The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 384: Love makes people crazy

Qin Jue's words made Xun Lao frowned, "What do you mean?"

Qin Jue raised his eyes and fixedly looked at him.

"In the eyes of seniors, do juniors count as executioners?"

Xun Lao touched his beard, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty saved Da Qin from water and fire, naturally it doesn't count."

Qin Jue chuckled and said, "I am an emperor, not an official, but also a man. I did not violate the three rules of the predecessors when I wanted to come."

Xun Lao was still thinking about what Qin Jue had said before, and he was entangled in Xie Linlang's affairs, so he nodded if he didn't.

Qin Jue took out the Witch King Poison Sutra from his arms again and offered it with both hands.

"In this case, the younger generation is willing to be a Kuva medicine man. Seniors don't need to break the precepts, as long as they cure me."

Old Xun was stunned for a long time when he heard that, thinking he was crazy, he didn't accept the poison scripture, but asked with an angry smile.

"You are the emperor of Daqin, if the old man loses his hand, are you going to abandon the country for a woman?"

Qin Jue said, "Without Linlang, I wouldn't be an emperor. With Linlang, even if I die, Daqin will not be able to mess up."

After listening to Xing Lao, he felt that he was more poisoned than his junior brother, so he just listened to his angrily.

"You give up! Without strong internal force suppression, you will die immediately after you contract Kuva!"

Qin Jue lowered his eyes and said, "The juniors are not talented, they have fifty years of skill!"

"This is impossible!"

Xun Lao quickly grabbed Qin Jue's wrist to check that he had practiced since he was a child and has been practicing for a hundred years, so he can easily discover the depth of the opponent's skill.

Seeing that Qin Jue didn't lie, he really had internal strength far beyond his age, and when he thought of Xie Linlang's talented body, his expression suddenly became a little complicated.

He originally thought that only Qin Jue had deep roots in Xie Linlang's affection, maybe she was deceived.

It turned out that it was not the case. Xie Linlang's blood-stained Magic Tuo also moved Fan's heart...

But even though he was sure of detoxification, he didn't dare to say that it would be successful. At most, he wouldn't let people die.

He also couldn't make people try drugs, and so many people were willing to trust Xie Linlang, and even died for her... Xun Lao frowned, and finally sighed.

"That's it! Why bother? Since you have already obtained the Witch King Poison Sutra, just let Xie Linlang come!

But the old man's ugly talk is at the forefront. The old man is only willing to make an exception because of the face of you and the younger brother. If she comes by herself, the old man will definitely not heal! "

He originally thought that Qin Jue would agree if he regressed, but Qin Jue shook his head, who knew.

"No, the detoxification process must be tested. Xiaoxi said that any drug contact with Kuva will make the poisoned person feel painful. Therefore, seniors should use juniors as medicine people. I...I am not afraid of pain."

After hearing this, Xun Lao couldn't help standing up and hitting him on the head!

"Are you stupid? No matter how painful the detoxification process is, can it be better than the original poisoning process?

If you want to converge into Kuva, you have to take thousands of poisons one after another. Now that she survived, she is obviously not afraid of pain, so you need to worry about it? "

The corner of Qin Jue's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stared at Xun Lao in a low voice.

"She doesn't hurt, I hurt."

"I didn't know if I was not there before, but since I am here now, I will never let her hurt again!"

Qin Jue said, bending over and bowing to the end!

"In any case, the younger generation's heart is determined, and the seniors don't have to worry that I can't bear it. I also suffered a lot of torture at the beginning, and my tolerance was far better than ordinary people.

Besides, I make good use of poison. After the toxin enters the body, I can accurately feel its changes and determine its properties. I believe it will be of great help to the development of antidote to the predecessors. I also ask the predecessors to agree! "

His insistence on resolute words made Xun Lao's heart tremble twice. If Qin Jue didn't understand poison, saying such words would only make him laugh.

But his junior told him that the young man in front of him had an unforgettable life and was very talented in poisoning. In other words, he could know how difficult the process was by imagination, but he still had no hesitation.

I also don't know what kind of magic soup Xie Linlang gave him, so that he can even not even Jiangshan.

How paranoid, crazy, and moving...

Knowing that he shouldn't, Xun Lao somehow finally agreed to Qin Jue's proposal, and even agreed to go down the mountain and go to the palace to stay temporarily.

He is not moved! He just felt that even if Qin Jue knew about the poison, he might not really be able to bear it. Maybe it would be impossible to take a few.

He watched, let him suffer a little sober and sober, by the way, go down the mountain to see if Xie Linlang is as "great" as Qin Jue said, so that he will not be easily deceived by her!

But if you want to go down the mountain, you still have to prepare for a few months, because many drugs are not available even in the palace.

Qin Jue went to Bianjing and waited first. As soon as Bianjing was close to the capital, he could also wait for people and resume his "work".

Time flies, two months have passed.

Xie Linlang proposed to Chang Qi Yu a month ago that he wanted to take over the slaves, but within a few days, there was a reply from there, saying that he would send 230,000 slaves to Shenxian Island by ship.

Xie Linlang couldn't help but want to laugh, this Chang Qi Yu really can't wait! It seems that these days, the placement of slaves has caused him a very headache.

Not only that, in order to express her gratitude, Chang Qiyu had to give her other compensation. Xie Linlang accepted everything without any guilt. After all, she had to raise so many people at the beginning of the land reclamation. It was very expensive!

Before the delivery, Xie Linlang went to the Shenxian Island to take a look, and found that the island was high and the land was very fertile, and it was indeed a fairy-like place.

She drew the plan and handed it to Mr. Liu.

When the first batch of slaves were sent over, they took Keya and the others to go to Shenxian Island again.

After they settled down, Xie Linlang gave Mr. Liu and them the rest.

Many skilled craftsmen in Xiangcheng who have participated in the construction of Xiangcheng can show their talents on Shenxian Island.

They can't wait to do so, after all, the joy of building a city is unimaginable.

Moreover, in Xie Linlang's plan, the future Shenxian Island will be a place where the gods live. They all hope that the Shenxian Island can be built quickly and let them see what it is.

When everything was arranged in the same way, Xie Linlang was ready to return to Beijing.

When she was leaving, the sky fell down with heavy snow, and the people across the city sent off on the road. The scene of the crowds gave Xie Linlang a strange sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

It seemed that she had completely formed a bond with this world, and could no longer be separated.

In addition, she didn't tell Qin Jue about her return to Beijing, because she wanted to surprise him, and she didn't know that she hadn't seen her for a while, Qin Jue missed her!

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