The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 438: Clean up everything

Everyone couldn't imagine that Wang Dian would do such a thing!

The **** servants also said that they were not afraid of death, and they were willing to confront the palace, even if they died, they would drag those who insulted the gods together!

They said that, the whole lilac square was boiling!

On the other side, the belated priest Qi Shu was stopped outside the city by Xie Linlang.

Originally he should have arrived last night. Last night, he discussed with Xiao Ji. Xiao Ji went to deal with the "hidden danger" of the Goddess Palace, and he went to Dingxiang City to search for the "remnants" that were secretly messing up.

As a result, before he arrived at Dingxiang City last night, Xie Linlang sent someone to lead him away.

So that he came to Dingxiang City only today, and naturally missed the news that Xiao Ji was killed.

Xie Linlang learned at Qiyehui that Qi Shu was suspicious and Xiao Ji was arrogant and arrogant, so he had different plans for the two of them.

To treat Xiao Ji, just kill it directly. For Qi Shu, you can use it.

As soon as Qi Shu saw Xie Linlang, although he had not seen her, he felt a sense of pressure for no reason. Not only him, but the people behind him also felt it. They were all killers without blood. The perception of danger often required Much sharper than ordinary people.

But Xie Linlang was not here to kill. She gave Qi Shu a standard scholar's gift, and then said with a smile.

"The priest is polite, Xie Linlang, I heard that you are here to arrest me?"

As soon as she said this, a dozen people behind Qi Shenguan quickly pulled out their swords, as if they were about to slash someone in the next second.

Qi Shu's expression also became stern, but he didn't act immediately.

Xie Linlang knew that he was going to catch her, and even appeared alone like this, there must be fraud!

So he secretly warned and asked, "What the **** do you want to do?"

Xie Linlang turned sideways and looked at the Dingxiang City Road not far away.

"Don't worry, I just want to invite you to watch a scene, and then you will decide if you want to do it to me."

After she finished speaking, no matter what Qi Shu's expression was behind her, she walked straight ahead.

Behind her, Qi Shu hesitated. He thought that there might be some traps waiting for him, but after another thought, Dingxiang City had a city owner and officers and soldiers, even if they were all subdued by Xie Linlang’s people, the people of Dingxiang City would not. Will allow others to hurt priests, after all, faith is there.

At this moment, the subordinates beside him asked, "My lord priest, do you want to follow?"

Qi Shu hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "Follow! But don't get too close, be prepared to evacuate at any time!"


Xie Linlang heard the sound of them following, but did not look back.

At this time, the gate of Dingxiang City was wide open, and the original guards were no longer in sight.

The city lord was trapped in the mansion by hundreds of people and couldn't get out. Those officers and soldiers were a bit hesitant to see the trouble, so they simply didn't act.

And the people in this city are already very angry!

The so-called three people become a tiger.

It was the first time someone revealed the affairs of the Queen of God Palace, and everyone would only be angry and not believe it.

Later, when they saw the "flyers" scattered all over the city, they still wouldn't believe it.

But then, Guo Quan exposed the secrets of the goddess in public. The gate of the goddess’ temple was closed, and he did not dare to respond. The priests brought people in black to visit the goddess’ temple late at night, but they all died there. Walking around the corpse, revealing with tears... all kinds of bombs, like bombs, bombarded the people in Lilac City.

In a short period of time, intensive information bombing and expounding the truth over and over in the ears of everyone, the effect is actually similar to that of "three people becoming a tiger".

In addition, what they said was also the truth, so the **** servants had no flaws in their answers or performance.

Moreover, the king's palace was eager to silence, and a lot of horses were exposed.

For example, why should the people of the temple visit the snake bone forest late at night, instead of being honest.

For example, why do people in the temple wear night clothes, etc...

Adding multiple factors together, in the end it is equal to the unwavering fact!

So the people are boiling, how angry they have trusted the palace in the first place now!

They couldn't believe that these things were done by the palace, but under the bombardment of information with skill and in front of witnesses, they believed, and were eager to vent their anger!

Xie Linlang heard their voices from far away.

Even the beliefs that grew up are not impossible to move, just a little skill.

This technique is very common in modern times, but it is the first time for the ancients.

And this is exactly what she said before-create evidence without evidence.

The Queen of God Palace used various methods to prevent witnesses from speaking, so she used various methods to make them fight back.

Most of everything done in the Palace of the Queen of Gods is spiritual manipulation, so there is no actual evidence.

Then she went beyond the proof and convinced everyone.

At this time, Xie Linlang had arrived at the gate of the city, and then saw the leader of the Seven Nights Club, Senior Dong Yulan, speaking to everyone.

"Our Seven Nights Club is a gathering of **** servants who are unwilling to submit to the palace. Over the years, we have been hiding everywhere, no one believes us, and endless pursuits. We have had enough."

When she said this, some subordinates had already gone down and brought the body of the priest Xiao Ji, and then Dong Yulan pointed to the body and asked everyone present.

"Xiao Ji, at the beginning, in order to help the Snake Spirit Saintess to bloodbath the King's Palace, he led people to block all the exits. Once they found someone escaping, he would arrest her and force her to swallow the snake in public.

When the snake enters alive, it will come out from the abdomen. He used this method to kill 173 **** servants!

You say, should he die? ! "

All the people who were still angry heard this, their eyes were red, and then they shouted.


Dong Yulan stood in front of others with her hands tight, her face tense, her thin lips trembled slightly, and her voice was firm and hoarse.

"And everything he did was instigated by the snake spirit saint!

The saint of the snake spirit persecutes the servants, monopolizes the palace, and insults the gods! Completely tarnish the belief of Marsh Country for hundreds of years! Should she die? ! "


People who originally had a certain respect for the saint of the snake spirit, in Dong Yulan's questioning, suddenly realized that the priest and the saint were the same!

Damn the priest, and the saint even more!

When Dong Yulan heard this, his eyes started to red. For so many years, they would be scolded and driven away by the people whenever someone exposed the saint. This was the first time that so many people were willing to respond to them!

Xie Linlang didn't lie to her, she really did. The inherent idea was not that she couldn't break it, but that she didn't use the right method.

She took a few quick breaths, and finally shouted angrily!

"Overthrow the saint! Overthrow the palace! The divine punishment has already begun, and we must clear everything for the goddess!"

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