"Report-there is a letter from your majesty!"

Xie Linlang, who had already slipped into the main account, quickly poked her head out, "Where?"

The dark guard hurried over and handed a small letter to Xie Linlang.

After Xie Linlang took it, she only felt that a big rock in her heart suddenly fell to the ground.

If a letter comes out, it means that Qin Jue is not trapped. This is the best news!

However, this letter was also quite ups and downs. It had to be transmitted from the desert by people first, then to the capital by pigeons, and finally to Xie Linlang, so the timeliness was very poor.

Xie Linlang unfolded the letter paper and felt a lot of comfort when she saw the familiar handwriting.

Qin Jue said that they felt that the map was wrong, so they sent a letter to Bai Shui Qiye for help. As a result, people couldn't get out, only to realize that they had entered a strange circle.

Fortunately, Xun Lao had a certain understanding of Qimen Dunjia, Xie Linlang had also taught him to recognize stars before, and they went out smoothly.

But after going out, they encountered an ambush and attack.

Although the crowd was small in number, they were powerful, and he was now trying to deal with them.

If it goes well, he will unite with Bai Shui Qiye, one is to borrow troops to break the stronghold in the desert, and the other is to go all the way north to the hinterland of Tianyuan, so that Tianyuan will be attacked on both sides.

In the end, Qin Jue did not forget to leave a sentence-everything is fine, but he misses you and there is no cure.

Xie Linlang's originally nervous mood suddenly burst into laughter because of this sentence, her eyes brightened again, with a little sweetness.

She knew that Qin Jue would not be trapped so easily. They walked along the way and hadn't seen any wind and waves. It was just a rock formation, and he would definitely not be troubled!

When she feels calm, she can think about the follow-up arrangements.

Right now, Tian Yuan didn't know that Qin Jue was out of trouble, the golden eagle that was originally used for transmission was also dead, and Yuan Tian crack probably didn't know that there had been a fight in the desert.

This message is not equal, but she can use it.

Besides, Tianyuan suffered such a big loss today, and it should be a trump card next time.

After all, the Tianyuan Army could not fight for a long time, and the longer it was, the more disadvantaged it was for them.

In other words, the final battle will soon come.

After Yuan Tiancha returned to his camp, he dropped a lot of things in angrily!

This is the first time that he has been deceived. He has always been the only one to deceive others. Where can someone else deceive him?

Thinking of Xie Linlang's pretended panic before, Yuan Tiancra gritted his teeth, but soon he calmed down and sat in the main tent, with terrifying murderous auras all over his body.

Everyone in the main tent did not dare to breathe. Tianyuan has been in the Northern Territory for so long. This is the first time that the casualties have been so severe. It seems that Daqin's national scholar is really powerful! Never take it lightly...

Needles dropped in the huge tent for a while. At this moment, a lieutenant asked timidly.

"Wang, at the moment there are only more than 60,000 people left in our main force... I am afraid that they are not the opponents of the 200,000 people of the Qin army, and they also have weird weapons. This battle..." Is there still a need to fight?

He didn't dare to say the second half. Although he was not at the scene today, the soldiers who heard back said that the explosion sounded like an earth dragon turning over.

In the blink of an eye, even the people and horses running in front of them were blown up!

Moreover, the power of the explosion is great, and the scope is wide. If Da Qin had many such weapons, they would definitely have no chance of winning.

Even if Da Qin didn't have many weapons like this, the soldiers would be anxious.

People lack the courage the most when facing the unknown. In this case, how can they fight others?

What if there is a chaos in Tianyuan? The Tianyuan Kingdom was already unstable, and there were still many people in the new country that was just established. If there were not enough troops to suppress it, it would not be long before Tianyuan would fall back to pieces.

They couldn't bear this consequence, so after seeing Dao Qin's power, they had the intention to retreat.

Yuan Tianli glanced at him upon hearing this.

"What do you want to say? Can't beat? Retreat?"

As he said, a pair of foxes glanced sideways at the old monarch pretending to be invisible.

"Is this your idea, or his?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked down, and it seemed that Yuan Tiancha didn't plan to retreat.

The person who raised the question quickly closed his mouth. Besides, he was afraid that he would die...

"There are definitely not many weapons of Qin State. If there are many, they will take them out from the beginning. Besides, they have secret weapons. Don't we have them?"

When Yuan Tianchuan said the words "secret weapon", everyone's expressions changed, and then they shivered with fear.

On the grassland, some people ate rats and contracted a disease that covered their bodies with black spots.

Originally, they wanted to burn all the people who were sick and died, but after Yuan Tiancha saw the contagiousness of the disease, they didn't even let them burn to death, but used their bodies as a secret weapon...

Everyone is unwilling in their hearts. The disease comes on very quickly and there is no cure. Once the plague becomes uncontrollable, people like them will not be spared, but Yuan Tian cracked his mind, who would dare to disobey him?

Seeing that they were silent, Yuan Tianli sneered.

"The order is passed on, and all the corpses infected with the plague will be transported to the front line, and then the corpses will be cut open and thrown into the city with a trebuchet!"

"... I want to see what Xie Linlang can do in the face of the plague!"

Everyone shook their hearts, cut open the body and threw it into the city? Doesn't the person who operates the trebuchet also risk being infected?

Once they are infected, they will definitely infect the Tianyuan army when they come back, so some people quickly objected.

"Wang, this is not appropriate. If the body is cut open, our people will also be infected."

For those who died of the disease, blood is the most poisonous, so you can't touch it!

Yuan Tianli snorted and squinted.

"It's not easy? After throwing the corpses, kill all those who control the catapult and burn them together with the catapult. In this way, nothing is lost."

Hearing such an understatement, or even saying such a thing in a gentle tone, the officials below didn't know what to say.

Yuan Tian split is terrible! His superior history is a history of blood and tears of others! In order to achieve his goal, he can sacrifice anything, even those soldiers who are loyal to him!

Seeing their unacceptable appearance, Yuan Tiancra sneered and asked in turn.

"What's your expression? The essence of war is not sacrifice? Sacrificing one thousand people can make the Qin army 200,000 people buried. This transaction is very cost-effective..."

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