue looked up and saw that they were in a very large tiankeng. Lin Lang told him that this kind of place is usually a volcanic crater. Unexpectedly, Changshou Mountain is actually a volcano. On the top of the mountain, there is no cave sky!

Behind him, Bai Heng also marveled at the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature.

They continued to move forward, and they came to a dense forest. The sinkhole was very large and people walking in it was very small. Looking at the denseness of the jungle, this should be an extinct volcano that has not erupted for a long time.

Passing through the jungle and medicine fields, they saw a few stilted buildings hidden in the jungle.

In front of one of the stilted buildings, an old man with a white beard was leading his disciples to pound medicine. Several young male disciples around him were curiously peeking over when they saw outsiders coming. The old man stared at him and he was obedient. Lower your head and continue to pound the medicine.

Upon seeing this, Qin Jue saluted the old man.

"This must be the old doctor Xun Xun, the junior has seen the senior!"

Xun Lao's real name is Yang Tianxun. He is already a hundred and three years old at this time. Although he has white hair and wrinkles, he does not feel old.

He lifted his closed eyelids and glanced at Qin Jue, his eyes flashed.

After looking at Qin Jue, he nodded unconsciously, then stood up and gave a salute.

"Cao Min has seen your Majesty."

His performance was not as difficult as Qin Jue imagined, and his attitude towards Qin Jue was fairly friendly. Not only did he invite him to sit indoors, but he also asked the kid to make tea.

In the Diaojiao Building, before Qin Jue could speak, Xun Lao asked with his long beard.

"Your Majesty also came for Xie Linlang?"

Qin Jue pursed her lips, and then solemnly said, "Please be sure to heal her!"

Old Xun shook his head and said while pouring tea for him.

"You come to seek medical treatment, she doesn't know, right?"

Qin Jue was a little surprised when he heard the words. Hearing what the doctor said, could he have seen Lin Lang before, and she was old acquaintance?

Xun Lao squinted and said, "If she knows, she will definitely not let you come, so don't be surprised. Yang Xun E is the old man's junior, and the nine piercing nails in Xie Linlang's body are still what Yang Xun E came to the old man to ask for. .

I heard that the younger brother taught you poison before, so when it comes to it, you have to call the old man a teacher. "

There is a lot of information in his words, that is to say, the doctor in front of him is the brother of the evil master?

And he knows Linlang's poison, knows Linlang, and also knows about her body wearing divine nails.

For a moment, Qin Jue was a little disappointed. If the medical immortal had known Lin Lang a long time ago, if he could save it, he would definitely be saved at that time.

The reason why I can't save it right now is that it can't be saved...

Seemingly knowing what Qin Jue was thinking, Xun Lao snorted.

"It's not that the old man cannot be saved. If the old man knows the prescription for Kuva, he will definitely find a way to detoxify. Even if there is no prescription for Kuva, the old man has other ways to save!

To be honest, the old man went down the mountain three times to detoxify Xie Linlang, but she all missed the appointment.

Later, she slaughtered Wangjia Village, and the old man saw her indiscriminately killing innocents, so he refused to intervene in her affairs. It was not that the old man could not save her, but that she was already hopeless! "

Qin Jue squinted his eyes, qi and blood surged when Xun Lao said that Lin Lang.

If it wasn't for the person in front of him to be regarded as his uncle, if it wasn't for him to say he could save, but he just didn't want to save it, he was afraid that he would turn his face at this time!

Seeing that Qin Jue was not angry, Xun Lao waved his hand and said.

"Don't be busy getting angry, just listen to the old man slowly."

He frowned and seemed to think back to the past, "You should have never heard Xie Linlang talk about her past? The reason she didn't tell you was because her past was stained with blood, telling you that it might be completely subverted. Your impression of her."

"She is a gifted child... The so-called gifted by nature means she is born with knowledge, otherwise she would not have done so many ‘great achievements’ at this age.

When my younger brother met her, she was only eight years old. What will happen to the eight-year-old boy right now? At most, it is to chant poems and make the right, can write a good article, and know nothing, still playing mud at this age.

But when she was eight years old, not only did she disguise herself as a man and worshipped the imperial master, and proposed the imperial examination system, she also relied on the emperor’s staff to search for her enemies everywhere, and used her uncontrollable power to kill many people. , It's so scary that it's not like a child at all. "

"You may not know that there are still many rumors of Guitong killing people. It is not a rumor, but someone saw her killing someone."

"Because she had suffered a lot before, and her internal strength was beyond her control, it was not what she wanted, so my younger brother sympathized with her, and always wanted to help her control her internal strength or solve the poison.

But the younger brother tried many methods, but none worked, so he asked the old man.

The old man knew that she was born with her and it was hard to find in the world. Moreover, it was understandable that she had killed all enemies before, so the old man decided to make an exception to treat her and detoxify her. "

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