The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 515: The operation is as fierce as a tiger

Xie Linlang actually wanted to know the opponent's hole cards.

Because in her cognition, absolutely no one in this era can be more advanced than her weapons.

But she is not a big person, because of blind self-confidence, she has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

So she decided to take the initiative to attack and not give the opponent a chance to reveal the cards.

The dignified Xiao Chengjun asked, "My lord, do we know why you chose to attack at night?"

Xie Linlang smiled helplessly when she heard the words.

"We don't have many secret weapons in our hands. In order to maximize the effectiveness, I also brought some other military ‘weapons’ and used them at night."


On the other side, Tian Yuan.

Dozens of corpses have been transported to the front one after another. Among these corpses, some are highly decomposed, and some seem to have just died recently.

In Tianyuan camp, most of them were asleep except for the guards.

In the camp, there are two generals drinking and watching the night.

One of the hooked noses made the other strong man drink less, but the strong man waved his hand nonchalantly.

"It's just that Qin Jun made some tricks to take advantage of it. You really are those two-legged sheep in Da Qin, and have the courage to attack the hinterland of the grassland?"

Yinggoubi thinks about it, the people in Daqin are nothing more than a city wall, if not, they probably attacked the city for the first time.

In this case, they must be guarding the city wall firmly, and Daqin's soldiers are very conservative, and they are always guarded every time they fight. With such courage, they really don't need to look at it.

After thinking about it this way, Ying Hook nose also started to drink, but at this time, someone suddenly screamed an alarm!

"Night attack, night attack! Qin Jun is here!"

This sound is like a thunderstorm, blowing a hurricane on the grassland!

The people in countless tents hurriedly rectified their accounts, and the whole process only took a few dozen seconds, which shows how alert they are.

Tens of thousands of people were quickly in place with weapons, and the people in the main tent were also shocked. The old monarch, who had no sense of existence, came out of the tent tremblingly. As for Yuan Tianshou, he was not here.

Everyone didn't see the old king in their eyes. When Yuan Tiancha was away, his confidant was in charge of everything.

In the noisy chaos, the sound of the handover of the two armies has been heard in front of the camp, and the lord hastily stepped forward, directing the soldiers to counterattack!

This night, Qin Jun gave up his time and place, and wanted to defeat them by night attack, it was too naive!

Their eyesight is better than Qin Jue, and they are more familiar with the grassland than Qin Jun. It seems that Qin Jun did this stupid thing because of his last victory and his confidence swelled.

Forget it, let them know the lesson well!

Because this was in their camp, the Tianyuan Army didn't have to worry about the opponent using the same weapon last time to ambush them. When the two sides fought, the fight was fierce!

In a short while, the remaining Tianyuan army was all rectified, quickly joined the battlefield, and then obeyed the command of the main general, and began a swift counterattack!

Once they assemble, the advantage of the Qin army's night attack will be gone.

Seeing that it only took a quarter of an hour, Qin Jun was crushed and beaten, Xie Linlang was not worried at all.

She sat on horseback and gave orders from behind the front.

"The trebuchet is ready!"

With her calm voice spreading internally, the people pressing the trebuchet after the war quickly prepared!


A bunch of sparks "hissed" in the dark, and then just heard a "fire", and they all shot out!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

After a series of loud noises, the Tianyuan Army, who had originally fought back upright, suddenly wailed!

They discovered that Qin Jun had come with a trebuchet! Moreover, they also brought that secret weapon!

As soon as the explosion sounded, the Tianyuan soldiers who had survived the last time and had seen the power of the thunderbolt suddenly panicked. The fear in their hearts stopped their forward offensive, and their bodies involuntarily hid back!

The original Lord Tian Yuan who presided over the counterattack in an orderly manner was stunned!

He hadn't seen a thunderbolt last time, and he only knew that there was such a thing when he heard the next time he talked about it.

He thought it was just a bit more powerful than fireworks, and it looked scary, but it was not scary, but when he watched a horse blown to blood in front of him, he was also panicked!

Now that their king is not there, how will he deal with this situation? Didn’t Wang say that the other party could not have too many secret weapons in storage? How can the other party come up with so many attacks at night?

In the dark night, the sparks from the explosion were so dazzling, as early as the moment the explosion sounded, Qin Jun, who had rushed to the front, returned to avoid accidental injury.

Immediately afterwards, before the other main commander would react, Xie Linlang ordered in a deep voice.

"Ready for the second lineup!"

The second line hurriedly stepped forward. The weapons they were holding were not lightning bullets, but something like fireworks.

They swiftly set up the firework tube, then ignited it, and only heard a few long chirps, the firework flew out, and finally the firework that exploded in the Tianyuan camp caught them by surprise!

This kind of thing that looks like a firework is actually a firework, but it has been slightly improved to make it explode with a flying effect like a thunderbolt.

The power of the explosion of the thunderbolt made the other party's heart lingering, and then this kind of "explosive" fireworks in the dark continued, enough to scare them!

What about good eyesight? In the dark, they could see clearly whether Qin Jun used a thunderbolt or a firework tube?

Even if the power of the explosion is completely different, don't worry. They can't see each other's injuries in the dark. When they hear the screams, they will take it for granted that the people around the explosion are "seriously wounded", so they are more afraid and escape faster!

Amidst the almost non-stop explosions and screams, everyone panicked! The battle quality of the Tianyuan Army was originally extremely high, but at this time, no matter how much their chief commander shouted, it was useless because the entire camp was in chaos.

Seeing it almost, Xie Linlang told people to stop, and then raised his sword and shouted!

"The whole army leads, kill it!"


Qin Jun, who was looking at the enemy crying and crying from behind the second line before, could not hold back at this time. As soon as Xie Linlang spoke, they killed him in the flames!

The differences in the individual combat power of the two armies had almost evened out after Xie Linlang's operation.

Coupled with the encouragement of morale, the combat power displayed by the Qin Jun is even better at this time!

Ever since, a head-on confrontation turned into a unilateral massacre.

Perhaps Qin Jun had never thought that one day they could be on the enemy's territory, and the Tianyuan Army, which was taller and stronger than them, would chase them everywhere!

Tian Yuan couldn't afford to look at the thin Qin Jun, and said that they are two-legged sheep, the kind that can be eaten directly when they are hungry, they want to see who is eating whom!

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