A quarter of an hour later, Qin Jue's lips paled a bit, and his current situation is not bad, because Xun Lao said so badly, in fact, after he took the medicine, the injection helped him relieve his pain.

So he couldn't imagine how Lin Lang could endure it at the beginning. At that time, the Witch King hadn't sorted out the rules, the medication must be messy, and... he probably wouldn't be so kind to relieve Lin Lang's pain.

Thinking about this, Qin Jue further strengthened his determination!

No matter how difficult it is afterwards, he must persist!

And after returning to Beijing, Lin Lang should not be allowed to find out, otherwise she might stop him.

At this moment, the old doctor Xun Xun came in with a bowl of black medicine, and saw Qin Jue's face pale, he couldn't help saying.

"If you can't bear it, just say it. It's just that the old man can get rid of these kinds of poisons."

Qin Jue said, "I'm fine."

Seeing him so stubborn, the doctor snorted and told him to drink the medicine.

Qin Jue drank without frowning when he heard the words, looking at Xun Lao frowning.

"Why bother? Xie Linlang's inner strength is strong, much more resistant to tossing than your body, you really don't need to think of her too weakly, think about her everywhere."

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. He studied the poison scripture and believed that he was 80% sure that he could solve the Kuva, but the remaining 20% ​​was a failure to detoxify.

By then, although he could keep Qin Jue's life, whether he could live long was another question.

In addition, even if the detoxification is successful, there may be hidden dangers. After all, he has no previous experience in detoxification, and no one knows what will happen.

Qin Jue put down the bowl and said faintly, "If you get rid of the Kuva poison on my body, you will be more experienced when you treat her. You don't have to think I'm too weak, I can stand it."

Seeing that Qin Jue was so "stubborn", Xun Lao was really angry!

"You spoil her! I don't know how to die in the future!"

Xing Lao said, angrily about to leave, but Qin Jue stopped him and raised his voice.

"Since the senior has prepared all the herbs, the junior has arranged to leave for Beijing tomorrow, and the junior has prepared an undisturbed residence for the senior. Please trouble senior to walk with me like this."

Looking for the old man, he didn't reply, and only left the sentence "I know", and the person has already run away.

Qin Jue looked at his back and shook his head and chuckled, Xun Lao and Lin Lang were not dealing with each other. Then, it's better not to let them meet.

Xie Linlang suddenly said that he wanted to marry Du Zhiyan. After the entire Du Mansion was shocked, they all readily accepted this "fact".

It doesn't matter if the child in Du Zhiyan's belly is Xie Linlang's, but as long as Xie Linlang marries Du Zhiyan, that will be it!

By then, their Du family will have such a powerful uncle, who can walk sideways throughout Jiangnan!

Originally, Du Zhiyan was regarded as a thorn in the crowd. At this time, because of various calculations, looking at Du Zhiyan's eyes was like looking at some rare treasure!

This girl is really capable! Even if you have a big belly, you can still marry Xie Guoshi, the most wanting to marry in Daqin. This is simply the best blessing in the world!

Why is Xie Linlang the most wanting to marry in Daqin?

First, she has a good personality and treats women with tolerance and respect, which is hard to find in the world.

Secondly, she is so good-looking and temperamental, she is not as unattainable as Emperor Qin, but is gentle and gentle, which everyone can touch.

Third, she is talented and has determined the world, even if one day she can't go in Daqin, she can change the country at will, she can respect the prime minister!

This absolute strength will also bring absolute security to the girls!

In short, marrying Xie Linlang, you don't have to worry about any shocks and changes in your life, and you will be able to live without worry for the rest of your life, and the scenery is endless!

In addition to her absolute strength, she also has an absolute beauty and a very good personality, and being able to marry such a person is more enviable than being a queen!

Why is it better than the queen? After all, the queen still has to take care of the Sangong and the Sixth Courtyard, a lot of concubines, and a heart that can't be done!

And Xie Linlang said when she was very young, she will only have one sweetheart in her life.

That is to say, I don’t know how many boudoir girls fall, will there be a better marriage partner in this world than Xie Linlang? No more! Unless the emperor is willing to drink only one scoop of three thousand weak water, but is it possible? impossible!

Because of these, the daughters of the Du Mansion, regardless of whether they were prostitutes or concubines, were so jealous of Du Zhiyan that their eyes were red!

They had no idea about Xie Linlang at first, because they all thought Xie Linlang would be a princess in the future.

As a result, Xie Linlang suddenly said that he wanted to marry one of their sisters, so why couldn't it be her?

But their parents are very happy to contribute to this, such a peerless good aunt is simply a joy in heaven!

They even encouraged Prime Minister Du to arrange a happy event as soon as possible. After all, what if Xie Linlang is sober and regrets it?

Of course, they also have a small regret in their hearts, if only Xie Linlang was their uncle... It's all because of her daughter's failure to live up to it! Although Du Zhiyan didn't know what to check, her face was still extremely beautiful...

Prime Minister Du was dizzy at this time, and he hadn't recovered from the shock. He felt proud for a while, and his anger towards the eldest daughter disappeared.

After a while, there will be some worries. Will your Majesty be angry when he knows? If you **** someone from the emperor, will he eat it...

On the other hand, Xie Linlang on one side was very calm. She was the only one who could eat at the same table.

At this moment, Mrs. Du was personally holding a bowl of plum cheese in front of her, and said carefully and with joy.

"Master Xie, have a taste, it's just out of the pot, remember you liked this flavor before..."

Xie Linlang hurriedly thanked him, and then said, "Since she is a family, she will be called Lin Lang by her name directly from now on, so she doesn't need to be seen as ‘adult’ or ‘adult’.

In addition, Madam Shi also sit down, Lin Lang can come by herself, Madam Shi is too polite. "

"Eh eh!" Madam Du hurriedly responded, with joyful eyes and eyebrows on a beautiful goose-egg face.

Du Zhiyan was still a little surprised when she was sitting in the lower head. She did not dare to look at Xie Linlang at this time, and her eyes were full of guilt. Xie Lang said that she already has a sweetheart, but this will marry her. Although it is expedient, her sweetheart must Will you be upset? Is it really okay?

The guard on one side was also very anxious, and after taking Xie Linlang to eat, Ye Bai stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

"My lord, should you report this to your majesty?"

Xie Linlang thought about it, can't really make Qin Jue misunderstood, so he nodded.

"I will write a letter later, Fei Ge will give him."

Although she didn't show up on her face, she was also a little worried in her heart. I hope Qin Jue will not be too angry...

It's decided, and after the situation is stated, write more sweet words!

She must use her strongest skill so that after reading the letter, Qin Jue couldn't get angry when she wanted to!

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