At this time, Da Qin occupied the right time and place, and it can be said that the victory has been locked!

The only unexpected thing was that Yuan Tianchap, under Xie Linlang's total offensive, would rather use 50,000 people as cannon fodder, but also put his strongest force on Qin Jue.

And she can still run if she can't fight, but Qin Jue came out of the desert without a horse, what should I do?

After thinking about it this way, Xie Linlang's expression became even more severe. She held the sword in her hand, her aura was wide open, and pointed at his eyebrows!

"Use your flying eagle to recruit the army of gods and come back. Only if they protect you can you survive. Otherwise, other tribes will kill you, Daqin will kill you, and Marsh and Ze kingdoms will also kill you. You have no way out!"

Yuan Tianchai clutched his forehead and laughed low.

If Xie Linlang were not for Xie Linlang, the Marsh State Council would become his subject country, and Ze Guo was also under his control. If he swallowed Daqin, he would accomplish his goal and annex the world!

But since when did it change?

Da Qin, who had already reached the end, suddenly came to an end, and changed to a new emperor.

Not only did Ze Guo fail to follow his plan, the new emperor also trusted Xie Linlang that way and secretly gave her 70,000 soldiers.

Even the Numa Kingdom, which has been in business for more than ten years, is out of control...

He spent twenty years setting up the overall situation of the world, but was destroyed step by step by a woman. The key is that this woman was originally his chess piece!

He tried to kill Xie Linlang countless times, borrowing the hands of many people, but every time he failed.

Originally, he told himself that as long as he caught Qin Jue, he would not lose and still have a chance to win, but now, Xie Linlang has already led his troops to attack the capital!

She was counted ahead of her in everything. Is this really the one who was born to restrain him?

He smiled and shook his head, asking incomprehensibly.

"Xie Linlang... From the time I set my ambition at the age of fifteen, I wanted to become the co-master of the world. Not only that, but I also wanted to live forever and become the strongest person in the world.

For this goal, I spent twenty years, sacrificing everything I can sacrifice, but why do you want to harm me? "

Xie Linlang paused for a moment before saying, "You use me as a chess piece, have you ever asked whether the chess piece is willing?"

"Oh, what a pawn."

Yuan Tiancha straightened up again, his expression regained his laziness, but his eyes were mad.

"Since you don't want to, can I compensate you?"

Xie Linlang's heart trembled, and in the next second, Yuan Tianchuan raised his hand and said something she didn't understand, and then the **** army behind him heard the words and immediately retreated and ran in the direction of Tianyuan camp!

Xie Linlang had a bad hunch, but before she could act, she was blocked by Yuan Tian's cracking sword.

"Don't worry, I have a great gift for you!"

Where will Xie Linlang have time to care about him? She separated Yuan Tianchuan with a sword, and was about to take people to chase him. As a result, Yuan Tianchuan took out a porcelain bottle behind her and transmitted the sound to her ears with internal force.

"You know? In fact, the Witch King not only prepared Kuva, but also prepared an antidote!"

Xie Linlang's expression froze!

She stopped subconsciously, but immediately turned around to refute something.

"Impossible! Kuva only took shape, he was killed by me!"

In other words, he has no time to prepare any antidote.

Yuan Tianli squinted and smiled.

"You are right, this is indeed not the antidote, but for you, it is the antidote."

At this time, the **** army had gradually left their sight while driving on the mount, and Qin Jun surrounded Yuan Tianchuan, staring at him with guard!

Surrounded by layers, Yuan Tiancha not only did not panic, but drove his horse closer step by step.

"...The Witch King is superb with poison. Kuva is his most perfect work, but as the owner of Kuva, do you think it is perfect?

It's not.

Because it is unstable, there is always the danger of outbreak, if you are not careful, it will turn you into a half-human, half-ghost lunatic!

But you know what? It is not perfect, not because the Witch King’s ability is not enough to perfect it, but the last medicine that can make Kuva perfect, he didn’t give it to you! "

Xie Linlang's pupils suddenly tightened, and her eyes fell on the small porcelain vase in the opponent's hand, perfect... Kuva?

Yuan Tianchi followed her sight and held up the porcelain vase.

"...As long as you take this medicine, the 1,008 poisonous poisons in your body will reinforce each other, form a self-circulation cycle, and finally become your dantian that truly belongs to you and has no hidden dangers.

The reason why the Witch King didn't give it to you at the time was because after you took this medicine, you would be truly honest and invincible in the world!

He was afraid that he could not hold you down, so he hid the medicine.

Later, you killed him, and you became enchanted. When you wake up and return to the Witch King Valley, both the medicine and the "Witch King Poison Classic" came into my hands.

And now, I give you two choices. "

He said that he squeezed the porcelain bottle tightly, and with his internal strength, with a little effort, the bottle and the medicine would turn into powder together!

"First, you defeated me, it shows that you are more qualified than me to be the master of the world!

I can remove obstacles for you, and I can give you this medicine!

At the moment, I have asked all the gods under my command to punish Qin Jue. They are more perfect than those of the Marsh Kingdom, and they are more intrepid and fearless than death!

Believe me, even if one hundred thousand Qin Jun stood in front of Qin Jue, they could kill him.

As long as he is dead, who is more suitable to be emperor than you in this Da Qin?

At that time, you will not only be in the world, but you will also become the most powerful person in the world! "

Before Xie Linlang opened his mouth, Yuan Tiancha said again.

"Secondly, I crush this pill! From now on, you will still live in the thorns.

If you want to save him, you must defeat me first, but if you want to defeat me, you have to untie the remaining piercing nails... You know the pain of piercing nails better than I am.

By then you will be very strong, and maybe you can kill the army to save him, but it is also possible that you will be crazy in your life and you will never go back..."

"...Xie Guoshi, you play chess all your life. In this last round of chess, do you want to be the absolute winner, or do you want to be a **** of life and death for one person?"

"I really want to know!"

With crimson eyes, with this implicitly excited tone, he threw out a choice that made Xie Linlang unable to make a decision immediately.

Is the Kuva that the Witch King studied at the beginning is perfect? It's just that he deliberately hid a medicine to keep her from knowing?

If you take it, you can have a pubic pubic acid with no hidden dangers, and you can be invincible in the world, no more pain, no need to worry about losing control of yourself and hurting others...not to mention those bitter medicines and enduring unspeakable pain.

Seeing her silence, Yuan Tian Crack was even more excited! He drove forward and was only one meter away from Xie Linlang.

"What's the hesitation? Are you afraid of pain? Listening to Su Di, when he hit you when he was a child, you cried with pain. After eating it, no one can control you anymore. You, will Become the most perfect race as the Witch King said."

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