Unexpectedly, Master Li said as soon as he opened his mouth, "The two swords are made of profound stone, cut iron like mud, and will not rot for thousands of years, so they are sold at a price of 120,000 taels of silver."

Xie Linlang was so frightened that her hand shook, and the next second she "hissed" her sigh. It turned out that she was accidentally cut her finger by the Heaven's Meteorite Sword!

But she didn't care about the fingers, but just counter-offered.

"Even if it is a good black stone, don't be so expensive. Generally, the maximum is ten thousand taels...a discount, is 80 thousand taels okay?"

Master Li grew his mouth, looking at her bleeding hand, he couldn't speak for a while.

Xie Linlang followed his gaze and was stunned. Oh, how did she get cut by a bladeless sword?

She stretched out her hand to touch the edge of the blade again, but it was very blunt, and she didn't find any sharp points at all. At this time, Master Li had already bowed her hand deeply and said with emotion.

"It seems that you are the destined person of the Heavenly Fallen Sword. Following the will of Taizu Grandpa, you can take this Heavenly Fallen Sword with you!"

Xie Lin Langmeng, she withdrew her hand and asked a little hesitantly, "If you want to take me away with me, how much will it cost?"

Master Li said with a smile, "Since your Excellency is a destined person of our Li family, that sword, you can pay 80,000 taels, but you need to leave your identity, name, and promise.

That is, if one day, the Li family is in a catastrophe, you need to do your best to help without violating your own principles, this is the price you need to pay for the sword! "

Xie Linlang originally didn't want this Heavenly Fallen Sword infused with human blood, but the sword beside it was really beautiful, especially suitable for Qin Jue, so she thought about it and reluctantly agreed.

She left Xiaoxi for the identity address. Anyway, she found Xiaoxi.

In this way, Xie Linlang was empty in her sleeves and took away two swords. When she left, she was still a little inexplicable. She felt that she had fallen into a scam... Is it really appropriate to buy a sword at 80 thousand taels? Was she slaughtered? !

Anwei Yebai also felt that she was slaughtered. In the capital, a good black stone sword was only three to four thousand taels, but Master Xie spent 80,000 taels.

As for the black one, he subconsciously ignored it, because it looked like a handful of broken copper and iron, and it felt like it was used as a gimmick and raised its value.

Xie Linlang was not reconciled at first, but when he came out, the silver-blue sword really looked more and more beautiful! For this face value, 80,000 taels is 80,000 taels. Anyway, the dark guard still has some money, enough for her to return to the capital.

Xie Linlang was very excited at the thought of Qin Jue wearing this sword! Suddenly I can't wait to see him and give him a gift!

As for the Heaven's Falling Sword, Xie Linlang regarded it as a supplement and threw it aside.

She wanted to see if the two swords were not put together, would the silver-white sword really rust.

They continued north, and soon they were in Jiangnan.

This winter is really different from spring and summer. Jiangnan is really a place full of grace and grace.

Xie Linlang decided to stay for one day and visit an old person before leaving. As a result, when they were eating, the sound of chasing was heard from the street outside the window.

Xie Linlang looked down and saw a group of sturdy men chasing a woman in pink with a drapery hat, and kept calling her not to run.

The woman with the curtain hat was very scared and ran even more hastily.

As they chased, passers-by on the street followed suit. Xie Linlang frowned. She must have come personally to save the beauty of this kind of hero.

She suddenly jumped out of the window, stopped the stumbled woman, and looked at the person chasing behind her and asked.

"Who are you? Why are you chasing her?"

Xie Linlang fell from the sky and shocked the woman with the curtain hat!

After she saw who the person in front of her was, she suddenly exclaimed.

"Xie Lang?!"

At this time, even though Xie Linlang's face was darkened a bit, people who knew her could still tell at a glance that Xie Linlang was a little strange, and the other party lifted his hat and said with excitement.

"Xie Lang, it's me! Du Zhiyan!"

Xie Linlang was taken aback. First, he wondered how Du Zhiyan appeared here and was chased by others. Second, Du Zhiyan in front of her was very different from the previous one.

It may be that she has grown up and her facial features are much brighter than before. She grasped Xie Linlang's hand as if she had grasped the straw!

"Xie Lang, help me! Please!"

Without waiting for Xie Linlang to ask, the big guys who were chasing Du Zhiyan also stopped. They also recognized Xie Linlang and said quickly.

"It turned out to be Master Xie! The younger one was ordered by the master to take the young lady back, and I hope that the adults will not stop him. This is a family matter."

After the old emperor abdicated and the war subsided, the old prime minister returned to his hometown. He took his family and returned to Jiangnan to take care of his life.

Xie Linlang also heard about this. She originally planned to visit, but she didn't expect to meet it in advance.

Since the other party is Du's family, she wouldn't really hurt Du Zhiyan in the future, and the other party said it was a family matter, so she wouldn't be able to interfere.

Seeing the situation stalemate, Du Zhiyan hurriedly pulled Xie Linlang's sleeves and shouted to the family!

"Didn't you look for that person? That person is Xie Lang!"

Du Zhiyan's words stunned the Du Jiajia Ding who was about to step forward to arrest someone! They looked at Xie Linlang in shock. They didn't seem to expect that Xie Guoshi would do such a thing!

Xie Linlang was also stunned, that person? Who? What does it have to do with her?

She was about to ask, but Du Zhiyan shook her head pleadingly. Seeing the beauty begging, whether it was the beauty who had been "betrayed" by herself before, Xie Linlang paused and did not excuse.

Seeing her "acquiesced", Jia Ding talked in a low voice first, and seeing strange eyes from the people on the left and right, they quickly saluted Xie Linlang.

"If this is the case, please thank your lord for a trip with us. There are some things that you need to tell the master in person."

Although Xie Linlang looked bewildered, she still readily agreed to visit the old prime minister.

After a while, the same daunting guards brought the carriage. Du Zhiyan took advantage of the group's attention and got into Xie Linlang's carriage, seeing that they wanted to stop but did not dare to stop.

Xie Linlang also felt that this move was inappropriate. What she said now was still a man. Wouldn't Du Zhiyan's way with her affect her reputation?

Unexpectedly, Du Zhiyan smiled bitterly, "Xie Lang does not need to worry about my reputation, my reputation is already broken..."

Xie Linlang frowned upon hearing this. It seems that a lot of things have happened in the past few months!

She asked softly, "Miss Du, what happened? Also, who are they looking for?"

Du Zhiyan had calmed down a lot at this time, she took off the veil, took the tea that Xie Linlang handed over, and took a sip.

"I'm pregnant."

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