The Crownless King

Chapter 2 - Transmigrating

Amidst the darkness in a small room we see a battered body of young child. Said child's body was not only extremely malnourished to the point where we could literally make out his bone structure, but it was also riddled with horrific scars and burns throughout his body and with many fresh ones across his arms and torso. His fingers were broken and he was only wearing a boxer.

Blood was dripping from his wounds forming a bloody puddle, but suddenly... his body begins to glow, engulfing the room with a golden glow and then in an instant, just like it came, the light vanished. Once again allowing the darkness to return to the room.

The child's body starts wriggling slowly, and as it happens, the deep groves of cuts on his body which were previously present start to slowly heal whilst small amounts of smoke is released from his body. His broken fingers and bones start straightening, though if one looks properly-you can still see some of the horrific scars on the boy's back and a burn mark on the uppermost part of the boy's shoulder. [Yes...there are scars deal with it!]

The boy's eyes start flickering and soon they open, they shine, like emerald gems, that seem to suck you in, flickered with intelligence. Those eyes, they were ones far beyond that of a 7 year old, as they seemed to hold years of wisdom and pain.

The boy the tries to get up, albeit slowly due to the pain still being present despite him still being miraculously healed, when he suddenly crashes to the floor and grips his head, screaming in pain.

The child's screams of pain were the only thing that broke the unearthly silence of the room.


As I open my eyes and try to get up slowly , I feel as though I was beaten alive as even the slightest of movements cause pain throughout my body. But suddenly my head throbs in immense pain and i fall. Gripping my head tightly, I start screaming as new memories start flooding my head like river.

As i go through the previous host's memories, tears start to stream down my face. I mourn for this child, i cry in sadness and pity towards the young child's life. He truly lived a hellish life in his short 7 years of existence.

His mother was a stripper, a whore and at 19 she had him and he was a mistake, and how did i know this? Simple throughout his short life, his so called mother told him it daily, making sure he knew what he was....a filthy little mistake. Apparently the reason why his mother kept him instead of going for an abortion was due one of her colleagues saying how the "customers" may have a fetish for brėȧst milk and how if he grew up she could probably sell him and gain some cash. Sadly though the child bȧrėly understood this, he could bȧrėly speak.

But he knew one thing, his mother, his creator...she despised him. And despite his bȧrėly present emotions or intelligence, he understood this, and that hurt him. His heart broke at her hate filled eyes that were present whenever she looked at him, and sadly he never understood why.

It seemed that after she gave birth to him she bȧrėly took care of him, leaving him to fester in his own filth for days. He grew up in strip club watching his mother dancing in the pole and at home, hearing her mȯȧns as she pŀėȧsurėd her customers. Her boyfriend, probably his father was an abusive bastard, beating him and cutting him. Making the poor child watch him pŀėȧsurė his so called mother. For 7 years he lived a life of pain and loneliness. He never knew any kind of love, hell he didn't even have a name, he was only called mistake.

And last night his so called mother's ...boyfriend came home in a drunken rage and beat him and his mother to death. Which allowed me ( the m.c) to take over the body.

Though I did realize that I was an anomaly. I was now two souls in one, something that had most likely never existed in this universe, and with my past and present lives I had an in depth perspective of this world and its darkness. My...Our souls seemed to merge, creating an entirely new existence.

I realized it was a second chance for us, a new beginning and I've decided rise, to never bow down. To find love this time. To live.

Sadly realized I also realized that I was in the middle of a cold war which would soon become a full out war and to survive and life I needed power.

But first things first I needed a name and " A mistake" wasn't working. I would gain strength and knowledge. Gain wealth, fame and most importantly find love. I closed my eyes and thought of a name, one which would soon define me, and I got it....Perseus. Perseus D Dracarys.


Calming down , I sat down and began to meditate as to collect my thoughts and think clearly. I went deep into my consciousness and I saw a floating orb, most probably my gifts. I slowly began to merge with the orb, and finally after an hour or so I had succeeded, and it was like a dam had broken. I felt a rush of power engulf me and saw small but very noticeable glow around my body.

Cracks began to form in floor and walls due to the magical pressure being released by me. I tried willing it to stop and it slowly began to vanish, I realized that i right now had the magical reserves which were probably well beyond someone my age and probably nearing a mȧturėd teenager, most likely due to my wishes.

As I got up, I saw that room I was previously murdered in, it was dark and dirty. Slowly I reached out to the door and opened it, and as I walked out into the hallway I saw the dead body of a women in her late twenties, heavily injured and surrounded by a sea of blood. Strangely though, looking at the gruesome sight I felt nothing. It was strange the dead body right in front of me, it was of my mother's , the women who had given birth to me and yet i felt nothing towards it. No love,no hate ... nothing.

Perhaps pity and sadness towards what could've formed a proper bond, but other than that...nothing.

As I gazed upon the room I was in, I also saw the body of the drunken oaf that had tortured me for years lying on the floor unconscious, with an insufferable stench being emitted from him. And from where I don't know but I suddenly felt an endless amount rage and hatred towards it, towards the pain and torture it caused me and for murdering me. My emotions raged out and it was rampant like a raging fire. But then I saw the room lighting up slowly, due the very light being emitted from my hand.

And to my surprise it was covered in a small flame and saw small sparks of lightening surrounding the flame. It drew me out of my rage and startled me. This was probably something similar to accidental magic which young wizards have when they are young and it probably happened due to my strong emotional turmoil.

The flames covered my hands, and as I tried to feel my magic and release it, the flames grew larger. Now about the size of small tennis ball. It was beautiful with reddish flames. It didn't feel hot, it was warm and it slowly covered my hand, it didn't burn anything which was strange. It was as though the flames were comforting me, calming me.

As i came out of my stupor, I calmed my rage, I had to think what i was going to do. I couldn't live alone here and more importantly I needed to have vengeance. So I quickly looked around around the house and found about 1500 pounds, I quickly took it along with some of my so called cloths, which were basically rags and walked out of the house.

Because the house was in the deep slums of London and it was away from other houses,and since it was dark, I decided to burn it down. To burn my past, and be reborn a new. And so gathering as much of my energy and hatred I could, I managed to make an intense fireball, a little larger than a tennis ball, but I felt the immense heat of the flames being released.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I opened them with a new resolve and threw the fireball towards the wretched wooden house, instantly causing it to explode and light up in flames.

I turned around and walked into the darkness as the flames raged on behind me, the journey of Perseus D Dracarys had just begun.


Hope you like it....judge after first 5 chps..patience!


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