The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 393: Want to marry a wife with him?

At this time, Xie Linlang suddenly realized that since childhood, whether men or women, no matter what methods they use, it seems...It is really only Qin Jue who has given her the experience of speeding up her heartbeat.

This recognition made Xie Linlang's mood suddenly a little heavy, and she felt that she had done something wrong...

She went back to where she lived in surprise, only to see that someone was waiting for someone inside, and she was relieved to see that it was Du Zhiyan.

Seeing Xie Linlang coming in, Du Zhiyan quickly got up and knelt on her knees to bow her.

Xie Linlang was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

Du Zhiyan refused to get up, saying very ashamed.

"Xie Lang's great kindness, knowing Yan has nothing to do with it, so I can only bow my head to thank you, hope Xie Lang will not dislike it."

Xie Linlang used her hand to force her up.

"Okay, we have known each other for many years, and you have helped me before, so why bother to see others like this?"

Xie Linlang said that she had asked friends in Beijing to help in order to open the Beijing market of tin pots. Among them, Du Zhiyan spared no effort to persuade the old prime minister to take the lead in setting the trend and save her a lot of effort.

Du Zhiyan was even more ashamed when she heard this.

"If it weren't for Xie Lang, I would have been beaten to death by the clan elder's heavy stick. I was dead, and the child could not live, and my mother could not live, so you saved the three of us... Xie Lang, Xie Lang, I really don’t know how to repay your kindness!"

Xie Linlang loosened her eyebrows and smiled indifferently, "It's just a matter of effort."

She doesn't care about reputation so much. A good reputation is naturally the best, and it's okay if it is bad. Anyway, she doesn't live by reputation, let alone live in the evaluation of others.

Her only worry was that Qin Jue was angry.

Seeing her so free and easy, Du Zhiyan looked at her with envy from the bottom of her heart.

"Sometimes I really wish I was a man, able to be like Xie Lang, eclectic and unscrupulous..."

Then she smiled again, "It's useless to be a man, after all, it's not anyone, it's Xie Lang..."

When she was young, she would crazily infatuated with the person in front of her, and it made sense. No one would dislike her after learning about Xie Lang.

By her side, not only can I feel the continuous power, but also feel safer, because nothing can hold her up.

It's a pity that Xie Lang is not hers after all, she also has her own Gu Lang.

Xie Linlang shook her head and chuckled when she heard her praise herself so much.

"Indeed, not everyone is Xie Linlang, but not everyone is Du Zhiyan. You are also unique, so there is no need to belittle yourself."

Du Zhiyan chuckled softly when she heard the words. She also relaxed a lot with this laugh. Xie Linlang helped her sit down and she sat down obediently.

She shouldn't have come to see Xie Linlang, and should never meet three days before the wedding.

But everyone knew that this marriage was just an oolong, and those people would rather see Xie Linlang more with her, so as to "deepen the relationship" so that she wouldn't regret it temporarily.

Thinking of this, Du Zhiyan looked at Xie Linlang with some worry.

"Xie Lang, you help me like this, what about your sweetheart?"

Xie Linlang felt very empty, but said on the face.

"Relax, I have explained clearly, don't worry."

Du Zhiyan was still very worried, but she quickly said what she thought of.

"We got married this time in a hurry, so there was no match, no hire, no exchange of Geng posts, no signing of the marriage certificate, and no going to the government office to prepare the book, so we didn't really get married. We just walked through the scene.

After that, my father will let us complete these ceremonies and go to the government office to prepare a booklet to make the marriage a foregone conclusion.

Don't worry, by then, I will pretend to be sick and not go to the government, and we will not be counted! "

Anyway, their marriage this time is extremely low-key. As long as she drags on for a few months and asks herself to go down, it is estimated that few people will know by then, so in the eyes of outsiders, Xie Lang is still the beautiful Xie Lang.

Xie Linlang understood what Du Zhiyan meant, just like the scumbags in the drama.

The reason why the scumboy high school champion can marry the bride openly is because his wife in the country did not keep a record in the government, so he can not count.

But when Xie Linlang heard this, she suddenly thought of Qin Jue. If she insisted on becoming the prime minister in the future without officially marrying him, then in the eyes of future generations, Qin Jue would be lonely for a lifetime.

That's too pitiful...

For a moment, Xie Linlang shook. She had never thought about her marrying appearance, but at this time she couldn't help thinking seriously.

Should she...should give Ajue a name?

On the other side, Qin Jue had already received the Fei Ge biography, but it was not from Xie Linlang, but from Ye Bai.

At this time, he was on the way back to Beijing and followed the instructions of Xun's old man, taking the fifth poison.

Xun Lao also administered injections as usual to help him suppress toxins and relieve pain.

Unexpectedly, after reading the letter, Qin Jue suddenly burst into blood, his eyes showed the same dark red as Xie Linlang's madness, an invisible murderous intent shook away, and the letter paper in his hand suddenly turned into powder!

Xun Lao was taken aback, and quickly pierced Qin Jue twice and stared.

"What are you doing? Hurry up! Calm down! Don't let the poison surge!"

Qin Jue originally wanted to control himself, but at this time, how could he calm down?

Seeing that he opened the curtain and was about to go out, Xun Lao relied on his skill and strength, and held him down in a daze!

"What are you doing? You can't move after taking the medicine. Are you trying to poison your heart and die?!"

Qin Jue broke his hand a little bit, his voice hoarse.

"I'm going to Jiangnan!"

"Aren't you going back to Beijing? What are you going to do in Jiangnan?!"

Old Xun remembered the letter he had just read and couldn't help humming.

"What? What happened to Xie Linlang? Did she kill again?"

With his interruption like this, Qin Jue also calmed down a little bit. He pressed the surging toxins and ordered Bai Heng outside the curtain.

"Diversion, go to Jiangnan quickly!"

After saying this, he frowned again, clutching his heart in pain, and gritted his teeth to add.

"Be sure to arrive before the 23rd. In addition, send a letter to Jiangnan Zhizhou, asking him to secretly send soldiers to surround the Du Mansion, and no one is allowed to welcome their relatives to marry, let alone leak the slightest noise!"

When Bai Heng heard Qin Jue's voice, his flesh and skin tightened, and he quickly responded "Yes"!

At the same time, he thought a little anxiously, Jiangnan? Master Xie seems to be in Jiangnan... What did she do? It made your Majesty so angry...

He silently mourned for Xie Linlang in his heart, and hurriedly passed the letter, and at the same time ordered a diversion and went to Jiangnan at full speed.

If it weren't for using internal force to suppress the toxins, Qin Jue might have killed it with ease!

But he can't! I can only force myself to close my eyes, calm down, and suppress myself with internal force.

But the more he was like this, the more angry he became, how dare Lin Lang marry a wife? ! After having him, she still wants to marry a wife? !

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