The distance was close, Xie Lin had amazing eyesight, and could see the faint green light on the small porcelain vase.

This is indeed the Witch King's thing. When he stores his beloved poison, he will use a porcelain bottle specially fired by himself. The porcelain bottle is smeared with medicine to ensure that the medicine in the bottle can be sealed for many years without reducing its efficacy.

Yuan Tiancra slowly gripped it, squinting.

"Besides, it's just to make you inaction. Maybe you do nothing and Qin Jue won't die? At that time, I will still follow the agreement and give you the medicine..."

"After all, the only thing I want is to make you as cold-blooded as I am. Isn't that reasonable? Why can someone who own everything have love? That would be too unfair."

On the other side, after Qin Jue's people encountered the Divine Army, they fell into a hard fight!

Although the opponents only had 15,000 people, they each had one enemy to ten. On the Qin Army’s side, in addition to the 30,000 people sent by Xie Linlang to support, the remaining 50,000 people were even the gods because of lack of physical strength and equipment. Can't resist any tricks!

Seeing that they were facing death with the gods, Qin Jue acted decisively and ordered the 50,000 people to withdraw from the battlefield.

And he himself, turned on his horse, took 30,000 people and retreated, and ran in the direction of Tianyuan Camp!

When he did this, those sacred troops really let go of the 50,000 people and chased them in the rear.

Upon seeing this, Bai Heng asked Qin Jue with some concern.

"Your Majesty, aren't we going to the Tianyuan camp to throw ourselves into the net?"

Qin Jue said in a deep voice, "No, it's so dark, and it's difficult for them to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Right now, the Tianyuan General Camp is fighting hard. Only when we are there can we get rid of these lunatics."

Sure enough, the Tianyuan General Camp was in chaos at this time!

They were first stunned by Xie Linlang with a blast of bombs. Not long after Xie Linlang left, the Qin army was overwhelmed by the army, and the number was twice as many!

Coupled with the fact that Yuan Tianchuan was not in the field to command, this led to the already frustrated morale even more sluggish.

Gradually, they began not to listen to the command of the master, but to fight on their own, naturally being defeated by the Qin army!

When Qin Jue came over, the Qin Army beside him had been killed by the Divine Army.

If you can't get rid of these killing machines quickly, you can imagine the consequences!

Qin Jue was thinking about how to get away while worrying about Lin Lang's situation. I heard that she only took 10,000 people, but five thousand gods were chasing her. So, she was more dangerous than him!

After rushing into the camp, the distance between the two sides finally opened up a little, and the already chaotic battlefield became more chaotic because of the intrusion of two more troops!

But even so, those gods still couldn't get rid of them. When Qin Jue led the people on a rampage in the camp, he accidentally discovered Tian Yuan's wine cellar!

His eyes lit up. Since Xiangcheng's distillation technology was passed on a few years ago, Tianyuan people have been drinking high-concentration spirits!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked people to carry the wine out, smashed it on the ground, and set a fire!

The fire spread quickly, and the horses that the **** army sat down stopped moving forward when they met the fire, and Qin Jue had a chance to get rid of them!

But after such a tossing, the Qin Army next to him turned out to be only 20,000, which shows that the lethality of the Divine Army is indeed terrifying!

Just when Qin Jue was about to take people to find Xie Linlang, he only heard a cry of "Oh", he looked back and saw a shocking scene!

I saw those gods who didn't know what they had eaten, suddenly went crazy! Their battle clothes were bulged with muscles, and their eyes stared out!

Qin Jue is very familiar with this state. He killed a man like this in Zeguo. When he stabbed that man's lifeline, the other party still had the power to fight back, so that he was injured a little that time.

And in front of me, there is not only one such monster, but more than ten thousand!

In the face of this kind of monster that has been turned on, there is no other way but to fight to the death.

At this time, a beam of flames rose into the sky, and the battlefield entered the most cruel stage at this time.


Faced with the temptation of Yuan Tianshou, Xie Linlang was undeniably shaken for a moment.

But when she saw the fireworks rising into the sky, her eyes instantly regained clarity.

Taking advantage of Yuan Tian's rupture, she stabbed him with a sword, but was slightly staggered by him. The Heavenly Meteorite Sword pierced his shoulder and cut the surface of the golden armor, but she couldn't pierce it anyway!

Yuan Tian Crack was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly distorted!

The next second he retreated with his sword, and the sword aura forced the Qin Jun beside him to retreat.

A wave of invisible pressure spreads, and in a duel of super masters, most people don't even have the qualifications to get close.

Xie Linlang also ordered.

"The whole army listens to the order! Go to Tianyuan camp immediately to help out! In case of a divine army, war of attrition is the main thing, remember!"


There were originally some people who were unwilling to leave, but the strength that both sides showed at this moment was indeed beyond their reach!

Even if they stayed, they couldn't help, so in the end, the lieutenant only left a small team on standby and took the rest back.

A gust of wind swept across the grass. This should be the first and last time the two had fought!

Yuan Tianshou's offensive was extremely swift. He jumped directly from his horse and swept in front of Xie Linlang. In an instant, he had a dozen moves with Xie Linlang.

With the surplus of his moves, he almost shook the horse under Xie Linlang to death. Fortunately, Xie Linlang got off the horse in time. After the swords in their hands collided fiercely, they fell on the grass when they moved away on.

The meager light in the night is also enough for them, Yuan Tianchi holding the sword in his left hand, looking at Xie Linlang with some incomprehension.

"So, you chose to enter the game in the end... Why? Don't you want to crack Kuva in your dreams? Now that there is a better solution, you are going to give up for a man?"

The Heavenly Meteorite Sword in Xie Linlang's hand made a buzzing sound because of the murderous infusion, but her tone was still calm and her eyes were clearer than ever.

"...I really want to crack Kuva, but the reason I think is that I want to be better with the people I care about."

"If you don't care about it, it doesn't really matter whether it breaks or not. The choice you give is upside down."

Yuan Tiancha snorted, and again swung his sword at Xie Linlang! His every move and every style can bring up a strong air current, and every time Xie Linlang uses the Heavenly Fallen Sword to block, it will arouse golden red sparks.

"So, sitting on the country, the world is invincible, these...can't you keep you?"

Yuan Tianchuan attacked, and questioned word by word. It seemed that Xie Linlang's choice made him extremely disappointed and extremely angry!

"Xie Linlang! You could have been the biggest winner. It seems that you really don't know what you gave up, or are women like this? You are the same as Wang Qingwan, no different!"

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