As the corpses on the grass were emptied, the smell of killing in the air grew stronger.

Tianyuan's prisoners of war were untamed and untamed. After relieving them, they tried to escape several times, and only after they had killed a group of people did they calm down.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Chengjun asked Xie Linlang if he wanted to kill all the prisoners in front of the enemy to frighten the opponent.

Xie Linlang thought for a while, but said no.

The Tianyuan army is warlike by nature, and brave and fearless. If Da Qin did this before the war, it might actually arouse their blood, and make them think of fighting back when they are at a disadvantage. In this way, the risk is too great.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chengjun nodded and followed suit. He now listens to Xie Linlang's words very much.

In fact, when the emperor left the imperial decree and appointed Xie Linlang as the master, there was a little bit of injustice in his heart. After all, Xie Linlang was full of calculations, and only fought in the waters of Xiangcheng, and became famous ever since.

Whether she can handle land warfare, no one knows.

In addition, she is too young. Behind their front line, across Northland and Yunzhou, it is the capital! Their family and relatives are there. How can such an important front be easily handed over to a young man?

Not only him, but others also had such concerns. Fortunately, when Xie Linlang came, he won a big victory, gave everyone a reassurance, and was convinced by everyone.

Everyone believes that with Xie Linlang, this battle will win!

Xie Linlang looked at the distance with the telescope brought from Beijing.

For a day, Tian Yuan did not move.

Every day before, they would attack the city, but not today. Could it be because of the heavy casualties yesterday?

No, most of those who entered the city wall yesterday were either killed in battle or captured. Those who were able to run out were unharmed. As for the people outside, they were unscathed, and it is impossible that they could not fight because of their casualties.

Moreover, the Tianyuan money and food are tight, so it shouldn't be delayed... or are they waiting for reinforcements, or what other cards?

Reinforcement can be ruled out temporarily.

Tianyuan's main battle army is only 120,000. Don't underestimate these 120,000. All of them are brave and good at fighting, with few defeats along the way.

There are already 100,000 rushed to the battlefield, and the opponent has only 20,000 reinforcements to die. The current 20,000 reinforcements are not enough to regain the disadvantage.

That means there are other cards...

Xie Linlang frowned and decided to observe for another day.

As a result, the next day, there was no movement on Tianyuan's side. The scouts sent out said that they camped on the spot, recuperated and had no intention of attacking.

The other generals were a little anxious in the face of this situation, because if the opponent couldn't come, they wouldn't be able to open the gate to attack.

There are several considerations for why it cannot.

First, the enemy grew up on horseback, and the Qin army still lacked a little in this respect. Fighting them on unobstructed grassland, even if there are more than twice as many as them, it may not be able to win.

Second, the enemy may be deliberately showing weakness and set a trap to lure the enemy into deep.

Once they abandon the wall, they might be in the arms of the enemy.

In the main account, several lieutenants are arguing over this matter. Most people still rely more on the wall, while a small number of people strongly demand the main battle!

The reason for the main battle is also very good. They won the battle. It was at a time when morale was high, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

If it was just an active attack, the secret weapon Xie Linlang brought would have the lowest utility, because there was neither a high wall as a base point nor a cover to set an ambush for them.

Xie Linlang sat on the main seat, and at the same time he listened to their conversation.

Seeing them arguing at the end, Xie Linlang stretched out her white and slender fingers and knocked on the table. Immediately, everyone calmed down. After half of the words, they stared back and stared back, and they all looked at her. .

At this time, Xie Linlang still did not wear armor. Compared with the burly figure of everyone present, she looked too thin, more like a military officer than a general.

But it is such a weak person, but she has a strong aura that people can't ignore. She looks gentle and stable, even if she doesn't speak, she feels confident.

Xie Linlang saw that they had been honest, and then he came out with her conclusion.

"You don't have to quarrel anymore, we will take the initiative to fight late tonight.

Everyone was taken aback by her words. Although they have the advantage of night attacks, the Tianyuan Army is very vigilant and will not relax their vigilance at night. There are also restrictions for them on this big night, right?

A bearded general asked.

"Master General, it is not that I questioned your decision, but the Yuanren that day, the eyesight is stronger than ours at night. If we attack at night, will we suffer from the loss of vision?"

Another lieutenant also said, "Yes! What if the enemy is deliberately showing weakness and has set a trap to wait for us?"

Their considerations are reasonable, Xie Linlang nodded.

"You guys are justified, but I think the other party didn't set a trap, waiting for us to throw in the net, because they can't afford it, don't have this time, let alone have so much food."

For a long time, Tianyuan has used war to feed the war, and winter has passed. For the grassland, it is really a time when food is scarce.

At this time, their delay for a day will cause great hidden dangers, and if Xie Linlang is very cautious, wouldn't they have to wait a few months?

"So I thought they were not waiting for us to pass, but for other deployments."

"...That thing must be very powerful, at least it can restrain the weapons I bring, if not, they should surrender after seeing the power of our weapons last time.

Because they can't afford it, and can't fight it, what else can they do if they don't surrender and go back to govern a country that is difficult to reunify?

But they did not surrender and choose to consume with us, which shows that he has a way to win!

We can't let them wait for that opportunity. "

Xie Linlang's words shocked everyone's hearts, they didn't even think of it!

Yes, the enemy doesn't know the storage capacity of their weapons. Without knowing it, they have seen the power of Daqin's weapons at close range. They should surrender!

After all, Tianyuan's national conditions are different from other countries. It is a unified country, and if you are not careful, it will fall apart again. It is impossible for the current authority of Tianyuan to know this.

Knowing that they are still fighting against Da Qin with the danger of the country being divided, is it possible that they really have more powerful weapons than Da Qin weapons? !

After thinking about this, everyone's expressions became solemn, and they wondered what the weapon was.

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