"For the goddess!!"

The angry and passionate shouts of the people made it clear to Qi Shu who was not far away outside!

Although he did not enter, he could feel how angry the people inside were!

No, it's no wonder that there will be accidents in Dingxiang City. It turns out that the entire city has rebelled!

But how did Xie Linlang do it? Everyone's belief in the goddess was instilled since childhood. How long did Xie Linlang have been here, how could she instigate the people of the whole city? !

He didn't dare to come closer, and was even a little scared. The people inside said Xiao Ji deserved to die. The reason why he talked about him was that either he was caught or his body was inside.

In other words, Dingxiangcheng has already died of two priests, if he gets closer, I am afraid it will be a dead end!

A sense of extreme danger enveloped him. At this time, Xie Linlang looked back at them and asked from a distance.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you leave?"

Her smiled eyes and gentle words were like an old friend, not aggressive at all, but Qi Shu shuddered and shuddered!

Beside Xie Linlang, there was a wide open city gate and an angry shout. The city gate was open, like a mouthful of blood, and Xie Linlang was bewitching him to enter!

No, you can't go in! Will die!

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Qi Shu's forehead. He glanced concealedly to the left and right, and found that there seemed to be no ambush around him, so he took a step back, turned his head and ran!

As soon as he ran, his subordinates were a little stunned!

This hasn't been fought yet, is it really appropriate to just run away like this?

But the dignified priests didn't even want their faces, and they had nothing to say, so they ran away quickly.

Xie Linlang did not chase, but stood at the city gate, looking at their backs with a smile.

At this time, Bai Shui Qiye, who was hiding in the dark, walked out, and he asked Xie Linlang with some incomprehension.

"Don't chase, can you?" Now the priest Qi knew that they had instigated Dingxiang City, and after reporting it back, wouldn't it cause them trouble?

Xie Linlang said, "I just let him go back to confide in the news."


Xie Linlang turned sideways and glanced at the city, shook his head.

"The people in Dingxiang City believe us right now, but will they stand on our side and help us? No."

"Even their belief is temporary. It is only stimulated by the blood and the current situation. After they return to calm down, there will still be a large number of people. While they believe in us, they also want to give Wang Dian a chance to explain.

In this case, the palace counterattacked, they would just wait and see, and even if the other party just said a few words, they would turn back, which is not what I wanted. "

Xie Linlang's words made Bai Shui Qiye stunned. His dark green pupils looked at Xie Linlang for an instant, full of astonishment!

Seeing the people of Dingxiang City shouting so enthusiastically, he thought that they had all turned to his side, but didn't want this to be temporary?

Even more unexpectedly, Xie Linlang not only saw them through, guessed their subsequent thoughts, possible wait-and-see behavior, but also thought of solutions and countermeasures! Is this, this still human? !

Xie Linlang squinted and continued.

"Only when they are directly related to their own interests, will they resolutely believe in us and stand on our side.

So I let Qi Shu go back, just want the palace to take action, push the people of Lilac City, and push them to our side. "

Xie Linlang said, rubbing her eyebrows.

This should be her hardest battle so far.

Facing the biggest behemoth in Marsh Country, she had to start from scratch, plan countermeasures, cannibalize the opponent, and accumulate strength little by little.

But she was not worried, because what the palace did was destined to not last long. No matter how rampant the evil is, there will be times when the evil people in the world are endless, but there are always more good people than bad people.

Speaking of this, she glanced at Bai Shui Qiye, raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Why don't you speak? You think I'm very bad, and actually pull innocent people into the water?"

Before doing this, Xie Linlang had also considered this issue, but she believed that if Wang Dian and King Marsh continued to toss like this, the people would not get well.

Because they are already building a "divine army", once the divine army shows the effect they want, they will want to create more divine army out. After all, what kind of climate can a battle become with only one team?

If they want more gods, they need more snails, more drugs, and more experimental subjects... But now the goddess palace is almost completely occupied by them. When the number of people is not enough, they will naturally Will reach out to the people.

Of course, the main reason is that she is a conspirator, a scholar of the country.

Everything she does is based on her own considerations.

She now wants to help the people in the Temple of Goddess, wants to overthrow the Palace of Kings and King Marsh, terminate all drug experiments, and rescue the snail girl, so she must have people.

Everything in the world is chess, and she admits that she is sometimes indifferent and ruthless, but she still does it.

Bai Shui Qiye thought for a while and shook his head.

At the same time, he looked at Dingxiang City with some complicated eyes and whispered.

"No, you are not bad, because if the people know the truth, know that the emperor is building an army of beasts controlled by drugs, know that the saint is forcing all the servants to break the precepts and tame them to the snails, the people will only compare You are more angry and want to fight back!

They just don't know the truth now. You just brought the truth to them in advance. The final choice is still theirs. You didn't force them, did you? "

As Xie Linlang said, Wang Dian will react soon, but when the time comes, the people can still choose to turn to Wang Dian and continue to think that they don't know anything.

As long as they are obedient, even if they just pretend to obey, it is impossible for the palace to act on ordinary people in a city, that is, they still have the right to choose.

Only once they discovered that the palace was really what Qiyehui said, or even worse, he believed that the forest warriors of the marsh country would not be able to succumb to a group of demons!

In other words, if Xie Linlang succeeds in the plan and gets the defection of the entire Dingxiang City, that is also the choice of the people of Dingxiang City.

They will not blame Xie Linlang, and even thank her for revealing the truth and leading them to fight back.

This is the conscience that every marsh nation with a righteous heart should have, because Xie Linlang could have ignored it.

Thinking of this, Bai Shui Qiye suddenly knelt down on one knee, holding Xie Linlang's hand, and bowing to her the most solemn prayer ceremony in the country!

That is, holding her hand, sticking her forehead to the back of her hand, sincerely grateful.

"You are the salvation sent by the gods, you are the hope of the people, your wisdom is as endless as the stars, and your heart is broader than the earth!

I am grateful to you, admire you, and I am willing to follow your orders and follow your guidance! "

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