One thing Xie Linlang didn't say was that in Tianyuan, Yuan Tianchuan was the most dangerous one!

In order to win, he did everything, he won't die for a day, how can she feel at ease?

Yuan Tiancra is very cunning. If he sent someone to lead him away, he would definitely not be fooled, so Xie Linlang wanted to try the risk.

After hearing this, everyone stopped talking. The king of Tianyuan was indeed different from their master Xie... and he has only suffered from Master Xie all the time. Any one of them has no chance of winning against him. At all.

This fact silenced them, and Xie Linlang continued to assign.

"In addition, we have to send 50,000 people to stick to the city wall, no matter what the battle is, the wall cannot be lost!"

The battlefields of the two countries are far away from where the people live, but once the battle line is broken, it is only a matter of time before the people live in the villages and cities.

Therefore, no matter how tight the combat power is, sufficient manpower must be reserved to defend the city.

Everyone had no objection to this. The attack on them last night was more conservative, leaving more than 100,000 people to guard the city.

Of course, the forces defending the city also included non-combat soldiers such as collaborators, and the elite still went out.

"The remaining 130,000 people, make three-handed preparations."

Xie Linlang unfolded the map and said to everyone.

"Seeing that the front-line combat power is tight, Yuan Tianli must have sent people back to deploy troops, not to mention whether the people who came are loyal or elite, it is more or less troublesome.

Therefore, we have to send 10,000 people to immediately set off to ambush in the northeast of the front. Once we find reinforcements and the team that transports the corpses, especially the team that transports the corpses, we must do everything possible to keep them behind! "

Everyone took their orders, and then one of them went out to transfer troops, and the rest urgently studied which path the opponent would take if they had reinforcements, whether there were any suitable ambush points on that route, and a total of several ambushes.

After these problems were set aside, Xie Linlang continued to arrange the remaining people.

"After I diverted a part of the opponent's main force, the remaining people were divided into two parts, and a part of 90,000 people attacked! From the city wall all the way northward to the enemy camp!"

"After the main attacking army dragged the Tianyuan army's attention, there were 30,000 people left to go around to the enemy's rear, and together with the army brought by your majesty, flanking the Tianyuan army!"

Xie Linlang also considered whether the opponent would see Qin Jue's weak combat power, so he might attack Qin Jue.

After all, if Tianyuan could capture Da Qin's emperor, it would definitely be a big blow to Qin Jun!

This is also one of the reasons why she is so eager to do it. She wants to give Qin Jue time to rest, so she keeps sending soldiers to harass, but Yuan Tian Crack may not give Qin Jue time.

It is very likely that after he rectified the general camp a little bit, he would take advantage of Qin Jue's weakness to enter.

To prevent this possibility, she must be brutal before he takes any action!

She wanted Yuan Tianchai's attention to be lost to Qin Jue!

Her arrangement seemed to be no problem, but many areas still needed careful scrutiny, so she pulled everyone to brainstorm and set up many secondary plans to deal with emergencies.

For example, what if she can't draw away the opponent's main combat power?

How can she draw away the gods and contain them?

What if the 90,000 main attackers encounter an ambush? What if the remaining combat power of the Tianyuan Army is not held back?

Which route is the army behind the enemy? If the line is blocked and cannot meet your Majesty, where do they want to be on the battlefield? What is it for?

Each of these issues must be listed and arranged in place!

The time, place, number of people, route, can't make mistakes.

Everyone was stunned.

In the past, their battles were actually very simple. They competed for strength, morale, time and place, and even battles for equipment and military supplies.

Because of the simplicity and directness of the contest, both sides suffered heavy casualties regardless of victory or defeat.

Besides, those who fought seldom read books, and just killed them directly on the battlefield. With so many strategies set, where would you remember?

So this requires a good general.

The soldiers were red eyes, and they really didn't care about the plans that had been made, but the soldiers also followed the general. As long as the general was clear-headed, he could take them with him. They didn't need to think at all, they just had to work hard!

This is a bit embarrassing for the big bosses present. They also know for the first time that there are so many tricks and so many plans for the war.

But the advantage is that the more detailed Xie Linlang analyzes, the less likely it is for them to make wrong judgments when they encounter similar situations.

So everyone is brainstorming, discussing possible results and countermeasures.

At this moment, a dark guard rushed in with some excitement and whispered something in Xie Linlang's ear.

Hearing what he said, Xie Linlang's black eyes suddenly lit up!

"finally reached……"

Everyone was unclear, so they saw Xie Linlang smile again, she held the table with both hands, and looked at the seniors.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly. Although I have set a strategy, you will still need your generals to make judgments based on the actual situation. And I absolutely trust your judgments!"

Everyone was very moved when they heard that, although Xie Linlang was so much younger than them, they had a lot of admiration for her.

It is a great encouragement for them to be affirmed by those who admire!

Xie Linlang said again, "When I was studying before, I actually learned about the big and small battles in Qin and Da Qin. Then I found that in every battle, except for the battle that wins more with less, most of the battle results are mediocre. This' Ping' does not mean that we lose, but that we have died, as many as the enemy."

When she said this, her voice was a little calm, making everyone's expressions heavy.

"This time, strictly speaking, it was my second command of the battle. On the way there, many recruits who had heard of the Inland Sea Battle were very excited and told me that he admired me very much, so he had to ignore the opposition of his family. Join the army and want to defend your country like me!

I think it's very good. Young people must have such a **** nature. Daqin cannot do without their blood. What should we pay attention to as generals? "

"Victory or defeat? Honor? No! We should pay more attention to human lives!

Talents are the foundation of a nation, especially soldiers, so I hope that when you lead soldiers to make decisions, you will be more alert!

Your soldiers are not only the insignificant grains of sand on the battlefield, but also the pillars of their family, the hard work of your parents, and the boudoir's cinnabar mole!

I have no other goals, I must win the battle! But I want to win with the least sacrifice!

Not for glory, but we brought them out. Since we brought them out, we should also bring them back alive! "

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