The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 394: Pre-marital accident

Ha... It seems that he was too restrained towards her, so she forgot what his bottom line was, and even dared to step on his bottom line!

Wait, this time, he will never let her go easily!

Xie Linlang sneezed and lay on the window, looking up at the sky.

Not a single bird, let alone a pigeon.

She asked Ye Bai on one side, "You said my letter to Qin... Did your majesty see it?" Why didn't you reply to her when she saw it?

Jiangnan is not far from the capital. In theory, the pigeons should have flown back. Will they encounter hunters on the road and be shot?

How much meat can a pigeon have?

Ye Bai was also worried. Logically speaking, his letter should have been in His Majesty's hands. Why is there no movement at all? Master Xie will get married tomorrow!

At this time, someone knocked on the door and Xie Linlang stood up straight and said "please come in".

Mrs. Du came in with the housekeeper with a smile on her face. Although there was no happy character posted outside Du Mansion, the inside of Du Mansion was beaming with lights and festoons.

After Mrs. Du came in, she smiled and said to Xie Linlang.

"Lin Lang, come and try your groom's official uniform."

This dress is not made fresh, but bought according to Xie Linlang's stature. After all, where can a suitable crown gown be made in such a short period of time, it is still convenient to buy, and it can be changed if it is not suitable.

Xie Linlang looked at the red robe, was stunned, and then quickly returned to God's way.

"Okay, Madam, I will try it later."

With that said, she took the clothes inside and looked at the patterns embroidered on them, she suddenly regretted...

This emotion is inexplicable, except when she was a child, she hasn't had any emotions like "regret" for a long time.

She has always made decisive decisions and then tried her best to move towards the goal. In the end, whether the result is good or bad, she accepts it frankly.

But seeing the bridegroom's dress, she couldn't help but think of Qin Jue, and then regretted a little, was it too impulsive?

But now that it’s hard to ride a tiger, even if you regret it, you can only wait for tomorrow to find a way to remedy it.

Thinking about this, she changed her clothes and came out. She, who was already beautiful and beautiful, was lined with this red, and she was even more so bright!

Madam Du stared at Xie Linlang in a daze, and suddenly she was a little worried. She knew very well that her daughter's child was not Xie Linlang's, and she knew that Xie Linlang was to save her daughter and said she wanted to marry her.

And her daughter also told her in private that she was not worthy of Xie Linlang, this marriage was just a stopgap measure, and she would get married soon.

But as a mother, in her heart, she still hopes that her daughter can get together with Xie Linlang.

I hope that after the two of them get married, their daughter can win over Xie Linlang's heart, and they will become a real couple.

But looking at Xie Linlang's appearance at this time, a man was even more beautiful than her daughter, and he knew that her daughter wanted to win her over, fearing it would be impossible.

It is estimated that the daughter knows it too, so she told her in advance to let her cut off those wishful thinking and treat Xie Linlang with the attitude of treating her benefactor.

Thinking about this, her eyes darkened, but her face was full of smiles.

"It's so good-looking, Lin Lang is really the most handsome offspring I've ever seen. Everyone says Jiangnan is good and talented. Both men and women are unique.

But the master thinks that those young from Jiangnan are not as good as you, Lin Lang is the most handsome! "

After hearing this, Xie Linlang looked down at the groom's official uniform on her body and suddenly asked with a smile.

"Mother thinks that Lin Lang is more handsome than your Majesty?"

"This..." Madam Du frowned somewhat embarrassed, but the housekeeper on one side smiled and relieved.

"Your Majesty is the emperor of the true dragon. For me and other ordinary people, that is the Nine Heavens Immortal. I dare not say anything.

And Master Xie was born with a strong character and a celebrity, also let me wait beyond the dust.

All in all, each has its own merits and cannot be compared at will. "

Xie Linlang couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, "Housekeeper Du deserves to have been with the teacher for many years, just can talk."

"Where and where, the old slave is talking from the bottom of his heart, but his tongue is clumsy, which makes adults laugh."

But at this moment, someone rushed over and said that someone was making trouble.

Is this okay?

The housekeeper hurriedly bid farewell to Mrs. Du and Xie Linlang and went to check. Xie Linlang felt strange and changed his clothes and followed, but only an ordinary man was making trouble. He was wounded, but refused to leave and threatened. Want to see Du Zhiyan!

A foreigner said that he wanted to see the daughter of the Du family. Even the housekeeper felt dull and had to send someone to force him away.

The man couldn't help but knelt down with a "puff" and said loudly.

"At the beginning, Master Du had a golden mouth and said that as long as my righteous brother can save two hundred thousand taels of silver, he can marry Miss Du's family!"

After he finished speaking, he carefully took out the box from his arms, opened it and placed it in front of everyone, and saw a stack of silver bills neatly placed inside. At a glance, there should be more than 100,000 taels.

The man choked and said, "Now my righteous brother is still alive and dead, but he has saved enough money. According to the promise, Miss Du should marry my righteous brother. Then she is my sister-in-law who hasn't gone through the house! Right now I have something urgent to think about. See her, hope the housekeeper will be accommodating!"

When the housekeeper heard this, he remembered that Gu Jialang'er who had been kneeling for three days...

But isn't he a martial artist? Where can I save so much money? Isn't he doing anything bad? !

The housekeeper suddenly found it tricky. Seeing that the people around him were watching, he quickly let people in, and then went to find Prime Minister Du.

After he left, the subordinates surrounded the Youth League, at which time Xie Linlang walked out.

Everyone hurriedly saluted, but Xie Linlang's eyes were just staring at the boy's face. After a while, she frowned and asked.

"The righteous brother you are talking about is the dart master with the surname Gu? It is said that he went to Marsh Country, so did you follow?

The young man looked at her vigilantly, "Do you know my righteous brother?"

Xie Linlang nodded, "What's the matter with the wound on your face? Was it caused in Numa Country?"

There was a small black scar on the boy's face, which looked like a centipede. Others might not know what it was, but Xie Linlang knew it very well.

The boy covered his face, his eyes dimmed.

"Yes, this is the injury suffered in Marsh Country..." Then he looked at Xie Linlang hopefully, "If you know my righteous brother, can you help me and let me see Miss Du?"

As he said, he looked at the happy character in the mansion again and frowned.

"Also, what is the happy event in Du Mansion? Why are there lights and festoons everywhere?"

Xie Linlang touched her nose when she heard the words. It was a little hard to say. At this time, Prime Minister Du also hurried over.

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