The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 389: Thoughtful relatives

As long as Du Zhiyan said who the child's father was, there might be room for reversal, but she didn't say that all the sins could only be carried by herself!

By now, what Du Zhiyan did was wrong. She patted her mother on the back, fearing and guilty.

"Sorry, mother... Yanyan is not filial, and it hurts you..."

"Huh! Come here, take her down! I dare to abscond with the fear of sin, so I'll catch her first and make a top ten!"

The second uncle suddenly made a sound, making everyone stunned, Du Cheng said hurriedly.

"No, how can I hit the board!" Zhiyan is still pregnant, and if he gets on these ten boards, she might kill two lives.

The slender second uncle with slender eyes is fair, "Why, are you still protecting her? She is going to lose your old face! Big brother, you say, should you fight!"

The old man glanced at Du Zhiyan, and said for a moment, "You should let all the juniors in the family see what the end is when you make a mistake, let's hit it, just five boards."

The big clan elders still have authority to speak, and Prime Minister Du can be said to be the big clan elder when he was young, and he respected him very much. He said he wanted to fight, and Prime Minister Du really didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Mrs. Du really wanted to fight, she hurriedly stood in front of Du Zhiyan and said in a panic.

"No! You can't hit my daughter, just hit me if you want!"

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't join in..."

All kinds of sounds mixed together, and the hall suddenly became chaotic.

There were so many people present, who were persuading them, but more of them showed good-looking eyes, especially Prime Minister Du's concubines and concubines, who wished that Du Zhiyan would be killed in this way, so that they would have the opportunity to officially show their faces.

The few brothers and concubines are not fuel-efficient lamps. In the Du family, only Prime Minister Du became a high official, and their hearts would have long been unbalanced. If Prime Minister Du died, they might have a past and inherit family property.

Xie Linlang originally entered the door behind Du Zhiyan, but as soon as he entered the door, Du Zhiyan was forcibly taken away, apparently aggressively.

The concierge stopped Xie Linlang from letting her in, and seeing that she was extraordinary, she didn't dare to treat her without permission, so he called the butler over.

The housekeeper recognized Xie Linlang at a glance, and looked very excited!

But thinking that the clan elders and them are here, they have to severely punish the eldest...Because of distressing the child who he watched growing up, the housekeeper made his own choice and took Xie Linlang in without notification.

When she walked outside the main hall, before entering, Xie Linlang frowned when she heard the sound of shouting and killing inside.

Upon seeing this, the housekeeper hurried in to report to Prime Minister Du that Xie Guoshi was here.

Prime Minister Du, who was full of melancholy, stood up immediately! He ignored the chaos in front of him and hurried out to greet him.

The others were thinking about **** Du Zhiyan, but when they heard Xie Guoshi came, they knew which Xie Guoshi was, how could they care about the others? Hurriedly rushed out.

However, before coming out, the second clan elder ordered that the crying Madam Du and Du Zhiyan should be locked in the wood house, so as not to stain the eyes of the nobles.

After the order was over, he hurried to keep up with everyone.

When Xie Linlang saw so many people pouring out of the hall, she knew that the silly girl had been calculated.

She raised a smile, as if she didn't know anything, and bowed to Cheng Du.

"The teacher is polite. The students passed by Jiangnan and knew that the teacher was here, so they came to visit specially."

Du Cheng hurriedly returned the courtesy, "Thank you for being polite, Lao Yu just taught you for half a year, so I can't be this teacher."

Xie Linlang hurriedly came over to help him, "Teacher is out of sight, besides, I haven't been officially sealed, so I'm not in an official position, the teacher doesn't need to be so polite.

Having said that, whether Prime Minister Du, or other Du family members around him, see Xie Linlang here, who would dare to neglect? This is the most favored by the new emperor, Daqin's most talented and promising national scholar!

After Xie Linlang and Prime Minister Du had exchanged greetings, and briefly met with the other Du family members, Prime Minister Du invited Xie Linlang to the seat, thinking with joy.

Xie Linlang and his eldest daughter have a long history. When I see it, I will definitely help her speak.

Although the ugliness of the family should not be publicized, but the elders of the clan are determined to kill Zhiyan, and he can't care about anything. Anyway, Xie Linlang is of noble character, even if he knows anything, he won't pass it on, so he can only ask her to relieve him .

Who knew this meeting, the servants had been ordered to drag Mrs. Du and Du Zhiyan away.

In the process of dragging away, Mrs. Du knew that the person was Xie Linlang, and she didn't know where she was. She broke free of her hand and rushed all the way to Xie Linlang, kneeling down and holding her clothes.

"Master thank you! Master thank you for saving Zhiyan!"

She also had no other way. She shouldn't have asked Xie Linlang to be an outsider, but Xie Linlang saved their lives and gave them advice. So in Madam Du's consciousness, Xie Linlang is the great good person who saves suffering!

Besides her, who else can help her poor daughter?

Seeing that her mother had gone to beg Xie Linlang, Du Zhiyan also rushed over, but was dragged by the servants guarding the entrance of the main hall, lest she ran into the guests.

Du Zhiyan was caught, full of guilt and shame, and finally turned into a "mother"!

For many years, since she drove all the concubines away, my mother has never been bullied like this again. Who knows this time, it was her mother who hurt her.

Seeing Madam Du and Du Zhiyan running out, the clan old man's face was pale and he was quickly dragged away!

But Xie Linlang helped Madam Du, frowned, and asked worriedly.

"What's wrong with Zhiyan? And how did you hurt your hand? The students came, and originally wanted to taste the plum cheese you made by yourself. It seems that the students did not come here by coincidence."

Xie Linlang's words mean two things. One is to understand the ins and outs, and the other is to publicly express that she has a close relationship with Madam Du.

However, Mrs. Du had a weak personality, and she couldn't say anything except to ask Xie Linlang to save her daughter. After all, her daughter was unreasonable.

Knowing that Xie Linlang has a very good relationship with Du Zhiyan, and fearing that she would save Du Zhiyan, Prime Minister Du's younger brothers and sisters turned their eyes and said.

"Originally, the ugliness of the family should not be exposed, but since Master Xie is a student of his husband, he is not considered an outsider! This knows Yan, he was good at first, but after returning to Jiangnan, I don’t know who was deceived by a **** and was unmarried. She is pregnant, the elders are interrogating her!"

She told Xie Linlang plainly that Du Zhiyan, who had a relationship with her and liked her before, is no longer innocent. Not only is she pregnant without marriage, but she also refuses to say who the adulterer is.

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