The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 392: Lin Lang was thrown into her arms

That night, Xie Linlang racked his brains and wrote a confession letter and a love letter. After writing, she took a closer look and felt that there should be no problem.

Qin Jue has never received a love letter when she grows up, and although she hasn’t written it, the experience from her childhood to her age is there, coupled with the bonus of her number one halo, I believe Qin Jue must see this love letter. Will be overwhelmed with joy, uncontrollable emotions, physical and mental comfort, and depression.

She explained her thoughts and motives clearly in the letter, and told him how she would solve it, and finally apologized sincerely, saying that she would never dare to do it again.

After Xie Linlang wrote the letter, he held the flying pigeon and worshipped for three times, and then let it go out babblingly.

This made Ye Bai, the dark guard behind her, see it in his eyes, anxious, because your majesty is not in the capital!

However, your Majesty has ordered that you are not allowed to tell Master Xie where he is going. There is no way, he can only sneak out in the middle of the night, write a letter himself, and send it to Bianjing.

He clarified the course of the matter carefully, but he didn't know the gap between what he wrote and Xie Linlang wrote.

Xie Linlang didn't know that the letter she carefully prepared could not be delivered to Qin Jue. At this moment, she was straight up but was worried, and she retracted into the bed to go to sleep.

Somehow, the guilty heart is probably an illusion, right?

The next day, the Prime Minister had dark circles under his eyes and discussed the issue of marriage with Xie Linlang.

He also wanted to understand that this kind of good thing falling from the sky is a fool if it is extrapolated.

Moreover, his unbelievable silly daughter can't hide her belly soon, this marriage must be done as soon as possible!

Xie Linlang had a very good discussion here. She didn't have any friends in the capital, only Xiao Shizi and the others, but she married Du Zhiyan, Xiao Shizi knew about it, and maybe she was going to hit the market.

As for the emperor...Don't tell him, otherwise the wedding will not go on even more, so Shen Shaofeng can't invite it...

Mr. Huang and the others are now in important positions, and it is estimated that they are too busy every day, and it is not good for them to make a trip to Jiangnan.

Xiao Xi couldn't say anything. If he knew that she was going to marry a woman, he would probably utter her to death.

The remaining friends are in Xiangcheng, but Xiangcheng is too far away.

So Xie Linlang finally said that if she is in a hurry, she probably has no relatives or friends to come. If she can wait for a month, she can call many people to join her.

Du Cheng was busy blocking her dangerous thoughts!

No one is the best!

The lower the key, the better!

Although his daughter's belly is not big, she can tell at a glance.

At that time, Xie Linlang's relatives and friends saw that the bride was pregnant. Those who knew that Xie Linlang was not in Jiangnan recently might disturb the marriage in public. Then his shameful old face might have to be lost again.

And this time, he didn't plan to hold a big wedding, he just had a meal with a low-key family and just witnessed it.

His family refers to people who already knew Du Zhiyan's stomach. Those who didn't know it would not be used. Someone asked afterwards and asked the master to do the calculation. The master let them keep a low profile, the better.

It is estimated that others will not think too much about Xie Linlang's face, and even if they think about it, they will be able to reconcile themselves.

So the two negotiated quickly and got married in five days! Everything was kept simple in the marriage, because Xie Linlang didn't have a house of his own, so he could just go to the court of Du Mansion and just walk through the scene.

After finalizing, everyone was busy and open.

Xie Linlang had a strange feeling in her heart as she watched the people in the Du Mansion saddling her horse, as if she was really going to marry a bride.

She had actually thought about this scene before.

Without Qin Jue, she would probably marry a woman similar to Du Zhiyan for mutual benefit and a marriage in order to block the outside world.

But after Qin Jue, she later realized that she felt a little awkward, so she went to the garden for a walk.

She is a "foreigner" and she can't go to the backyard, but the garden of Du Mansion is also very beautiful. There are a lot of scented teas. At this time, the flowers are blooming, white and white, and red and bright.

Xie Linlang bent down and sniffed a pink camellia. Although her face was darkened, her facial features were more three-dimensional and exquisite.

After smelling the scent of flowers, she slightly curled her lips and heard a soft cry that could not be suppressed.

Xie Linlang turned her head to look, and saw that the working servants around were gone for some time. A woman in white was standing not far from her. Seeing her looking over, her face turned red, and then she stammered. salute.

"See, I've seen Master Xie, the female female Du Yuelan, who is the cousin of sister Zhiyan..."

Xie Linlang raised her eyebrows when she saw it. Her eyebrows were not as beautiful as other women, but slightly raised, both heroic and evil.

At this moment, she was standing with her hands in her hands, her ink-colored robe suppressed the beauty of her facial features, and a smile was an amazing romance.

"It turned out to be Miss Du."

She squinted her eyes as she spoke, with a natural attitude.

"Ms. Du is here to enjoy the flowers? The camellia here is so beautiful, Miss Du slowly appreciates it, Xie will not bother."

After she finished speaking, she planned to leave, because Du Yuelan's appearance here was obviously abnormal, so she had better slip away first.

She was already very careful to avoid suspicion, but she underestimated the other party's determination. At the moment when she passed by, Du Yuelan suddenly collapsed and leaned on her!

Xie Linlang hurriedly turned around to avoid it, and then held Du Yuelan away with one hand.

Du Yuelan didn't seem to expect that Xie Linlang would react this way, but ashamed, she quickly stood firm, and then panicked and apologized.

"Thank you for your help. Yue Lantian is angry with deficiency of blood and blood, and often has a headache and faints. Fortunately, you helped me. Otherwise, I soiled my dress and my mother would say me again..."

After she finished speaking, she showed Xie Linlang's playful and embarrassed eyes, looked at her quickly and quickly lowered her head, vividly performing the little daughter's shyness!

Xie Linlang was clever and took three steps back.

"Since Miss Du is in poor health, let's go back and rest early, Xie Mou said goodbye.

After speaking, she ignored Du Yuelan's little voice and walked away quickly.

He acted completely like an upright Liu Xiahui, and Du Yuelan was ashamed and angry at the same time!

She thinks she looks good, and the mother said that what a man likes most is a woman like her, why Xie Linlang not only does not take the bait, but also avoids it?

Isn't she better than her improper cousin? !

Xie Linlang walked far away and rubbed his arms.

She did not know how much she had experienced since she was a child. Although the girl was pretty, but her rank was too low, except for making her feel embarrassed, she didn't feel like being picked up.

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