Xie Linlang's words inspired everyone!

"Do you have the confidence to do it?"


"Can you win?"


Xie Linlang smiled and showed her white teeth when she heard the angry answers from the generals.

"Then go ahead!"


In the evening, ten thousand people set off with Xie Linlang, each of them riding a horse, wearing black clothes, on horseback, and carrying some weapons, such as lightning bullets and fireworks.

The sky is very gloomy, it is estimated that it will rain tomorrow, after the sky is completely dark, Xie Linlang is also approaching the warning line of Tianyuan domain.

After the night attack last night, Tian Yuan is now a bird of fright. Not only has sentries set up far away, but also sent many people to patrol the camp's periphery.

When Xie Linlang saw it, he asked everyone to stop first, and sneaked over with the guards, and killed those who were on guard.

Under the pressure of absolute strength, the people in the three watchtowers at the front and back were quietly killed.

After dealing with them, Xie Linlang came back and continued on with the soldiers and horses.

Soon, they were getting closer and closer to Tianyuan's camp, and they also encountered batches of patrolling soldiers.

When the first group of soldiers saw them, they hurriedly shouted.

"No! There is an enemy attack!"

And Xie Linlang raised his kendo in front of dozens of people without saying a word.

"Kill them all!"


The soldiers of the State of Qin behind her swarmed out and killed this group of people at once. However, during the killing process, Tianyuan’s fireworks had been released, and the entire Tianyuan camp noticed that there were more and more soldiers. Also hurry in this direction.

Xie Linlang's deeds are exposed, not only not panic, but also more arrogant!

She rushed to the front, like a sharp blade, and the person behind her, like a sharp knife, plunged straight into the middle of the enemy camp!

The few waves of small resistance encountered on the road were all wiped out by her and her people. They were just like that, and they were so fast, singing all the way to the Tianyuan Camp!

It was another night attack, another forceful attack, and was killed at the door of the house for two days in a row. Even if Yuan Tianru could tolerate it, this would also be aroused!

Especially last night, most of the grain and grass were burned and the ration was missing. He originally thought that after the corpse came and killed Qin army with the plague, he would go to swallow Da Qin's ration.

Who knows before that, Xie Linlang is here again! She really thought that he couldn't kill her?

With a whining sound, the **** army behind the camp was dispatched!

Each of them has internal strength, and the speed is faster than the average Tianyuan Army.

Xie Linlang didn't rush into the camp after seeing it, but stopped outside and gave orders loudly.


When she shouted, the people behind her quickly took off one of the thunderbolt hanging on the horse.

At this time, each of the thunderbolts is contained in a small fishing net, which can be carried in the hand like a bag, and the lead wires are also kept very long.

After the first group of people ignited, they rode forward while shaking the bullet like a rope. After three laps, they threw it out forcefully! Some will fall in the camp, and some will fall at the entrance of the camp.

Just hearing a few loud "bangs" sounds, it was like a signal, which opened the curtain of the second night attack!

After the first batch of thunderbolts were thrown, they hurried back on horseback, and the second batch rushed forward and threw the second batch of thunderbolts!

Under such uninterrupted attacks, those gods were bombarded as soon as they came out!

No matter how high his personal strength is, it is a bit overwhelming to encounter such a bombardment. After the surrounding Tianyuan army stepped forward, it retreated, so that when Xie Linlang came, it was equivalent to a direct confrontation with the **** army!

That's perfect!

Last night, they were not prepared, so they had no choice but to hide when they met the gods.

But today is different, she insists on letting these beasts understand that their Daqin is not easy to provoke!

Seeing that they couldn't resist the opponent's thunderbolt, the **** army also began to retreat. They retreated, and the other Tianyuan army naturally retreated further, so Xie Linlang went one step further and destroyed the camp!

Those sacred troops were all dumbfounded. Yesterday Qin Jun was chased and killed by them, and he had no resistance at all. As a result, they dared to break in today. Is this fatal?

Just as Xie Linlang gave the order to take advantage of the chaos and try to destroy as much as possible, an arrow struck from a distance, wiped Xie Linlang's ear, and shot the Qin army behind her!

Xie Linlang looked up and saw Yuan Tianchou pointing his bow at her. At this time, he was not dressed casually as before, but put on a gold armor, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

"Xie Linlang...You are really deceiving people too much!"

"Do you really think I won't kill you?"

Xie Linlang shook the long sword in his hand, raised his head and smiled in a melee.

"Is this deceiving too much? I only attacked twice at night, and every day from now on, I plan to come to you as a guest. Then you will know what deception is too much!"

Xie Linlang's words made Yuan Tian split his eyes and squinted.

"It's a pity, you will die here today!"

When he said this, Xie Linlang noticed that she had been surrounded at some point.

Before the **** army retreated step by step, she led people to press on step by step, and finally entered the other party's camp, giving them the opportunity to surround.

However, Xie Linlang was not panicked. She was not here to fight to the death. Seeing that she was surrounded, she quickly put the people together, and Chaoyuan Tianchuan said with her hands.

"That's it for today, you don't have to give it away, anyway, I will come again tomorrow!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that there had been no one behind the Qin Army's team. He took out the last thunderbolt and blasted the gate of the camp!

There was a gap in the original encirclement, and Xie Linlang's people rushed out!

The whole process can be said to come and go like wind, but if Yuan Tianli really let Xie Linlang go today, then he won't have to do it.

Being so crushed, how much of his prestige is left?

He hurriedly sent an army of gods to intercept, and there was a scene of two armies chasing on the grassland!

Because both sides were riding horses, and Qin's riding skills were not as good as Tian Yuan, the distance was getting closer.

When Xie Linlang looked back, although he couldn't see how many people there were, the number of people was not too small to hear the sound of horses crashing.

Whenever he was about to catch up, Xie Linlang repeated his tricks and asked the person at the back of the team to attack the horse behind with a firework tube.

When the fireworks explode, the horse will be frightened no matter whether it is lethal or not, so that it can regain the distance.

Just like this, you chased me, and it won't be long before you can rush out of the front of the two armies, but at this moment, someone in front suddenly appeared and blocked Xie Linlang's way.

That person was wearing a golden armor, and it was Yuan Tianchuan, but shouldn't he be behind? When did you run in front of her?

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