Because Qin Jue was sitting in the first place, seeming to be smiling, but staring at everyone with a cold eye, making everyone afraid to breathe.

This marriage should be the one that made them sit on pins and needles the most.

Although they can see Tianyan face to face in their lifetime, it is a great honor for them.

But right now, the entire outside of Du Mansion is full of well-equipped officers and soldiers, and the mansion is also five steps, one post and ten steps.

It's not that Qin Jue wanted to be so serious, but Fu Yin in Jiangnan had prepared consciously.

Knowing that the emperor is coming, Fu Yin originally wanted to come, but was stopped by the emperor, so he could only reflect the value from elsewhere to satisfy the emperor.

In addition to the guests, the two in the high hall were also very nervous!

Prime Minister Du was thinking, what is the big deal for your Majesty to come to Xie Guoshi in such an emergency, regardless of his status? Will it affect me who has resigned?

But Gu's mother was much simpler. The emperor was heading up, and she was too nervous to move, and the smile on her face was extremely rigid.

Needless to say, Afeng was rushed to be the bridegroom. He himself was a bit embarrassed, and his clothes didn't fit well.

Only Du Zhiyan sighed slightly, knowing that as long as she bowed three times, her marriage would be completely settled.

No, it should be said that since your Majesty's appearance, her relationship will not change again.

And if the emperor got married, others couldn't even separate her and Gu Lang.

She can finally get what she wants and marry her beloved.

The eldest brother of the Du family presided over the wedding.

Seeing that his Majesty didn't have any special expressions, he wiped his sweat secretly and prepared to continue.

Just when he was about to shout "Worship Heaven and Earth", Xie Linlang suddenly walked out from the side room, and saw that she was straightening her head while looking at Qin Jue, and said with some complaint.

"Your Majesty, why don't you call me?" She almost overslept.

Qin Jue's eyes lit up when he heard the sound.

In an instant, everyone felt that the coldness in Xitang disappeared, and immediately filled with gentleness like snowflakes blooming.

This made everyone feel alive inexplicably. They moved their hands and necks, not as restrained as before.

Qin Jue didn't pay attention to them, but smiled and said to Xie Linlang.

"You are tired and want you to rest for a while."

Everyone heard that Xie Linlang was tired of worrying about national affairs. Only Xie Linlang knew what was going on. Fortunately, the bed sheets in the house were covered by Qin Jue’s body, otherwise she would be really embarrassed. come out.

She touched her nose and naturally sat next to Qin Jue. After sitting down, seeing everyone looking at her, she realized that she shouldn't.

No one can sit on an equal footing with the emperor, unless the queen, she is sitting next to the emperor regardless of her, others will think she has a conspiracy!

Just as Xie Linlang thought of getting up, Qin Jue held her down, only to see a smile flashing in his clear eyes, and then said in front of everyone.

"On the big day, you don't need to stick to the courtesy of the emperor. Besides, besides Xie Guoshi, who else can sit in this position?"

He meant something that made Xie Linlang, a ghostly person, suddenly nervous.

When everyone heard this, they quickly agreed with a smile, saying that Xie Linlang was well-deserved, and that Du Zhiyan was able to get the marriage of their two masters, it was supreme joy, so Xie Linlang must not postpone it.

Seeing them like this, Xie Linlang only sat down in a serene manner.

No one felt strange to this scene, only Du Zhiyan in the hall was a little strange.

Because of the hijab, she heard clearly.

Qin Jue is completely different to Xie Linlang and others. She can hear the tenderness from the heart that others can't recognize.

But she didn't think much about it, only when they were in good relationship.

Soon, the newcomer began to worship heaven and earth.

A bow must be to the emperor. After the two newcomers went down, Xie Linlang looked at Du Zhiyan with envy.

Even though this marriage was extremely difficult, Du Zhiyan still found what she wanted, and did not hesitate to turn back.

Erbai Gaotang is the Du family and Gu's mother.

Prime Minister Du was very emotional. Although the eldest daughter's actions made him extremely angry, she was also good at fortune-telling and was able to get the emperor's marriage. I believe that with the emperor's grace, the stinky boy with the surname Gu will definitely come back safely and treat him well. Daughter.

The third is the husband and wife worship.

Du Zhiyan pinched the red silk, although she knew that the other party was not her Gu Lang, she couldn't help but flushed her eyes.

She went round and round, and finally got what she wanted, and all this must be grateful to Linlang!

Every time in crisis, as long as you encounter her, all the problems can be solved.

I just hope that this good fortune can also extend to Gu Lang... Gu Lang, Gu Lang, you must come back alive!


After that, Du Zhiyan went to the new house, and Afeng replaced Gu An to greet the brothers who came to join him and other guests.

Qin Jue will definitely not stay here for long. He is now accepting Kuva step by step and cannot leave the old man for too long, so he said that he wanted to deal with political affairs, so he went to the Jiangnan Palace first and let Xie Linlanghe attend the wedding banquet. After that, I also went to the palace to find him.

Xie Linlang had no doubts, so he let him leave first.

After Qin Jue left, Xie Linlang came to Afeng with the wine.

At this moment, Afeng was secretly discussing with his friends about finding someone in Marsh Country, Xie Linlang said suddenly.

"Where you are going, can you take me with me?"

Afeng was startled and looked at her blankly, not knowing how to answer.

The snake-bone forest is very dangerous. It is a virgin forest. They originally refused to go, but the people who responded to them were not only willing to settle the balance to them immediately, but also willing to give them an extra amount of money.

Because the money given by that person was not cheap, Gu An and others agreed after discussion.

It's just that he kept a mind. When he entered the core area of ​​the forest, he only took a few people in, and the rest were waiting to be picked up on the periphery.

As a result, they didn't expect that as soon as they entered, there was no signal.

It's such a dangerous place. They just need to go. If you take Master Xie with her, how can they explain to her if something happens to her?

This is the noble man who can be the prime minister immediately after returning to Beijing!

Seeing that they didn't answer, Xie Linlang asked again with a smile.

"And what you escorted before, can you talk about it?"

This is a good answer.

Afeng looked around, lowered his voice and said.

"My lord, this time we escorted a pair of armor. On the surface, the armor looked golden, but inside, it was soft and looked like white jade...

We don't know what it is, but we know that it is very valuable. It is said to be a dart-boarder, who used all the family property in exchange for it from a businessman from a foreign land! "

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