The Crownless King

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

In a void, desolate and filled with emptiness, we hear noises filled with screams. The screams appear to the screams of a random being screaming random thoughts. And as we go closer instead of a being we see an orb, spherical in shape with a golden glow, floating through the void, lighting the darkness up as it moves, though its only by a tiny bit.

"Oh god its dark, someone on the lights.....AHHHHHH....Where the f£$k is my body?.... Holy shit where the fuċk am? Wait ...Wait...Who am i?..."...screams the orb.

MC: Hellllllo....hellllllllooooooooo..... Is any one there? WHERE THE F$%k AM I?????????? IS ANYONE THERE? HELPPPP? AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The orb continues screaming for an unknown amount of time, confused by its current predicament as its fearful of the unknown. Yet as time passes the orb silences, presumably thinking its current situation over, only fr to suddenly shout out..." AHHHH FUCK IT!!!! I MA DO SOME FLYING".

Hours later we across the orb singing "Ring a ring a roses,a bucket full of roses ....." and "The bȯȯbs on the bus go up and down, up and down..... all through the town....". As it fly's around doing barrel rolls and drawing "certain" shapes as continues to sing and scream out various profanities.

Then suddenly we hear an unearthly voice, sending of vibes of pure power as it shouts out..."SHUT UP!!". And due to the surprise of this unexpected development, the little orb squeals, screaming full of fear and surprise. A heavenly glow once again lights up the void and we again hear the mighty voice again shouting "SHUT UP!!!!" towards the tiny orb, one again with no small amount of annoyance and anger present in its voice. Silence reigns over one again to the void and we see the tiny orb staring to the heavenly light whilst the latter does the same to the orb.

The void suddenly lights up and we see the orb now in the form of a young teenage body with average looks and a wrath filled face clearly expressing its anger and irritation, facing the ethereal light which now has taken the form of a man.(Who we all know and love)THE MAN,THE MYTH, THE LEGEND..... ( DRUM ROLL ) THE MORGAN FREEMAN..!!

MC: So let me get this straight, you killed me and an i quote ," by mistakenly sending a rouge lightening BECAUSE YOU SNEEZED!! and YOU KILLED ME!!!?? And ..And you F£%KING FORGOT ME FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG??????????????

GOD: No child its "F%^KING FORGOT ME FOR ''''YOU'''' KNOWS HOW LONG???"... Get it??? =)

MC: F&^k YOU!!!!!

GOD: HAHAHAHA...Ok all jokes died **Mc screams; "YA THINK????" **....but look on the bright lived an insignificant life****MC SCREAMS : F$%K YOU...once again****

GOD SHOUTS "DON'T INTERRUPT ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!! and we hear a yell, eerily similar to that of the child, coming for the teenager

GOD: So this is what I'll do Dan ( I SORRY..BAD NAMING SENSE) I'll give you 3 wishes since i am feeling nice and you know for forgetting you. Remember nothing too god like, and I'll send you to a different fictional world like those fanfics you've read.

DAN: Really....really.....OK!!!!!!!!!!...SOOOO!!!!!!!....I want to go to the HP universe and for my wishes....

For my First wish:- i want large magical an insane amount, like maybe 4-5

times greater than Dumbledore.

For my Second wish:- I want two animagus forms. 1) A dragon and 2)A Wolf

For my Third wish:- I want to have fire,lightening and wood magic abilities.


"OHH MY ME!!!....You certainly ask for a lot don't you???...But its OK! You know why? Cause I am God!", replies God looking down at our MC with a prideful expression and a pose eerily similar to a certain blond hero, only to see a dumbfounded look present on our MC.

*Coughing* at what happened the god continues....

grow larger and it won't come all at once. For you second, once again in time, you'll have to grow older in order to allow your magic to completely merge with you...but as an exception I'll allow you to become a natural animagus, meaning you'll simply transform into your beast without the use of magic potions, etc..but you'll have to learn how to control it. And finally for the third, I'll give you a toned down version of Fire and lightening magic from fairy tail and for the wood it'll be like Hashirama's wood style however it too will be toned down, but on the plus side it will give you a high-healing factor and a stronger body, not superhuman level but still good. Meaning if you break your bones instead of months it will only take about a week at worst, and for you body you can lift up to 3 tons after you finish growing...maybe more if you train.

/////INFO DUMP////// (The record for an overhead lift stands at 263.5 kilograms. According to Dan Wathen, an athletics trainer at Youngstown State University, Ohio, Bolton and weightlifters like him are nearly five or six times stronger than the average man, who will struggle to lift 45 kilograms over his head, reports the New Scientist.)

GOD: Now quickly tell me how you want to look and what era you want to be born in. *sigh* I am

getting to old for this shit.

MC: OK I want to look like Mikoto Suoh from K Project and i want my eye color's to be, left eye

blood red and the right eye to be dark lilac and I want to be reborn in the book era. Also i want

to transmigrate not be reborn as I don't want to go through the baby process.

GOD: OK now go and enjoy

And with that the MC glows and disappears.

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