The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 388: I have a sweetheart

"I know this will make you very embarrassed, but I really have no other way... Don't worry, after giving birth to the child, I will invite myself to go down the house, and I will tell my parents my sins and leave with the child... I I want to find him, I want to see people when I live, and I want to see the dead when I die!"

If you didn't meet Xie Linlang, after Du Zhiyan was arrested, there would only be two results, one would be death, the other would be to destroy the child and go to the family temple, and no more freedom.

But she still wants to find her lover, can't go to the family temple, and doesn't want to kill the child, so she has to "marry someone" first, and then escape this way.

It’s just that every man probably doesn’t want to take this misfortune. On the one hand, it’s not good for him at all, and he might have to bear infamy. On the other hand, even if she clarified the truth to her parents before she left, in the eyes of others, he was second married. .

And she wanted to find someone to face the misfortune, but she couldn't find an ordinary person. If she paid for someone to act, his father would see that the other party was just an ordinary pawn, maybe he would still put her in the family temple.

But who is a man of status who would let her be so foolish? She shouldn't have opened this mouth originally, but because the other party is Xie Linlang...she wanted to try.

Xie Linlang is very embarrassed. If Qin Jue did not exist, she would agree. She could even discuss with Du Zhiyan and give her the child to be raised. She sent someone to **** her to find her lover, and said that Du Zhiyan was dead. She was very sad. , Decided not to marry forever, so that she could avoid urging her marriage in the future and make a happy contribution.

But now it’s not working... She just decided to fall in love with Qin Jue. Qin Jue didn’t know that she was a female. When we met next time, he found out that she had a wife and a child, too. go with?

Xie Linlang just thought about it, and shuddered, feeling that he couldn't do this.

So she shook her head and said regretfully, "Although I really want to help you, I already have a sweetheart. If I help you, he will misunderstand."

Du Zhiyan's eyes widened slightly. She thought that Xie Linlang would refuse, but she didn't expect this to be the reason. The well-known Xie Guoshi had a sweetheart? !

She originally wanted to say something, but as soon as Xie Linlang said the words "sweetheart", she couldn't speak anymore, and she would only appear more embarrassed if she spoke again.

So after a while, she wiped away her tears and smiled bitterly.

"It doesn't matter, I was just a little surprised. I didn't expect that the romantic Xie Lang would one day stop for one person. Seriously, I envy her very much."

She didn't ask who that person was, maybe she didn't know it, and it was just a sorrow. After all, the person in front of her was crazy admired when she was young.

After speaking, she got up.

"In that case, Xie Lang should let me go. This is really tricky. Since Xie Lang has a sweetheart, it is better not to be contaminated."

When Xie Linlang heard the words, she wanted to say nothing. For a moment, she actually thought of many solutions in her mind, but she rejected them one by one.

The girl in front of her wanted to keep the child in her stomach, she also wanted to find her lover, and she wanted to take into account the faces of her parents as much as possible. There was really no perfect way.

She asked the dark guard to stop the carriage and said to Du Zhiyan.

"Anyway, Lingtang is also my teacher. Students should visit the teacher's house. Miss Du will lead the way."

Du Zhiyan nodded, then got out of the carriage, got into the carriage prepared by Du Jiading, and walked ahead.

Xie Linlang looked at her through the car window with determination, as if she was going to die, and sighed unconsciously.

Although she shouldn't be involved in the other party's family affairs, she also hopes that the Du family can treat her lightly if she is present.

Finally, Du Mansion arrived.

At this time, in Du Mansion, it can be said that the clouds are overcast.

The old prime minister sat on the top with a green face, while his wife was crying into tears and knelt aside.

Several concubines and concubines all bowed their heads, gloating in their eyes.

The concubine and others were worried, but in fact they were all with their children, waiting secretly for a good show.

The brothers were persuading something, but the expressions of the elders did not move, as if they were determined to be severely punished...

Originally discovered that Du Zhiyan was pregnant, the prime minister wanted to suppress the matter and settle it by himself, no matter what, the family ugliness should not be exposed.

But I don't know who transferred the concierge, let Zhiyan run out, and stabbed the matter in front of the clan elder!

Now the clan elder brought his brother over and called all the people from the three sides of Dafang, forcing him to severely punish the eldest daughter in front of everyone... It seems that this matter cannot be kind!

Prime Minister Du only had this one-woman. Although he was very angry, he couldn't bear to die. So he originally wanted to forcibly take the medicine and send her to the family temple, but what should he do now? With so many people here, he is afraid that he cannot be partial...

At this moment, the man came in and said tremblingly.

"Master, the lady caught it back."

"Huh!" Prime Minister Du didn't say anything, but the elder who was over eighty knocked on the crutches, angrily said.

"A woman who doesn't obey the woman's way, what kind of lady is in the Du family? Bring her here, and the old man will interrogate him personally!"

Prime Minister Du opened his mouth, and finally did not speak. His wife was again a weak temper. Upon hearing this, she cried harder, crying and begging everyone to say.

"Zhiyan must have been deceived, uncle, second uncle, please... let's open the net! Zhiyan won't dare anymore..."

When she said this, the second-race elder also said with an unhappy face, "You are used to Du Zhiyan because of many beloved mothers! My nephew, this time Du Zhiyan will be severely punished, and your daughter-in-law should also be disciplined and cannot give birth. Not to mention the son, the only daughter who still teaches this appearance is really unfortunate for the family!"

On the one hand, Prime Minister Du's sister-in-law heard the words and said, "Second-uncle, don't be angry, I believe my sister-in-law is not intentional, just can't help it.

After all, Zhiyan's child had an idea. When she was in the capital, she was the master who drove all the concubines of her second brother out of the house! "

As soon as she said this, the second family elder became even more angry! To put it bluntly, "What kind of style is it for a child to intervene in the father's house? What kind of style is it!"

At this time, Prime Minister Du's eldest brother finally said a word, "Everyone, let's say a few words, if something like this happens, Zhiyan doesn't want to..."

As soon as he finished his words, Du Zhiyan was brought in. As soon as she came in and saw the people full of the hall, she was slightly taken aback, and then she suddenly understood that she was calculated!

She didn't run out by herself, but someone let her out, the purpose is to make this matter big...

Seeing her embarrassed, Mrs. Du, who was begging, hurriedly rushed towards her, checked up and down, and then tears welled up again.

"Yanyan... why are you so stupid? Say...who is that person?"

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