The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 383: The result will not deceive

"Because I don’t understand the composition of Kuva and cannot unravel the poison from its source, the old man decided to force all the toxins in her body to her right leg. When that happens, she will dissipate her skill first and then cut off her right leg. Back to normal.

At the beginning, Xie Linlang agreed to this plan, but when the old man decided to force the poison, she received news of her own enemy.

But with only one leg, she definitely couldn't take revenge, so she rejected the old man's plan and chose to use the junior brother's plan, which is to seal the qi veins with piercing nails to treat the symptoms and not the root cause. "

"Pity her for revenge, and the old man didn't say anything. The second time, she took the initiative to find the old man and asked the old man to help her detoxify."

"She was ten years old that year, and she was already well-known in the capital. It can be seen that she also made a lot of determination and came to the old man. As the result was approaching, she regretted it because she was afraid that she would have to rely on a wheelchair for the rest of her life. , And finally chose to give up."

"The third time, the old man was invited by his junior brother to detoxify her, but she ran into bloodbath and looked at the village!

That's just an ordinary village! No matter what reason she has, it makes sense to kill an enemy, but why is she killing ordinary people?

Obviously she has been addicted to the pleasure brought by her powerful internal strength. She said that she wanted to detoxify, that she did not want to be controlled by Kuva and become an irrational demon.

But in my opinion, she is already!

And she may not really want to detoxify, after all, under the action of the piercing nail, she is now more controllable in internal force.

After detoxification, she will lose the power to rob people. Will she be willing to dominate others after having tasted it? No, she is not willing! "

"So the old man swears that she will never heal her. If she kills her like this, it will take a few years before she loses her senses. By then, the old man will naturally bring his friends out of the mountain to deal with the magic!"

He spoke righteously. From his point of view, he also had the principles he insisted on. But when Qin Jue heard that a leg was cut off, his heart tingled uncontrollably, and he did not dare to imagine such a spirited Xie Linlang. He even agreed at that time!

At that time, she really thought about using one leg to exchange her own peace and the safety of others...

No wonder, this time Lin Lang always gave in a lot when dealing with Chang Qiyin.

At first he thought she was just sympathizing with him, but he didn't expect that there is such a deep connection in it, and he didn't expect that she would almost become Chang Qiyin's appearance...

Qin Jue's throat choked slightly, he looked at the doctor, and said every word.

"I don't know if Lin Lang is Motuo. I only know that in these two or three months, she has saved another country and thousands of people who have nothing to do with her!

Moreover, even if there is no martial arts, she can still dominate the destiny of others. Our Linlang has never stood above everyone by martial arts, she is not as vulnerable as you say! "

Hearing this, Xun Lao retorted, "So how did the people in Wangjia Village count? Her fate is fate, but other people's fate is not?"

Qin Jue retorted, "Lin Lang killed them, there must be a reason!"

Xun Lao chuckled, "If there is a reason, why didn't she explain it at the time? According to the old man, she was clearly devilish and couldn't control herself!

And she may not want to detoxify at all, she enjoys everything that No. 1 in the world brings

She is also the most powerful woman that the old man has ever seen, she is not as good as you think, you were deceived by her just like the younger brother! "

"So what?"

Qin Jue's voice suddenly lowered, "I don't care whether she is kind or vicious, and there is only one thing in this world that can't deceive people, and that is the result.

What kind of results she brought to this world, what kind of person she is. "

Xun Lao was taken aback by Qin Jue's words, and then he listened to Qin Jue to continue.

"I participated in her three plans in total, the first time in the capital.

The aristocratic family grabbed the fault of the emperor and the emperor, and wanted to take the opportunity to ban the imperial examination and monopolize the court.

It was her design that broke the monopoly, it was she who promoted the maturity of the imperial examination, it was she who let the underachievers stand in the position of power for the first time.

In order to achieve her goal, she incited people's grievances, deceived many families, and pretended to be a good example of death, causing great losses to many families.

The family hated her deeply, but from a long-term perspective, her actions have not only made Da Qin a step forward? "

"The second time, she arranged for me to ascend the throne. If it weren't for her, half of Da Qin would be lost in an instant. Not to mention, the lives of the people will be overwhelmed, and there will be more than tens of thousands of deaths and injuries?

She also blocked Zeguo's 200,000 navy troops one person, one city, and killed tens of thousands and severely injured the other side.

She has done a lot of killing, but how many people she saved, have you counted? "

"For the third time, a few months ago, she saw that the situation in Zeguo was bad, the class was severe, the people were poor, and slaves were being exploited. It was clearly a country that had no direct relationship with her.

It is true that with the enemy's hands, she almost killed all the nobles in the country of Ze, burned half of the capital, and killed countless people.

But do you know how much this will make Zeguo's future path easier?

She saved Zeguo's national fortune, allowing Zeguo to get rid of the rotten flesh and start over.

As for the slaves she had used, she did not abandon them, but planned to send them all to Shenxian Island to start a new life. "

"You might want to say that she did all this for herself, in order to become a great scholar, or the prime minister of many countries, and even want to go further in the future and become a female emperor!

But I can only see from the results, not to mention the female emperor, she is the co-lord of the world, she is also worth it! Her merits are worthy, her talents are worthy, and she is worth more! "

After Qin Jue's full heart vented with these words, he finally smiled slightly.

"She already has righteousness, bravery, wisdom and talent. Isn't she really kind, and what does it matter?

If it is false, I might still breathe a sigh of relief. If it is true, she is too perfect. No wonder I often feel ashamed and feel unworthy of her. "

Qin Jue's words made Xun Lao completely stunned. He looked at the young man in front of him, his lips opened and closed, and he didn't know what to say.

He was brooding about the affairs of Wangjia Village back then, and he was wary of Xie Linlang who was so wise and close to the demon, who was born to know him, but Qin Jue's words made him have to think deeply.

Only the results can not deceive people?

So what kind of result did Xie Linlang have caused by stirring up wind and rain over the years? He has never looked at it seriously.

Seeing his silence, Qin Jue saluted him.

"Senior said that as long as you know the composition of Kuva, you can detoxify, right?"

Xun Lao was a little embarrassed at once. He was somewhat persuaded by Qin Jue, but it was impossible to change his mind so quickly, who knew Qin Jue said again.

"The juniors don't want the seniors to make an exception, the juniors only ask, if the juniors are poisoned, is the seniors willing to treat it?"

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