The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 387: Lin Lang is a father?

Xie Linlang almost didn't choke on her saliva!

"What, what?!"

Du Zhiyan lowered her eyes and covered her belly, "I'm pregnant, more than three months, and the belly is not obvious."

Xie Linlang is not calm now!

In ancient times, unmarried pregnancy was a big scandal! The other party is a serious official lady, and the old prime minister is a staid person, you can imagine what he would do!

Du Zhiyan's face was pale and continued.

"My father gave me two choices, one is Chentang, and the other is to marry that person while the belly is still not too big, and never go home again.

I want to choose the second way, but... but Gu Lang is missing! "

When Xie Linlang heard this, he had already assumed that the man was a scumbag. This is exactly the drama in the drama where the wanderer deceives the rich daughter!

But Du Zhiyan seemed to know what Xie Linlang was thinking, and quickly defended her sweetheart.

"Xie Lang, don't get me wrong, Gu Lang is not the kind of person you think, he didn't lie to me, it was my volition..."

She said, looking out the window, and said with some nostalgia.

"Gu Lang is a martial artist. He specializes in escorting or escorting jobs. Before his father resigned, he let us female family members return to Jiangnan first.

Because the situation was still very tense at that time, my father didn't have too many people with high martial arts skills, so he invited someone to **** us. I also met Gu Lang at that time. "

"I fell in love with him at first sight, and goodbye. Because we fell in love with each other, he waited for his father to return to Jiangnan and went to propose marriage.

His father thought he was just white, he hadn't read many books, and his wealth was just ordinary, so he refused.

But Gu Lang just knelt in front of Du's house for three days. When his father saw that he was deeply attached, he told him that if he could save two hundred thousand taels of silver as the betrothal gift, he would agree, if not, he would die. .

And before saving enough, he is not allowed to come back, let alone me to see him, my father wants to use this method to make him give up..."

"For Gu Lang, two hundred thousand taels of silver is no less than a moat. Even for his father, it is not so easy to raise.

But Gu Lang did not give up. After that, he has been taking on some dangerous but highly paid jobs, and soon saved a lot of money. "

"Occasionally I would sneak out to see him. Every time I saw him, he had a lot of scars on his body, but he didn't care at all. He even took me to see his silver box. If I can save enough, I must wait for him."

When Du Zhiyan said this, her eyes blushed, "But I'm already in time. The marriage is difficult to drag on. When my father saw that I hadn't mentioned Gu Lang again for a long time, he thought I had given up my heart, and then relaxed his supervision of me, let My mother introduced me to a good man in Jiangnan."

"I tried my best to procrastinate, but my mother still fell in love with one family, and regardless of my objections, she went to discuss marriage with the other party's family."

"I couldn't help it, so I slipped out to find Gu Lang. After Gu Lang heard about this, he was a little hesitant, but he resolutely made some kind of decision.

He told me, let me delay for another three months, after three months he will definitely bring enough money to propose marriage.

I asked him what he was going to do. He said that someone had given him a very expensive dart and asked him to send it to Marsh Country. He can take on this task, and then replace all his existing money with Daqin goods and bring it to Go to the marsh country to sell.

When he comes back, he will bring back the goods from Marsh Country. Once it goes well, plus the money from the dart, he will be able to save enough betrothal gifts to propose to my father...

"But I know very well in my heart that if it is a simple job, it is impossible for the other party to give such a high deposit, and Gu Lang will not hesitate for so long.

I didn’t let him go, but he insisted on going. I couldn’t keep him and I couldn’t bear him, so I took the initiative to dedicate myself and told him that if he dies, I will be caught in the pond. After three months, he must Come to marry me!

Gu Lang agreed. It didn't take long to assemble the manpower and go with a large number of goods... I didn't expect that I was pregnant only once, but I don't regret it. Who knows that he didn't come back after three months... …"

When Du Zhiyan said this, he looked at Xie Linlang with red eyes, "I know that Xie Lang might think that after he lied to me, he lied to my feelings and body, he never came back, but I know that he is not like this. people!

He is very filial, and there is a widow in his family waiting for him, even if it is not for me, he will definitely come back..."

Xie Linlang quickly handed her the veil, but she didn't know what to say, so she only asked.

"Didn't he send you a letter?"

"Yes!" Du Zhiyan said hurriedly, "He should have sent a lot of letters, but I only received one. He also gave me a flower unique to Marsh Country in the letter, saying that he sold the goods very smoothly. I guess I can come back early, and there will be no news afterwards..."

After talking about this, Du Zhiyan finally couldn't help crying.

"But I dreamt a few days ago, and I dreamt that he was locked in a very dark dungeon, covered in blood!

I also dreamed that he cried and told me that he could not come back, and told me not to wait for him anymore. If possible, help him take care of his mother and tell her that the child is not filial..."

Du Zhiyan was so crying that she couldn't breathe, Xie Linlang patted her on the back quickly to help her get along.

After a while, Du Zhiyan choked out.

"But when I dreamed of him, he was not dead, but he was seriously injured, so I wanted to find him, but I was stopped by someone and found out that I was pregnant.

My father was very angry and asked me who the adulterer was. I dare not say that it was him because he still had a mother in his family. If his father knew that it was him, he would definitely destroy his family!

Seeing that I refused to say, my father gave me two choices, but I had no choice, I just wanted to find him, I know he is still alive! He must be waiting for me! "

Xie Linlang sighed when she heard the words and had to say that Du Zhiyan was still the Du Zhiyan she knew, but she was really tricky.

It would be okay if the surname Gu could be back in time, and the two got married, and the matter would have passed.

But right now, the other party is likely to encounter unexpected events, what about Du Zhiyan?

Looking at her like this, I guess she wouldn’t want to kill the child. In fact, if she chooses to kill her, she will probably be sent to the family temple by the Du family. When the lover returns, she can still marry him incognito. The old prime minister is not like that. Kind of hard-hearted people.

...If you don't get rid of it, she will definitely be Shentang.

Seeing Xie Linlang's silence, Du Zhiyan begged.

"I know that Xie Lang might think that I am improper and impulsive, but if Gu Lang dies, this child is his only blood... Xie Lang, can you help me?"

Xie Linlang was taken aback, "How do you want me to help you?"

Du Zhiyan straightened up, kowtow to her, choked.

"Can you please be my child's father temporarily?"

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