The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 400: I want you to be inseparable from me

She originally thought that after returning to the capital, she would confess her true gender and give Qin Jue a surprise.

As a result, he suddenly attacked. He knew in advance, but why was he not surprised?

Qin Jue pursed his lips and smiled, and the expression in her eyes was deeper than Hai.

"I've said it before, right?"

"Have you said...what?" Xie Linlang asked hesitantly.

Qin Jue stretched out her hand to pull her hair a little bit behind her ear, and said softly.

"I love you both men and women."

Xie Linlang was taken aback when she heard the words, then her cheeks instantly burst into red!

She covered her nose with a quilt and muffled protest.

"You, you never said it!"

Qin Jue raised his eyebrows, his handsome face was full of a petting smile.

"Now that I said, Lin Lang must remember."

He said, leaning over, and gently touching her forehead with his forehead.

"... Regardless of men and women, regardless of status, regardless of possessions, I only love you, and will never give up."

The moment Xie Linlang got closer, he subconsciously held his breath. After hearing his love words, he felt as if a pot of honey was overturned in his heart, and he was constantly bubbling.

It took her a long time to break free from Qin Jue's tenderness, and then she was shocked when she thought of something.

"Not good! Good time!" She and Qin Jue have been in the room for so long, and the sky outside can't be seen in this room. When will this happen? Didn't it delay auspicious time? And Du Zhiyan, let her come back soon!

Qin Jue knew what she was worried about as soon as she heard it, and quickly calmed down.

"Lin Lang, don't worry, it's not auspicious now, I'll let someone send Du Zhiyan back."

He paused, watching the broken groom obey.

"But I don't allow you to worship other women, and you can't replace them. I will let someone else do it for you, as compensation, and I and you will personally marry them."

Qin Jue said that, Xie Linlang had nothing to say. It would be better to have an emperor dominate the marriage than her.

Next, Qin Jue asked Xie Linlang to rest here, so she didn't need to worry about the outside affairs, he would solve it.

As well as her clothes, he will be sent to them at the meeting, and the only thing she has to do is to show up at the meeting.

With Qin Jue here, Xie Linlang was really at ease. In addition, she had even told Qin Jue the last secret. The relationship between the two of them had grown a lot at once, and it felt... as if it was about to be in love!

Xie Linlang was lying on the bed, clutching the quilt with both hands. There was incense on Qin Jue's body on the quilt, making her face red again.

"Then...then I will sleep!"

"Well, go to sleep, I will arrange it."

Qin Jue didn't leave immediately after speaking, but sat on the side of her bed and helped her tuck the quilt.

Although it didn't snow in Jiangnan, it was quite cold. Later, he asked someone to raise a few more stoves. Even if he knew that Xie Linlang was not afraid of cold, there was a kind of cold, he was worried about her cold.

Hearing what Qin Jue said, Xie Linlang was a little bit shy, but she hummed proudly on her face.

"What should I do, I feel that I am lazy when you are there! Did you mean it? You must be jealous of my talent and want to use this method to nurture me! Right?"

Qin Jue pursed his lips and smiled, lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly, then looked into her eyes and said like a child.

"I was discovered by you... I want you to know nothing. If you encounter anything, you can only find me..."

If you meet a bad person, you will find him, if you can't sleep, you will find him, if you are unhappy, you will find him, and you will not be able to live without him... How good would it be? He wants her to be inseparable from her, for this goal, he must spoil her more!

Xie Linlang saw the affection in his eyes, bit her lower lip, and then suddenly covered her face with a quilt!

"I want to be beautiful! I won't fall for it! You go out soon! If you drag on, it will be dark!"

Seeing that she was shy, Qin Jue stopped teasing her, just let her think of him all the time, and then dream with this thought.

He even wanted to occupy her dream!

Here is sweet and sweet, and when the relationship goes further, it's just like honey.

On the other side, the Du family still waited in the main courtyard tremblingly after eating lunch.

They didn't dare to let people send food, because His Majesty said before, don't disturb, the only thing they can do is to let people prepare food, always prepare, lest there is no time when you want it.

As for why they were so scared, it was mainly because when Qin Jue entered the door, his face was so terrible, although he was not hideous nor stern, he even smiled.

But the low pressure spreading all over him is simply a Shura field!

Fortunately, after your Majesty, he rushed directly to Xie Linlang. If your Majesty came to them menacingly, where would they sit here with peace of mind? Scared to death!

I don't know what Xie Guoshi did, and he actually made his Majesty so angry, and he came over from the capital to inquire!

It shouldn't be the matter of Xie Guoshi getting married...After all, even if your Majesty wanted Princess Xie Guoshishang, he wouldn't be so angry when he knew that she was going to marry.

What's that? Is it possible that the situation in the court has changed again?

Everyone speculated differently, and at this time, Du Zhiyan was sent back!

Also being sent here was Afeng. At this time, Afeng had been ordered to change into a happy suit to marry Du Zhiyan on behalf of his righteous brother.

Bai Heng followed them and explained to everyone that Du Zhiyan had not been robbed before, but his Majesty had an urgent matter to discuss with Xie Guoshi, so he interrupted the marriage and invited Miss Du to have a cup of tea.

In addition, because of very important national affairs, Lord Xie can no longer replace Gu'an. However, Lord Xie and His Majesty will marry the two newlyweds together.

Bai Heng's words made the Du family look dumbfounded, but the other party was the emperor, no matter what they thought in their hearts, no matter how perfunctory the excuse seemed, they would not say it in public.

Moreover, the emperor’s marriage is a gift, and Prime Minister Du has resigned and returned to his hometown. He can still receive such a great honor. This is a joy from heaven!

Fortunately, the auspicious hour has not passed, and everyone gets busy.

Except for Prime Minister Du and his wife, no one else has seen the emperor yet! The emperor was in their house right now, but they were so excited.

Of course, Qin Jue's pressure when he entered the door also left a deep impression on everyone.

So even though they were excited, everyone had restrained a lot and didn't dare to be demon at all.

After all, that was the emperor. If he was offended, he would punish the Nine Clan!

The atmosphere that was originally depressed, with the encouragement of everyone to spare, finally recovered a little bit of joy.

The Xitang is also re-arranged and the guests are seated again, waiting for the newcomers to enter.

Soon, with the sound of "Auspicious Time", the two newcomers walked in slowly.

Everyone in Xitang was laughing at this time, but they didn't dare to move if they looked carefully!

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